1267 Committees, oil theft, and the Riyadh Declaration
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
Today’s quote:
- 安理会1267委员会作为重要的国际反恐机制,根据安理会决议授权,将恐怖分子或组织列入制裁清单,有利于加强国际反恐合作,共同应对恐怖主义威胁。。。。我们还要指出的是,安理会1267委员会就恐怖组织或个人的列名及程序有明确规范。中方一贯严格根据委员会规则和程序,以建设性、负责任的态度参与1267委员会工作。?
As an important international counter-terrorism mechanism, the 1267 Committee of the Security Council is mandated by the UN body’s resolution to put terrorists or terrorist organizations on its sanctions list, which is conducive to strengthening international counter-terrorism cooperation and the joint fight against terrorist threats.?... It also needs to be pointed out that the committee has clear guidelines regarding the designation of terrorist organizations and individuals and related procedures. China takes part in the work of the committee in a constructive and responsible manner in strict accordance with these rules and procedures.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 安理会1267委员会就恐怖组织或个人的列名及程序有明确规范。中方一贯严格根据委员会规则和程序,以建设性、负责任的态度参与1267委员会工作。我们希望其他成员也能这样做。?
The committee [1267 Committee of the UN Security Council]?has clear guidelines regarding the designation of terrorist organizations and individuals and related procedures. China always takes part in the work of the committee in a constructive and responsible manner in strict accordance with these rules and procedures. We hope other members will do the same.?
- 中方强调,“东伊运”是联合国安理会1267委员会列名的恐怖组织,一直活动猖獗,不仅严重危害中国的安全稳定,也是国际社会的现实威胁。?
The Chinese side stressed that the ETIM is a terrorist organization listed by the 1267 Committee of the UN Security Council. Its rampant activities not only seriously endanger China’s security and stability, but also pose a real threat to the international community.?
- 埃方赞赏中方在巴勒斯坦问题上发挥的积极作用,期待与中国在联合国、“77国集团和中国”等平台加强协调配合,维护国际关系基本准则。?
Egypt appreciates China’s positive role on the Palestinian question, and looks forward to enhancing coordination with China at the UN, G77 and China and other platforms to uphold the basic norms in international relations.?
Today’s quote:
- 阿盟秘书长盖特表示,阿方赞赏中方有力高效将中阿峰会共识付诸行动,愿与中方就落实“八大共同行动”加强沟通对接,期待同中方进一步深化各领域合作,促进地区和平稳定发展。?
Secretary-General Gheit said the Arab League appreciates China’s effective and efficient implementation of the common understandings reached at the China-Arab States Summit, and is ready to strengthen communication with China on implementing the eight major cooperation initiatives. He also expressed the hope to further deepen Arab-China cooperation in various fields and promote regional peace, stability, and development.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 访埃期间,秦外长还同阿盟秘书长盖特举行会谈。双方一致同意落实好中阿峰会成果,加快推进“八大共同行动”,更好造福中阿双方人民。?
During his visit to Egypt, Foreign Minister Qin held talks with Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (LAS) Ahmed Aboul Gheit. The two sides agreed to deliver on the outcomes of the China-Arab States Summit and accelerate the implementation of the eight major cooperation initiatives, so as to bring more benefits to the peoples of both sides.?Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 16, 2023?习近平主席日前赴沙特出席首届中国—阿拉伯国家峰会、首届中国—海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会峰会并对沙特进行国事访问。期间,习主席提出中阿务实合作“八大共同行动”,其中包括安全稳定共同行动。?President Xi Jinping recently paid a state visit to Saudi Arabia and attended the first China-Arab States Summit and the first China-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit. During the trip, President Xi proposed the eight major initiatives on China-Arab practical cooperation, which includes the cooperation initiative on security and stability.?Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on December 29, 2022?出席中阿峰会期间,习近平主席发表重要讲话,提炼跨越千年、历久弥坚的中阿友好精神,并提出中方将同阿方一道推进“八大共同行动”,涵盖支持发展、粮食安全、卫生健康、绿色创新、能源安全、文明对话、青年成才、安全稳定诸多领域,对新时代中阿关系发展做出了顶层设计,充实完善了中阿务实合作的四梁八柱。?At the China-Arab States Summit, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, which encapsulates the spirit of China-Arab friendship that has grown from strength to strength over thousands of years. In the speech, President Xi put forward eight major cooperation initiatives that China is ready to advance cooperation with Arab countries in development support, food security, public health, green innovation, energy security, inter-civilizational dialogue, youth development, and security and stability. The initiatives provide for the top-level design for the development of China-Arab relations in the new era, and further substantiate China-Arab practical cooperation.?Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 12, 2022
Today’s quote:
- 秦外长所谈得到埃方、阿方的高度赞赏和积极回应。埃及外长舒克里表示,中国为维护世界和平和地区稳定发挥重要作用。埃方赞赏中方在巴勒斯坦问题上发挥的积极作用,期待与中国在联合国、“77国集团和中国”等平台加强协调配合,维护国际关系基本准则。?
Foreign Minister Qin’s remarks have been received warmly and echoed positively by Egypt and the Arab League. Egyptian Foreign Minister Shoukry said that China has played an important role in safeguarding world peace and regional stability. Egypt appreciates China’s positive role on the Palestinian question, and looks forward to enhancing coordination with China at the UN, G77 and China and other platforms to uphold the basic norms in international relations.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 巴勒斯坦问题是中东地区的根源性问题。巴勒斯坦人民独立建国的合理诉求长期无法实现,致使巴以冲突悲剧反复重演。?
The Palestine question is at the root of issues in the Middle East. The long denial of the Palestinian people’s legitimate appeal of establishing an independent state has led to recurrences of tragic Palestinian-Israeli clashes.?
- 国际社会应增强紧迫感,采取行动,推动在“两国方案”基础上尽快重启巴以和谈,早日实现巴勒斯坦问题的全面、公正、持久解决。?
The international community should take actions with a greater sense of urgency and work for the early resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel on the basis of the two-state solution, so as to achieve the comprehensive, just and lasting resolution of the Palestine question at an early date.?
- 中方一直为解决巴勒斯坦问题发挥建设性作用。 ... 下阶段,中方将同国际社会一道,继续为推动解决巴勒斯坦问题、实现“两国方案”作出不懈努力。?
China has been playing a constructive role in resolving the Palestine question.?... Going forward, we will continue to work relentlessly toward resolving the Palestine question and realizing the two-state solution together with the international community.?
- 巴勒斯坦问题不应被边缘化,更不应被遗忘。延宕半个多世纪的历史不公不应再持续下去。习近平主席提出了解决巴勒斯坦问题的四点主张。以此为指引,王毅国务委员兼外长提出了落实两国方案的三条具体思路。... 我想强调的是,不管是巴勒斯坦问题,还是其他的国际和地区热点问题,国际社会都不应采取双重标准。?
The Palestinian question should not be marginalized or forgotten, and the injustice lasting for over 50 years should not continue. Guided by the four-point proposal on the Palestinian question proposed by President Xi Jinping, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward three specific proposals for implementing the two-state solution. ... I want to stress that the international community should not adopt double standard on the Palestinian question and other international and regional hotspot issues.?
- 就在本月初,美军就动用了60辆油罐车和卡车大肆盗运叙利亚石油和小麦。美方的强盗行径正在加剧叙利亚的能源危机和人道主义灾难。叙利亚人民的生命权正在被美国无情侵害。在“缺油少粮”的悲惨境地下,叙利亚人民的这个冬天恐怕将更加寒冷。美国盗取叙利亚资源十分贪婪,对外提供军事援助却十分“慷慨”,动辄数十亿甚至上百亿美元。然而无论美国是“取”还是“予”,产生的结果都一样,那就是让别国陷入动荡和灾难,借此维护美国的利益和霸权。这就是美国所谓“基于规则的秩序”带来的现实。我们敦促美方就盗油行径给叙利亚人民和国际社会一个交代,停止践踏国际法治、破坏国际规则的行径。?
Earlier this month, US forces used 60 tankers and trucks to ship oil and wheat they looted from Syria.?Such banditry is aggravating the energy crisis and humanitarian disaster in Syria. The Syrian people’s right to life is being ruthlessly trampled on by the US. With little oil and food to go by, the Syrian people are struggling even harder to get through the bitter winter. The level of US greed in stealing resources from Syria is as striking as its “generosity” in giving out military aid often in the amount of billions or even tens of billions dollars. Whether the US gives or takes, it plunges other countries into turmoil and disaster, and the US gets to reap the benefits for its hegemony and other interests. This is the result of the US’s so-called “rules-based order”. The US must answer for its oil theft. The Syrian people and the international community deserve an answer. We urge the US to stop trampling on international rule of law and breaking international rules.?
Today’s quote:
- 秦外长强调,首届中阿峰会成功举行,取得丰硕成果,发表了《利雅得宣言》等三份有分量的成果文件,中阿双方一致同意全力构建面向新时代的中阿命运共同体。?
Foreign Minister Qin stressed that the first China-Arab States Summit was a success and produced fruitful outcomes. The summit issued three important documents, including the Riyadh Declaration. The two sides agreed to fully work together to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era. China stands ready to work with Arab countries to carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship featuring solidarity and mutual assistance, equality and mutual benefit, and inclusiveness and mutual learning, and advance the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 下阶段,中方愿同阿方共同弘扬“守望相助、平等互利、包容互鉴”的中阿友好精神,建设好中阿命运共同体;共同践行《利雅得宣言》精神,捍卫国际公平正义,维护发展中国家共同利益;建立有效工作机制,加快推进条件成熟的合作项目,争取更多早期收获。?
We will jointly uphold international fairness and justice and safeguard the common interests of developing countries in the spirit of the Riyadh Declaration. And we will set up effective working mechanisms to accelerate the implementation of cooperation projects where conditions allow and strive for more early harvests.?
Today’s quote?:
- 美国疾控中心的数据显示,当前新变种毒株XBB.1.5正在美国迅速蔓延,已成为美国头号毒株,引发美国内超过43%的感染病例。针对XBB.1.5近期迅速传播,世卫组织11日发布首份风险评估称,XBB已成为迄今对抗体具有最强抵抗性的变异株,其更强的早期传播力和免疫逃逸力可能会造成大规模的感染。目前,XBB.1.5已经在至少40个国家和地区监测中发现。欧洲疾控中心发布评估称,XBB.1.5最快将在1个月后成为欧洲主流变异株。?
According to data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the new variant XBB.1.5 is spreading rapidly in the US and has become the fastest-spreading variant in the country, causing more than 43% of infections. In light of the rapid spread of XBB.1.5 recently, WHO issued the first risk assessment on January 11, saying that XBB variants are the most antibody-resistant variant to date. With higher early growth rates and greater immune escape, the variants may cause widespread infections. Currently XBB.1.5 has been detected in at least 40 countries and regions. The European Centre for the Disease Prevention and Control issued an assessment saying that XBB.1.5 could become dominant in the EU/EEA as fast as after one month.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 世界卫生组织欧洲区主任克卢格近日指出,中国一直在同国际社会分享病毒基因序列等信息,目前在中国流行的新冠毒株在欧洲和其他地区早已出现,中国疫情不会对当前欧洲疫情造成大的影响,任何预防性的措施都应当基于科学并确保适度、非歧视。他还指出,新的XBB.1.5毒株已在美国迅速传播,变异毒株带来的威胁可以在任何时间出现,也可能来自任何地方。?
WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr. Hans Henri P. Kluge noted recently that China has been sharing virus sequencing information with the international community; the SARS-CoV-2 virus variants circulating in China are those that have already been seen in Europe and elsewhere; the situation in China is not anticipated to significantly impact the COVID-19 epidemiological situation in Europe at this time; and precautionary travel measures should be rooted in science, proportionate and non-discriminatory. He also said that the new XBB.1.5 recombinant virus has already been spreading rapidly across the US, and that a threat could come from a new variant of concern, anywhere, anytime.?
- 我们注意到,当前,XBB.1.5正在迅速取代BQ.1.1成为美国头号毒株。?
The COVID Omicron XBB.1.5 variant is rapidly becoming dominant in the US, replacing the BQ.1.1 variant.?
- 全球流感共享数据库的新冠病毒开源数据显示,疫情暴发后三年内,美国几乎流行过所有新冠病毒变种毒株及其分支,是存在新冠病毒变种毒株最多的国家之一。当前,新毒株XBB.1.5成为美国上升势头最快的毒株,已引发美国内超40%的感染病例。?
The open-access data of GISAID has shown that over the past three years since COVID began, almost all COVID variants and their sub-variants have spread widely in the US, making it one of the countries with more COVID variants than others. Currently, this new Omicron sub-variant, known as XBB.1.5, spreads the fastest in the US and now accounts for more than 40% of new COVID infections in the US.?
Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/37mx6z8t