13 articles! Get noticed by wealthy folks! Why investors need advisors! Remind friends what you do! More!
13 articles! Do not be impressed. This covers a two-week period because we were on vacation. Please let me know if you have a favorite, something you would like to learn more about. Leave a note in the Comment section below.?
Getting into the right crowd is not as hard as you think, but you will need to spend some money. Here are ten ways to do it. Some are less expensive than others.?
10 Ways to Get Noticed in Wealthy Circles ThinkAdvisor (9/1/22)?
You have heard the expression “Someone needs to be the adult.” Some people go through life without a plan, assuming the good times will last forever. Others have unrealistic expectations. Advisors can fill an important need for people who don’t think ahead or spend excessively.?
10 Hard Questions That Reveal Why Investors Need Advisors ThinkAdvisor (9/7/22)?
Most people have been working from home sometime over the past three years. Lots of jokes have been made about it. There are benefits, like no more morning commute, but there are qualities lost too, like building relationships and spontaneous idea sharing. What do you think??
Is Working from Home a Blessing or a Burden?? BenefitsPro (8/30/22)?
Remember when you were taught to bring up referrals by starting with: “Who do you know...” Here are several ways to word that question. Each goes in a different direction. The more specific the request, the better your chances of getting a name.?
10 Questions That Prompt Clients to Provide Referrals Financial Advisor (9/1/22)?
https://www.fa-mag.com/news/10-questions-that-prompt-clients-to-provide-referrals-to-you-69387.html ?
Years ago, all advisors and agents started in the business by “building your own book.” Legacies followed as experienced advisors brought in the next generation. Then firms embraced teaming. If you are presented with a choice, there are pros and cons to each alternative.?
Sole Practitioner or Team Member? Which is Better? Advisorpedia (8/30/22)?
Ever get told: “I’ll call you if I need you.” It’s important to respect people’s wishes, but it’s highly possible they only understand a small slice of what you do for a living. Reminders in the form of anonymous success stories can be a tactful way to proceed.?
The Case for Reminding Friends About What You Do Financial Advisor (9/1/22)?
When the stock market does so well for so long, it can be tempting to think: “Making money is easy.” It’s important to remember every trade has a buyer and a seller, someone getting in as another gets out. Selling your winners while holding your losers is one mistake. There are more.?
Seven Deadly Sins Clients?Commit in Down Markets Advisorpedia (9/6/22)?
Imagine a business where you cannot tell others about your greatest successes. Advisors are in that position along with doctors because of confidentiality. Your clients probably don’t understand you can’t talk about them. Remind them they can talk about you.?
How Confidentiality Becomes a Sales Advantage Financial Advisor (8/26/22)?
These actions relate to most clients, but older clients should really react well if you put them into practice. It’s important to remember personalized client service has often become a thing of the past, remembered fondly but not expected today. You can change that.?
9 Actions to Make Older Clients Happy Rethinking65 (8/9/22)?
Agents and advisors often think of accountants and lawyers when thinking about influencers. This category also includes people who “know stuff” others do not know. There are people in the community people tend to listen to or approach with their problems.??
Who Are the Influencers in Your Community? MDRT Blog (8/29/22)?
Every so often you have the opportunity to make a positive difference in someone’s personal life. In many cases there is no immediate business benefit, but by being compassionate you strengthen a bond and build loyalty.Don’t miss out when these opportunities present themselves.?
Make an Impact MDRT Round the Table (Sept/Oct 2022 Issue)?
My weekly LinkedIn newsletter skipped a week because we were on vacation. On this occasion we sailed on a smaller ship that featured all the amenities we would find on a bigger vessel. If you wonder what Covid protocols when travelling look like today, read on. ?
Sailing Southampton, England to Lisbon, Portugal on Azamara Quest AllThingsCruise (8/31/22)?
I am a wine fan. The cruise ship spent two days in Bordeaux, France. I used the opportunity to visit two famous Chateaus during the port stop. Here is where we visited and how we got there.?
Sailing Southampton on Azamara Quest: Days 2,3 and 4 AllThingsCruise (9/3/22)?