1,2,3 Ideas
Moritz Lembert
Coaching & Training Founders & Leaders, PCC, ILP, IPEC | Empowering Founders & Leaders to live a life of true fulfillment, high performance & peace of mind.
Hello dear Reader,
I have added a new weekly note sent to you as part of serving our network and, hopefully, your life.
In this weekly letter, I put together my favorite 3 tweets or short posts of this week and 1 or 2 ideas of others I have found profound enough to share. All in the trust that they will be of value to you.
Ideas from me:
1. "How to set yourself up for living a dissatisfied life?"
"Argue with reality."
2. "The work needs work. That is the shortcut."
3. "What will separate you from the ones who fail is your willingness to engage in mastery. Mastery is finding the fulfillment in practice, not the attainments of things. Most people want the outcome but hate the work required for it.
You will get the results if you can learn to love the practice."
Ideas from others:
"Let come what comes, let go what goes. See what remains."
Ramana Maharshi