13. Anxiety

13. Anxiety

Everyone knows that the absolute best thing about being on holiday is going home at the end of it. In our case, going home at the beginning of it would have been better but it is what it is.

That said, even though our famalam holibobs were a complete fucking disaster from start to finish (as they are most years tbf) we did have some not many nice moments, and although I definitely wouldn't want to ever do any of it ever again, I must admit it was nice to get out the house for a bit.

Here's the next instalment. You'll be pleased to hear there's only one more to go.

Day 12: Amsterdam (part 2)

After spending most of our final morning of the holiday studying Nazi paraphernalia, which is the way we try to end every family holiday, we decided to wander through a very sunny Amsterdam with the aim of being back at the train station for 4pm so we had time to get our stuff and then get the train to the airport in time for our flight at 7.

Austin was a bit quiet but we put that down to him being tired out from all our adventures and thoughtful after visiting the museum. I told you before that he's quite sensitive, unlike the twins who lack both sense and sensitivity (or indeed sensibility).

The walk around Amsterdam was lovely it's such a great city with a nice chilled vibe to it and I love seeing the canals and bright flowers and beautiful houses and interesting shops.

Cos we were with Tom and his kids we had to factor in a lunch break (my kids were delighted, me n Porl were less so) and so we stopped at 12pm for a picnic lunch in a lovely little park with a play area.

Me n Porl and the kids had finished off every single piece of our picnic lunch by 12.05pm and by 12.07pm we were sucking on the empty sandwich wrappers. Tom's family are less locust like than mine though and by 1pm they STILL hadn't eaten all their food. I find it quite strange when people don't guzzle and glutton their food immediately and don't entirely trust anyone who doesn't. In my view it's a strong indication of poor character.

Tom's family's complete failure to eat their lunch within a reasonable time frame meant that we were in the park for way longer than I would have liked.

Now as you're all aware, my first career as a college lecturer has left me with severe PTSD for a number of reasons and this has manifested itself most noticeably through the airport anxiety I mentioned in my last post. I HATE being late, or thinking I'm going to be late, for flights.

Every time I bring up the idea of having a family holiday, Porl jumps all over the fact that I'm a bit nervous of airports and tries to use this as a reason to not have a holiday. Unfortunately for him I'm a double hard bastard and it takes a lot more than a tiny bit of airport anxiety for me to cancel the sheer unaldatered joy of a famalam holibobs, much to Porl's dismay.

So we're in the park and me n Porl and our kids are eyeing up Tom's uneaten food and trying to figure out how uneaten food even exists. It's now 1.15 and horror of horrors, Tom's youngest who is just three years old, has fallen asleep on a bench like a tiny little tramp.

I look at her all cute and relaxed on the bench and it's now 1.30 and I'm starting to get twitchy. And yes, I know we have 2.5 hours to get to the station which is an hour's walk away but what can I say. Airports make me irrational.

Porl n Tom want to let her sleep cos all of a sudden they've become nurturing but this can't happen cos of time so I take matters into my own hands and start banging things around, yelling loudly at the kids, rustling bags, sitting on her feet 'by accident' and generally doing everything I could to wake up a sleeping child without it looking like that was what I was trying to do. And yes I am an arsehole and no I don't even care.

Eventually she woke up startled and crying and I pretended to think it was a shame. Maeve who is the most switched on member of the family and knew exactly what I was up to gave me a knowing look.

It was now 1.45 and I said to Porl and Tom that we needed to leave NOW. They both rolled their eyes and Tom slowly mansplained how the station was only an hour away and we had plenty of time to get there and I need to chill. This of course made me chill out straight away and instantly relax and I definitely didn't think about murdering him and burying his body in the sandpit.

Eventually at 2pm we left the park and started walking to the station and I started to relax a bit.

Often the children, their teachers, their grandparents, social services, our friends and other people who know us well, bandy about words like 'abusive' , 'neglectful', 'lazy', 'selfish', 'lax' and 'unbelievable' when they discuss mine n Porl's parenting style and tbf they're pretty accurate, but one thing I will say is that our unconventional parenting has resulted in kids who are bloody good walkers.

We've been force-walking them ever since they took their first forced steps, initially thanks to having a border collie which are the best dogs but need a lot of walking, but also cos it's impossible for one adult to carry two babies at once. We found this out the hard way (sorry Corin). So the choices are buggy or walk. So we walked. Everywhere. Cos twin buggies are even more cumbersome than my marriage.

Other people's kids on the other hand might (almost definitely) be loved and cared for and cherished more than ours, but fuck me are they slow walkers. In my opinion the only thing worse than people who don't guzzle and glutton their food immediately are people who walk slowly. I think the two things go together actually. In fact it's probably all the fast-walking-to-get-to-the-buffet-first that has made my family into such good walkers.

As lovely as Tom's kids are, they do not walk fast and because Tom is a good Dad he walked at their pace, and cos Porl is a good friend he walked at Tom's pace.

Meanwhile me n my kids are walking at our normal pace and are suddenly miles ahead and Tom, Porl and the other kids are doing something that is so slow it can't even be described as walking. Fml.

At 2.45pm we're still half an hour away from the station when Tom suggests stopping at a cafe for drinks and Porl FUCKING AGREES. Ooh I was so cross. But I was a bit ahead so wasn't there to overule and veto his preferences like I usually do. When I looked behind me to see where they all were they're all sat outside a fucking cafe. Ffs.

So I went over and Porl had got drinks for everyone so we had to sit there and wait for them to come and of course we had the slowest waiter in the world and of course there was a mistake with the order and of course everyone needed to use the loo and of course the bill never came so we had to go in and ask for it and of course when it did come they only took cash and of course no one had the right amount of money so we all had to club together and do hard calculator maths and of course we had to wait ages for the change.

Seriously by the time we left the cafe it was 3.30pm and we're half an hour away from the station and I'm foaming at the mouth. It was all Porl's fault of course and he looked all resigned to getting a bollocking from me later which is not an attractive look so that made me cross too cos who wants an unattractive husband?

And of course when I say 30 mins from the station this is 30 mins according to Google maps time. For Me Porl and our kids who can actually walk at a human speed it would be 20 mins. I pride myself on always beating Google maps time every time I use it. If Google is telling me something is 6 minutes away, I'll get there in 4. It's my little fuck you to the machines.

So we're still ok for time, but for Tom and his kids who walk at the speed of roadkill we're looking at it being at least a 45 min walk. This is not happening.

I took Porl to one side and said we need to ditch the losers and go on by ourselves and he disagreed and said we had plenty of time and not to be a stress head. So of course I immediately stopped stressing and chilled out. Not.

I gave Porl my 'don't fuck with me' stare which I have perfected over the years and as usual he backed right down just as he should. I explained to Tom that we needed to leave now to get the station in time and he clearly thought I was being a nob about it but was too nice to say and so we said our goodbyes in the middle of Amsterdam and me n Porl and our kids set off at a fast walk for the station.

We got to the station at 3.55 cos despite our best fast walking efforts the streets were very busy and so we had to annoying slow walk some parts and wait at traffic lights in other parts.

Once we got to the station I stayed with the kids while Porl went to get the cases and it took him ages of course. But then we went to go through the barriers and of course the tickets didn't fucking work and we're holding up the queue of people behind us and I'm getting stressed cos it's now 4.15 and the trainperson tells us we've got the wrong tickets and we're trying to use metro tickets for the train and the computer says no so we have to go and find a ticket machine and get new tickets and then go back to the barrier and there's a huge fucking queue and so we miss the train we wanted to get and there's a 9 minute wait for the next one.

And it's 25 minutes to the airport. And we need to be at the airport at 5.

It's cutting it very very fine and my brain is going haywire but we should make it.

And then Austin throws up.


Luckily because I'm a mum I have a sixth sense when it comes to vomit and before it's even left his mouth I'm there with my plastic packet of Chupa Chups trying to catch it. The twins are wailing cos they don't want the Chupa Chups to be covered in sick, Porl is frozen to the floor in horror but also massively impressed by my vom catching reflexes and Austin is suddenly looking very very pale.

I told you he'd been quiet all day and it turns out he was not feeling very well. He had said in the park that he was feeling tired but I put that down to using up all his energy on being an 11 year old know-it-all and having had a full on holiday. I didn't think he was unwell and he didn't tell me that he was.

So we're there on the station platform and I'm holding a plastic packet full of Chupa Chups and spew and Porl is holding up a very shaky Frog and we're looking at each other and thinking wtaf are we going to do? He has to fly in two hours.

Well I'll tell you exactly what we did in the next post. Sorry this is turning into War and bloody Peace, I had every intention of finishing the whole sorry tale in this post but then I kept remembering more and more things that went wrong and would hate to spare you the joy of reading about my trauma and misfortune.

P.S. No photos from today cos anxiety.

When I'm not busy spamming friends, family and complete randoms with tales of my traumatic life, I ghostwrite thought leadership content for corporates. I tend not to swear so much and employ better grammar in my B2B comms pieces.

If you, or anyone you know, needs a hand with their thought leadership content, please do reach out. I'm usually booked up a couple of months in advance but can sometimes squeeze in a last minute project if the client is cool, groovy and has tons of cash.

Lisa de Caux

Stop your readers getting distracted by wordy niggles?Business books?Fiction?The enthusiasm is palpable

4 个月

I get stressed about being late for stuff too, Victoria! I remember meeting friends at the cinema when I was about fourteen (before mobile phones!) and being late (for reasons I can't remember though I'm sure they were good!). When I got there, my friend told me her reaction had been: 'Somewhere out there Lisa is panicking!' Ah, she knew me well ?? I look forward to your final episode!

Rob Longley

Rethinking the Future of Work, Sustainable Communities, Government Services | Sustainability | Going Remote First Newsletter | Coach | Consultant

4 个月

I may never set foot outside of my house again!

Dr. Elesa Zehndorfer

Award winning writer, TEDx speaker, Psychology Today blogger. (Political Animals & Animal Spirits). New book coming soon (Post-Truth Politics: A Brave New World: Routledge, Jan 2025).

4 个月

This is so funny - I'm exactly the same travel wise & there's a good reason for it, isn't there? ?? My son keeps asking me to retell a travel story from my college lecturer days. It was the first foreign week-long trip I'd been in charge of, and I had the mother of all schedules that I reinforced constantly. I even told a little white lie to the students - that the gate closed half an hour before it actually did. This was in the pre-smartphone era, so the students (adult aged, technically), had to be at that gate when they needed to be (I didn't keep us all together as quite frankly there were so many of us and,as mentioned already, they were technically adults). Anyway, two students missed the flight because they were in McDonalds eating burgers ??. I even called everyone's brick phone half an hour before that to re-remind them of where to be. Obviously they did not join us in Spain ??

Mike Scales

I focus on Employer / Employee Perks & Benefits, as well as specific tax reliefs like Capital Allowances. I facilitate introductions to R&D Tax Credits, Grant Funding, General Insurance, Forex & Accounting services.

4 个月

Remind me to avoid you like a plague if ever we happen to bump into each other on a holibob … the probability of something happening (in not a good way) is huge. ??



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