12 reasons why you’d choose meritocracy:
1. You want to live in a safe, stable world where your children can walk to school on their own, and you can stroll anywhere at night without needing pepper spray.
2. You want a world with a good environment, swift and quiet transport, and plenty of greenery.
3. You want to eat healthy food, have high-quality and accessible healthcare, and if you ever (heaven forbid) need an ambulance, you don’t want to wait in the emergency room for five hours.
4. You want truly quality, accessible, and free education for everyone.
5. You want an interesting and well-paying job.
6. You’d love to see strawberries priced at $6 instead of $50, and ideally at $0.50—large, organic, and fresh—every day.
7. You don’t want microplastics or heavy metals in your food, and you only want natural and organic products.
8. You want to buy your favorite brands, ride in robo-taxis, and have spacious, affordable housing.
9. You want to travel to remote places and still be able to watch your favorite Netflix series or scroll TikTok.
10. You want to consume a lot, with minimal restrictions, cheaply, or ideally for free.
11. You don’t want war, inflation, high taxes (or better yet, no taxes at all). Have I missed anything?
All of this requires an efficient world, because only an efficient world with an effective infrastructure and governance can fulfill your idealistic, childlike dream—Communism 2.0—where everyone’s needs are met without having to pay, and everything is free.
But at the same time, you want freedom. To you, that means voting four times a year, based on which candidate dragged their opponent through more mud, without having any rational argument for why you vote the way you do.
So, what you actually want is Communism 2.0 and Freedom 2.0, but the problem is that the current version of capitalism and the governance system is rapidly losing effectiveness, approaching collapse. Communism 2.0 requires money, and we’re not ready to foot that bill; we’re already nearly $40 trillion in debt and practically bankrupt, as Musk and Dave Ramsey point out.
Something has to change, and, as usual, wallets will win over the TV screen.
That’s why you’ll choose meritocracy. What is meritocracy?
Meritocracy means adding three more words to the word “freedom”:
? discipline,
? awareness,
? responsibility.
And then everything will work out just fine.
If you want an effective country, you have no choice but to make the state governance system more effective, which Musk explicitly advocates.
It’s just common sense.
Doctors, lawyers, and engineers must prove their right to engage in activities that could be harmful in cases of incompetence or negligence. This doesn’t seem controversial to you, does it? You can understand that, right? Or is that getting hard for you?
You want a professional to handle repairs in your house.
You want a professional dentist working on your teeth, and you care about the skill of their hands, not their gender or whom they love or whether they watch PornHub. You care about how well they do their job.
You want professionals.
Similarly, you will eventually want professionalism from those who select officials, congress members, and those who “deliver” an effective society for you.
You want to be confident that your choice is rational and justified.
You don’t want votes cast by people you consider to be fools, voting emotionally or brainwashed by propaganda.
You don’t want votes influenced by celebrities fearing their dirty secrets could be exposed. You don’t want this.
That’s why, inevitably, you’ll add to the right to vote the responsibility of proving you have a brain, not a pumpkin, just like teachers, astronauts, and even proctologists do.
Worried about the risks of meritocracy? You’ll find ways to address them.
Concerned about who will develop and monitor the exams and rights distribution? You’ll figure out how to address that because you can turn it from a political issue into an engineering one, solving it the same way you solve millions of other problems daily, to keep this country great and still help others protect our beloved democracy.
How do we achieve this? Simple!
Every time you encounter a problem, immediately propose a solution. You want to live in a good, just, and effective world, right? Or in a dark sty where extremists at Columbia University burn our country’s flag?
So, what do you choose? Whom do you support?