12 Ways To Break Weight Loss Plateau

12 Ways To Break Weight Loss Plateau

Losing weight ?is like you are in a continuous battle with yourself. Some days there are outright victories, and some days, you are left with disappointments. One central point in the?weight loss journey ?that demotivates a person. The weight loss plateau is what gets stuck, besides doing a lot of things to break it. It occurs when you keep doing something continuously for a long time, and your body habituates it.?

Do not lose heart! It is prevalent in weight loss to slow down. Knowing what triggered your weight-loss plateau will help you to decide how to respond and prevent you from returning to your old unhealthy lifestyle.

You have to understand that body at one point becomes so resistant to?weight loss ?that it maintains the same weight instead of shedding pounds. It mostly happens when the body comes to the ideal weight according to height. There are some factors through which perfect weight is determined:

  • Genetics
  • Activity level
  • Your current weight

How Does Weight Loss Plateau Occur?

Your body still thinks it is starving when you start losing weight by following a healthy diet. Your body starts stimulating hunger hormones that do not let you feel full. As a result, you keep hogging on foods until your body thinks it is the perfect limit.

Plateau is believed to be a healthy part of weight loss and helps manage your expectations. It is not viable to shed weight in a short time. Losing almost 500-700 grams of weight a week is considered healthy. It is essential to have healthy eating habits and maintain a?healthy diet to lose weight .?

Tips For Breaking Weight Loss Plateau

Reaching an ideal weight is a challenge!?At first, weight loss is usually rapid, but it can feel as if nothing is working after a while.

A weight loss plateau or stall occurs when weight reduction stops progressing, which can be disappointing. Here are 12 tips for breaking the weight loss plateau and accelerating your?weight loss.

1. Cut Back On Carbs

It is known that a low-calorie diet works better for weight loss. A low-carb diet may help the rapid fat-burning process and promote metabolic changes that may favor weight loss . Cutting carbs can help keep your weight right when you feel stuck. Carb restriction boosts metabolic changes, which speeds up the body to burn extra calories.

2. Increase Th Frequency of Exercise?

Changing your exercise intensity or frequency may reverse the plateau. As you lose weight , the metabolic rate slows down. Opt for resistance training which is known to be best for weight loss.

3. Track Everything You Eat

Keep tracking what you eat and how much you eat because sometimes it is like you are not eating in excess and still have difficulty losing weight. Start monitoring your calorie intake to get an exact idea about what is happening so that you can change your diet as needed.

To read more about the Breaking Weight Loss Plateau , click on the link or visit our website: ToneOp



