12 year old innocence
When I was a 12 year old Sea Scout, our Sea Scout Ship (the equivalent to a Boy Scout Troop) would travel to Hines Veteran Hospital each Sunday along with our sponsor, the local American Legion Post.?
Upon arrival we would transport patients from their ward beds to church services at the Hines Chapel.
I remember as I pushed each wheel chair I watched the back of the patients head as it lean forward or to the left or right. Some had hair, some were balding, many had thick white hair. As I pushed them I would think as a 12 year old would… these were really old sick men. I couldn’t understand their pain and suffering at that time. Many were silent, some uttered a painful groan when being helped into their wheel chair. Many had intravenous tubes connected to them which were clipped to their chairs by the nurses. Some were missing legs or arms and some were much worse.
I remember our Scout Leaders John Holmes and Hap Charleston show a reverence and respect to each man and their instruction to each of us to follow that example.?
Back then, the patients were WWII and Korean wounded warriors. After church services, patients who were able to join us for breakfast in the Cafeteria did. We sat with those we transported. The Doctors and nurses that attended them would join us as well if they were available. The conversation was warm and friendly with spots of humor. The Doctors, Nurses and patients seemed to have a close relationship then.?
There was one man in particular, David Robb, who all welcomed each week. I would transport him now and then. We rarely transported the same patient. Mr. Rob had what looked like a curtain just below his eyes draped down to his chest. I was told he had no jaw and took his nourishment intravenously. He would write notes to everyone when spoken to.?
Being the innocent 12 year old child that I was, I asked Mr. Robb a question that silenced everyone present. I asked him if he had a wish, what would it be. His answer brought tears to even my young eyes. He wrote a short response and handed it to me. When I read it aloud I will never forget the look in his eyes. The note read…”to swallow”!
God Bless the memory of Mr. Robb for all the suffering he endured for our freedom!
God Bless all who knew and loved him and God Bless America!