12 Types of Scientific Assets to Upload on ScieNFT
At ScieNFT we believe that anything that contributes to the scientific discussion is worth sharing. That's why we encourage you to share your ideas in many forms. This includes:
1. Previously published research
As long as you retain its rights, you are free to publish previously published work on ScieNFT. For all of your published papers, the Original Author Manuscript submitted to the journal is yours, so feel free to share it on ScieNFT.
2. Pre-prints of new research
Upload ready-to-publish papers onto our platform to receive feedback from your peers, establish priority of your thoughts, enrich discourse in your field, and gain recognition.
3. Notes for your current work
The more we share, the more we discover. Facilitate scientific communication by sharing your thoughts and discoveries via the notes you’ve taken.
4. Scientific visual figures
Graphs, charts, mathematical equations and more are welcome on ScieNFT.
5. Validated or invalidated hypotheses
By sharing invalidated and validated hypotheses you paint a clearer picture of your research—and can inspire others to ask their own questions.
6. Instructional materials
Taking your powerpoints and lecture recordings out of the classroom and into the web3 world contributes to a fantastic resource for the next generation of researchers.
7. Funded and unfunded grant applications
Share what you’ve been working on, and who knows? You just might pick up additional funding.
8. Negative results and unfinished research
All results are important, and all work deserves recognition. Your negative results and unfinished research add to your field—make sure they aren’t lost.
9. Intellectual property and patents
Although an NFT isn’t a patent, it is an excellent way to establish ownership of your ideas and celebrate your accomplishments. Upload NFTs for your IP and patents to create a permanent record of your property.
10. Scientific Artifacts
Celebrate science by minting NFTs from collectibles like artwork, source code, historical images, and more.
11. Scientific resources
Share your plasmids, datasets, tools, as soon as you have them. We believe that collaboration is more powerful than competition. Sharing your tools as early as possible can significantly improve research outcomes and foster new collaborations.
12. Anything you want!
If you aren't sure whether something is right for our platform, ask yourself this: does my material spread, communicate, or contribute to scientific knowledge? If the answer is yes, then it belongs on ScieNFT, and can be transformed into an NFT easily.
Our vision is to create a rich body of scientific materials by giving you the liberty to publish whatever materials you find valuable. Our peer-review tools are designed to foster conversations, folding collaborative discussion into the publishing process. It is our hope that this approach to publishing will expand the amount of scholarly work that is available to all. Through tokenizing scientific assets we plan to fairly compensate researchers without ever charging those who access ScieNFT content.