#13 - The immense potential of pumped hydro power
Hello! Today: We explore the resurgence of pumped hydro power across Europe. From Germany's ambitious energy transition to Sweden's revival of its largest pumped hydro facility – discover how these power stations provide a crucial, plannable power source for our future energy needs. Plus: Why is tidal power given another go in the Bristol Channel? And how offshore wind farm Lillgrund is making marine life thrive.
Plannable power / 4 min?
“The Swiss Army knives of the energy industry.” Why pumped hydro power is making a comeback
What to know: Pumped hydro power plants function as giant batteries. By storing large amounts of water and then releasing it to generate electricity, they have become one of Germany's most important energy sources.
Why it matters: While other fossil-free energy sources, like wind and solar power, are weather dependent, pumped hydro power is predictable. The ability of pumped hydroelectric power stations to store energy in the form of water essentially turns them into a kind of battery that can be used when needed.“I usually describe pumped hydroelectric power stations as The Swiss Army knives of the energy industry”, says Peter Apel, Vice President of Vattenfall’s hydro power plants in Germany, in an interview with THE EDIT.
Waves of change / 3 min?
Has the time come to tame the tide?
In the UK, the need for predictable, fossil-free and preferably domestic energy has revived an old dream: to harness the tide of the Bristol Channel. The extreme tidal range in the channel could be used to generate electricity covering seven per cent of the country's needs. A newly formed commission has been tasked with finding an acceptable solution for the environmental, technical and economic challenges.
Under the surface / 4 min?
How Lillgrund wind farm is transforming the seabed into a vibrant ecosystem
When divers from the Swedish Coast and Sea Center (SCSC) were exploring the seabed at Lillgrund between Sweden and Denmark, they made a pleasant discovery: that marine life has flourished in the area since the installation of the wind farm. By providing shelter and food for marine life, these structures could contribute to more bountiful oceans.
Hydro power dams
Untapped potential
Only 20 per cent of the world's approximately 9,700 dams and embankments are used to generate hydro power. This means that there are significant opportunities to expand hydro power without building new dams. According to the US Department of Energy, developing the 100 largest non-powered dams in the US could add 8 GW of hydro power capacity. Several reports suggest that similar potential exists in other parts of the world. (hydropower.org)
Eels on wheels / 2 min
Swedish eels hitch a lift towards the Sargasso sea?
Every year, Vattenfall assists in the migration of thousands of endangered eels from Sweden's Lake V?nern, escorting them past hydro power stations on their way to the spawning grounds in the Atlantic Ocean. Our slithery friends are also being monitored by satellite.
News flash
3 x quick updates from the energy world
Keep on EV-trucking
Solar power: A space odyssey
The future of French fusion
And finally …
You might think that the age of steam is a thing of the past. You’d be wrong! While steam locomotives and steam engines in the mechanical industry are generally outdated, nuclear and other thermal plants still rely on steam to function. In fact, most of the world’s electricity today is produced using steam turbines. Associate Professor Andreas Helwig writes in The Conversation about the unbeatable advantages of heating water to generate electricity.
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Ervaren projectleider industriele projecten
4 个月https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_Lievense
Aff?rsutvecklare / S?ljare av system f?r fordonsv?gar @ Motus Weighing AB
6 个月Hej alla Ni v?g?gare p? fj?rrv?rme & ?tervinning ! Intresserad av milj?v?nliga, personalsn?la och digitala system f?r v?gning av transportfordon ? T?nk inkommande flis till fj?rrv?rmeverk som ett exempel ! P? v?rmeverket i Gislaved ?r Motus smarta och digitala l?sning h?gst uppskattad d? den b?de frig?r personella resurser och l?ser flaskhalsar ! https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/mk1961_aevtervinning-avfall-miljaem-activity-7187025477348315136-QdNI?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Sachbearbeiter Elektrotechnik im Engineering Team E-Technik bei der Vattenfall Wasserkraft GmbH
7 个月Sie sind auch Wasserspeicher, L?schwasserreserve, Kühlakku der Region, Lebensraum, Hochwasserschutzanlagen (an der Saale gab es früher heftige Hochwasser und im Frühjahr Eisfuhrten / Eisabg?nge und Sch?den). Da volatile Netz braucht sie auch als Netzfeuerwehr und zur Schwarzstartf?higkeit. They are also water reservoirs, fire-fighting water reserves, cold packs for the region, habitat, flood protection systems (there used to be heavy floods on the Saale and ice flows/ice releases and damage in the spring). Since the network is volatile, it is also needed as a network fire department and for black start capability. best regards from hydropower in Hohenwarte
Senior Partner, Carter Lemon Camerons LLP, Law Firm London, England
7 个月LOVE THE PUMPED HYDRO CONCEPT; HAVE EVER SINCE I FIRST READ ABOUT IT. Question for any experts - would there be merit in having wind turbines in the upper reservoir so as to minimise power loss between 'surplus' generation elsewhere and the water-raising pumping to ensure the 'battery' is at maximum 'charge'? And of course if and when the top reservoir is full and wind/solar producing enough not to run it down, the wind generated power from those turbines can go straight into 'the grid' (or if one sets the wind turbines to pump without making electricity at all, if it is possible to pump up and generate power down one can let the turbines carry on raising the same amount of water as drops down a different 'tube' to generate hydro which feeds into the grid. Just a thought from an enthusiast...
"Fokuserar p? kundrelationer och partnerskap f?r att st?ndigt utveckla oss inom s?kerhet, bevakning och utbildning."
7 个月Very useful