The 13 Distinctions of an Embodied Entrepreneur
Joel Burgess
Leadership & Business Coach to Heart-Led Coaches, Consultants & Entrepreneurs | Ancient Wisdom. Modern Systems. 10-50k Months. | ft. Forbes |?? Steal My System??
If you're like every coaching I know... you LOVE learning.
It's likely why you love coaching so much... right!?
Because you get learn and grow and call it work...
If feeeeels good to learn doesn't it. It feels good to buy new books. Sign up to new webinars and courses.
That dopamine hit... goes straight into the veins...
It can feel like you're making progress in your business.
But let me get real with you...
Learning is more often than not, mental masturbation.
And I can say that... because that was me!
I would even spent hours planning the order of which I would read my books (anyone else!?)
Kidding myself that this would help me drive my business forward.
That was I saw it for what it was...?fear in fancy dress!
Because what's behind that mental masturbation is a fear of sales, a fear of marketing, a fear of promoting yourself, a fear of telling your story, a fear of being found out, a fear of failure, a fear of rejection, confusion around your offer, a lack of self-worth...
All poison in your coaching business.
Because all this fear keeps you from the one thing you need to develop your coaching business...
Fully committed paying clients.
Because money doesn't solve all problems, but it solves all business problems (and book-buying addictions ?? - damn it).
And I don't want you to go crawling back on your hands and knees, eating humble pie the whole time, begging the old boss you hated for your job back…
I want you to succeed the first time around.
So imagine this...
It's how I feel daily.
As after 7 years of building a 7-figure food tech business and multiple 6-figure coaching businesses - I know what it takes to build a thriving business.
And it's surprisingly simple...
It ALL comes down to three things...
And today I want to talk about who you need to be...
Which in my mind comes down to two people...
Check this blog out for #1
But what is an Embodied Entrepreneur?
Someone who is fully present in their power and potential.
Someone who has a deep understanding of how their body and mind interact to create success in their business.
And it's not enough to think like one, you have to BE one. Your actions, feelings and thoughts have to be aligned. Coherent. Congruent.
So here are 13 Distinctions of an Embodied Entrepreneur
Yeah, but?how to become one... ??
Well, first, there has to be the desire... which I assume you have... as you're here!
Then it's just a case of asking for help and making the leap...
So my friend...
It's time to stop playing safe. Stop signing up for more coaching qualifications, reading books and designing?your logo.
And become?an Embodied Entrepreneur...?and ask for help.
The one action I owe half of my?success to.
So if you're ready to know what it REALLY takes to build a successful coaching business, take my Thriving Coach Revenue Roadmap to unlock what's holding you and your business back...
Big love, and here's to your success!
Here are two ways you can work with me...
ps I'm running a free workshop called Ticket to Ten, where I will be running through the 5 pillars of a thriving coaching business - I'd love to see you there!?Just click here to register.
pps apply for my mastermind Ten 2 Ten - for coaches that want to grow their business to consistent £10k months (or I work with you till you get there). Click here to apply.