12 – New Environmental Crime Directive: implications for the maritime industry
Author: Camilla Del Re?| 1 August 2024
On May 20, 2024, the new Environmental Crime Directive (link) entered into force. The new Directive replaced the 2008 Environmental Crime Directive (link), with the aim of increasing and making more comprehensive the list of environmental offences, and of making the application and enforcement of environmental crimes more effective and harmonised among Member States. According to the new Directive, the existing rules on penalties under the 2008 Directive had not been sufficient to achieve compliance with EU environmental law, and it was necessary to strengthen them through effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal sanctions that can convey greater social disapproval than the use of administrative sanctions.
EU policy on the environment is based on the precautionary principle and on the “polluter pays” principle. In line with these principles, the new Directive introduced several new offence categories, and in some cases set a quantitative or qualitative threshold necessary for the illicit conduct to constitute a criminal offence. Some of the new offences are particularly relevant for the maritime sector:
Finally, it is worth noticing that, in its preamble, the New Environmental Crime Directive mentions vibrations and noise, including underwater noise, as sources of energy which can cause substantial damage to the quality of the environment, ecosystems, animals and plants. Underwater noise is thus explicitly recognized as a potential source of pollution-a notion that has been developing for only a few years and is still poorly regulated.
Member States shall take the necessary measures to ensure that all illicit conducts indicated in the Directive constitute qualified criminal offences when they cause the widespread (i.e., irreversible or long-lasting) destruction or damage to an ecosystem or to air, soil or water quality.
Such conducts should constitute a criminal offence when they are intentional and, in certain cases, also when carried out with at least serious negligence. For instance, conducts that cause the death of, or serious injury to, persons, or widespread damage to the environment should constitute a criminal offence when carried out with at least serious negligence.
Member States shall also ensure that such conducts are punishable by effective, proportionate and dissuasive criminal penalties; and that legal persons can be held liable where such offences have been committed for their benefit by any person who has a leading position within the legal person. In Italy, these criminal offences might be included among the criminal offences of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, which result in administrative liability of the legal person for whose benefit the crime was committed.