#12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 7

#12weekchallenge: The Young Entrepreneurs Edition: Week 7

Hello ambitious young entrepreneurs!

Welcome to Week 7 of our #12weekchallenge!

This week, we're diving deep into a crucial skill for any entrepreneur: Mastering interviews.

We'll focus on both conducting interviews and being interviewed, with a special emphasis on leveraging platforms like TeleHealth Today or my own community TEC ONE .

The idea it to boost your visibility and credibility.

Why Focus on Expert Interviews?

Expert interviews are a powerful tool in your entrepreneurial toolkit. They can:

1. Provide invaluable insights you might not find through conventional research

2. Validate your ideas and challenge your assumptions

3. Open doors to unexpected collaborations

4. Elevate your authority in your niche

5. Create compelling content for your audience

Book Recommendation

At the heart of our approach this week is the invaluable book "Talking to Humans" by Giff Constable . His work has become a cornerstone in the startup community for its practical, actionable advice on conducting meaningful interviews.

I love his book and use it always in my coaching and trainings as a baseline.

As Noam Wasserman, Dean of Yeshiva University's Sy Syms School of Business, says: "If you are creating a new product, service or business, stop what you're doing and read this book right now."

Your Daily Challenges for This Week

Monday: Podcast Exploration and Community Immersion

- Search for podcast opportunities in your niche

- Reach out to TeleHealth Today to become a practitioner and schedule your presentation. DM me, if you want to know more. I am the organiser of this podcast.

You can also Join our 10 AM Pacific Time meeting to learn from peers: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpdOyppzgpGdfQNcJOQvs5KqP7ptVbaKXM

- DM me if you want to be interviewed for the TEC ONE Stories podcast:(https://www.youtube.com/@wkorb/podcasts)

Tuesday: Preparation and Profile Optimization

- Prepare your script, messaging, and bio for potential podcast interviews

- As a test case, send your material to me for feedback. Maybe you want to become a guest in my podcast the "TEC ONE Stories" anyway - see above for more details.

- Use this to highlight your unique expertise and services

Wednesday: Study the Craft

- Read the introduction and "The Story" section of "Talking to Humans" (about 30 pages)

- Write a brief reflection on how you plan to incorporate these insights into your own interview strategy

- Create a short video introducing your services and share it on LinkedIn, tagging e.g. TeleHealth Today or TEC ONE

"Talking to Humans" by

Thursday: Dive Deeper and Engage

- Continue with the "How To" section of Constable's book (about 37 pages)

- Draft a plan for your expert analytics, including interview structure and key areas to explore

- Comment on 5 posts in your LinkedIn community today

- Reach out to 2 - 3 potential collaborators on LinkedIn and ask them for an expert interview

Friday: Questionnaire Development and Innovation

- Craft your questionnaire for your first expert interview, aiming for 3-4 core questions

- Test your questions on a friend or colleague

Saturday: Outreach and Cross-Platform Engagement

- Review your outreach efforts and make a final push to secure at least 2-3 expert interviews

- Share your LinkedIn and/or TeleHealth Today profile on your Facebook and LinkedIn

- Engage with 3 posts to get more attention and find your interview partners

Sunday: Reflection and Planning

- Take a moment to relax and reflect on your progress over the past 7 weeks

- Write a brief journal entry or create a mind map to visualize your insights and growth (you can also do that on Monday to be more relaxed today ??)

Special Tips for Young Founders in the Healthcare Business

1. When interviewing medical professionals, always clarify if you can quote them directly in your blog.

2. Stay updated on HIPAA compliance and medical ethics in your content.

3. Consider reaching out to patient advocates for a holistic view of healthcare topics.

Final Thoughts

Remember, every expert conversation is a step towards mastering your craft and growing your business. Each interview is not just about gathering information, but about building relationships and positioning yourself as a serious, engaged member of your industry community. Particularly when you are visiting a podcast as a guest.

As we often say, "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." By seeking out expert advice and diverse perspectives, you're setting a strong foundation for your entrepreneurial success.

Ready to revolutionize your practice and make a real impact?

Send me a DM today and we will plan your first podcast interview in my "TEC ONE stories" podcast.

Your mentor and business coach,


P.S. What do you think about expert interviews, TeleHealth Today, TEC ONE and community building? Drop a comment below. Let's elevate your entrepreneurial journey together!

LEARN MORE, here are the links to follow:




Great share Werner Korb. Great that you are a practitioner and expert on our platform !



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