122 EP: 5 M's: Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mindset, Veteran's Mental, Men's Mental Health with Greg Vandyne

122 EP: 5 M's: Mental Health, Mindfulness, Mindset, Veteran's Mental, Men's Mental Health with Greg Vandyne

Greg's Bio - LinkedIn

Former Green Beret Medic Turned Mental Health Fanatic | Community Builder | Podcast Host | Expat | Husband and Father


Just trying to leave this place a little better than I found it.

Quick Pulses, Soundbites, & Tachyons from show, Unedited & unscripted, real……….

Greg's Mental Health Journey: Struggle and Recovery

……..Yeah, no, that's awesome. Well, let's, let's tackle the M, the first M in the room, mental health. So what does that mean? You could ask a thousand people and you get a thousand different answers. What does it mean to you and why is it so important? Yeah. So, you know, from my own struggles with mental health, getting out of the military, you know, I talk about this quite a bit is, you know, I was a special, I was in special operations, like that was my life. It was everything to me was my identity. And stepping out of that role, especially during the height of COVID was extremely difficult. So we're talking about a loss of identity, loss of purpose, and really a loss of community because I could no longer. You know, you're no longer, I was working with my, you know, 10 best friends every single day. And now I'm going to working in an office or walking into an OR with a bunch of people that I don't know. So, um, just a, it was a very difficult time for me. And about a year into my transition, I contemplated suicide and, uh, ended up getting the help that I needed and got to where I am today. Um, but it was so unnecessary. And so what I've done in since then is really dedicated myself to trying to make sure that other people don't end up in the less people, at least end up in the same position that I do, or I was because it's, it really is unnecessary…..


Pivoting to Small Business Acquisition: Inspired by Warren Buffett

…………Yeah, so Kevin and I help out with social media management, content creating, ghostwriting for veteran-owned companies. We still have a couple of clients, but we're really actually going to be pivoting that into small business acquisition. So we're going to start acquiring businesses. And so that's what's taking up a majority of our time with Harder Not Smarter holding company. So we're not moving away from H&S Media, but that's more of the podcast now. So we do still promote brands and we have sponsors that pay for our newsletter and the podcast. So that's like more of the media side of things at this point. I like that. Why not? If Warren Buffett can start Berkshire Hathaway and he hit Berkshire Hathaway, which was a little textile company in Massachusetts, was failing miserably. And that was probably one of his worst investments. A lot of people don't know that. But yeah. He's done all right, I think. And he's got a holding company. Most people don't realize he's probably not. This is going to sound crazy, but he's not that great of an extraordinary investor. What he really is, he's this extraordinary allocator of cash flow.

Qualitative Achievements in Early-Stage Entrepreneurship

……Yeah, it's tough. Um, you know, the entrepreneurship space is, I mean, one, it's like not financially rewarding and for, for like at least the first little bit. And so like right now I'm in that, I'm in that era where it's like, you know, very minimal revenue coming in. And so I'm just slogging through and what helps me keep my edge is really like thinking about the qualitative improvements or the qualitative, uh, achievements that I'm making and not focusing on those quantitative metrics. I think that's so important for early entrepreneurs is to really think about, okay, like, you know, yes, you don't have all this money coming in, but you were able to achieve X, Y, Z, you know, you've set all of these meetings, you've got a ton of people interested in investing. And so I I think really focusing on the qualitative improvements and increments that you're making throughout your time as an early entrepreneur. And just like really for any new venture that you're going out because nothing is built overnight. That's for damn certain. And so I think that's really what's like kept me going is focusing on what incrementally I'm doing from a qualitative standpoint……..

The Reward of Meeting Incredible People Through Podcasting

……Ooh, it's the people. I mean, easy. That's like, that's gotta be like the number one answer. We've gotten to meet so many incredible people and, through the podcast and just hear about all the great things that they're up to, what they've done post-military, their entrepreneurial journey. It's been extremely rewarding to get to know all those people and be able to support them and get the word out on what they're up to. Some of these are very new founders or entrepreneurs, and they're just getting their business off the ground. So it's nice to give them a platform to showcase what they're doing and put their brand out there.


Finding the Right Mindfulness Practice for You

……..So the mindfulness, is there any sort of school of thought, any, you know, whether it be yoga or breathing exercises? Can you tell me a little bit from your journey and trying to figure out what works for you? Because I know that's like a big topic. Yeah. There, and there's so much noise out there too, about like what, what you should be doing. And, and really at the end of the day is like, and this is what it comes down to is you gotta do what works for you and, and what feels right and, and what you enjoy doing. If like sitting there and like meditating on a yoga mat is just like painful for you and you hate doing it, then don't do it. It, but the contrary try to find something else that does work for you like maybe it's going out in nature and taking a hike and walking and just being alone with your thoughts that might be what works for you and then there's you know there's things like ice baths I've done ice baths i love them i think they're cool um they're like you know they're they're good for me i don't know if it's if it's just like a placebo or not, but it's, you know, it's, it's, something that you can do every single day where it's like you get into an ice bath first thing in the morning and like the hardest part of your day is already out of the way. And so like just having that behind you is kind of like helps you build momentum going into the day………..

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  • In love & kindness,
  • Michael Mann, (?? ??)

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David J Keogh

Screenwriter, Playwright, Senior Corporate Facilitator/Trainer, Actor and Occasional Exec Producer

1 个月

This is a huge problem across many industries. I co-wrote and star in an award winning play called Past Tents, about men's mental health and suicide (one of the biggest killers of men in the UK) and we use comedy and drama to raise awareness of this. The more we talk about it, the more we can encourage others to. https://www.goldengoosetheatre.co.uk/whatson/past-tents-

