- The Gossip: This type of office politician thrives on spreading rumors, secrets, and scandals about their colleagues.
- The Sycophant: The Sycophant is always trying to impress their boss or superiors by agreeing with everything they say, flattery, and being overly subservient.
- The Bully: This type of office politician is known for their intimidating behavior towards colleagues, and uses fear as a way to control others.
- The Credit-Stealer: The Credit-Stealer will take credit for the work of others, even if they had very little involvement or contribution to the project.
- The Martyr: The Martyr always seems to be overworked and underappreciated, and uses this to guilt others into doing work for them.
- The Expert: The Expert believes they know everything, and will constantly correct and challenge others, even if they are wrong.
- The Saboteur: This type of office politician will actively undermine others' work, whether it's by spreading rumors or making false accusations.
- The Politician: The Politician is always playing the game, trying to form alliances and gain support in order to advance their own career.
- The Gatekeeper: The Gatekeeper tries to control access to information or resources in order to gain power or leverage.
- The Drama Queen/King: This type of office politician creates unnecessary drama and conflict, often over minor issues, to draw attention to themselves.
- The Passive-Aggressive: The Passive-Aggressive uses indirect and subtle tactics to express their anger or frustration towards colleagues.
- The Ghost: The Ghost avoids confrontation and responsibility by disappearing when they are needed or not following up on their commitments.
Do you have more characters to add to this list? Mention in Comments.