12 reasons to consider coaching in 2024
The new year, following the space provided by the Christmas Break, often opens us to the call of what we might be struggling with in our current approach to life.
As a coach, counsellor and advocate, I work with those who despite having achieved conventional success, feel called to something else. A call that often rings as a feeling of having more to offer — a sentiment beautifully expressed in the below quote from Aldous Huxley's, Brave New World:
Did you ever feel, as though you had something inside you that was only waiting for you to give it a chance to come out? Some sort of extra power that you aren't using - like all the water that goes down the falls instead of through the turbines?
The paradox of those who have been conventionally successful, yet remain unsatisfied, is that they may feel as though they are giving all the power they have — and yet feel depleted by their contributions, sowing the seeds of burnout.
Burnout is driven by what psychologist Michael Leiter describes as a crisis in self-efficacy — A sense that you are unable to achieve what you wish to achieve. One of the barriers to self-efficacy is being unsure of what you want, a barrier which can dam the energy of someone’s expression and re-direct it inward as self-criticism and eventually despair.
Developing self-efficacy, a sense of belief that you can achieve what you wish to achieve, is one of the main reasons why someone seeks coaching. Below are 12 more reasons that may lead you to consider coaching in the new year.
12 reasons why you might consider coaching in 2024:
If these statements sound familiar and you aspire for a change of direction in 2024, you can book an introductory call with me here, or get in touch via my website.
About Andrew
My personal view is that the values, beliefs and inner resources we take for granted can be our source of emotional distress and suffering if they no longer align with our action.
Experience has shown me how a good coach can provide a supportive container for someone to undertake this exploration of values, beliefs and inner resources; catalysing a learning process that supports the unfoldment of someone's innate potential.