1/3 alive, 2/3 stagnant?
Anna Greer Macfarlane
I help brands find their right audience and convert to sales!
Spotify did an informal study years ago that revealed MOST people stop listening to new music in their mid-30s.
At first that seems kinda shocking. Assuming you healthily live to your 90s (hey, I'm an optimist for all of us), TWO-THIRDS of your life is a repeat of the same sounds of the first third. Not much new.
Upon further reflection, it seems this trend repeats itself in more than music.
It happens in fashion.
It happens in books and entertainment.
It happens in language.
In beliefs.
In education.
In "this is the way things are done."
One could argue, that in our mid-thirties, we are more comfortable in who we are and don't need to discover new things. We don't need to "waste our time" with trends.
But I would argue that STAGNATION is far worse. Life is change. Growth is change.
Hey, I still love George Michael and Beastie Boys and Queen. I also just listened to Billie Eilish's new album and highly suggest it. My daughter introduced me to Chappell Roan recently and I'm digging her music, too.
Tech changes. Learning changes. New apps are created and old apps are updated all of the time.
"This is just the way things have always been done" is bananas.
Like, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Two-thirds of life could be exciting and full of discovery and growth. Or stagnant.
I choose exciting.
What new music have you discovered recently?