12 Months Using ChatGPT and AI Image Generators: A Self-Reflection
Jake Espiritu
Creative Professional | Market Researcher & Strategist | Web Designer | Video Content Creator | Aspiring Educator
After spending nearly a year with ChatGPT-4 and a host of AI image generators, I’ve gathered a treasure trove of insights:
The Fine Art of Babbling to Bots: The world sees content creators, I see context providers or contextualizers. I’ve moved beyond simple commands. It’s a craft, really. By weaving in more details, I get richer, more useful responses. The 20 years of mastering keywords to fit them in a search bar won't work here. The longer your context, the closer you get to an answered prayer.
Exceptional Value for Money: Utilizing these AI tools is like having a team of twenty top-tier professionals, analysts, or consultants at your disposal, all for the nominal fee of a dollar a month each. The return on investment is astonishing, transforming them into invaluable assets for achieving my goals.
An Internal Resistance: You might think I’d fall more in love with AI and its capabilities the more I use it. Yet, in my experience, it’s quite the opposite. I’ve developed an eye for the things machines can’t comprehend—these have become precious to me. Such undervalued skills and knowledge are treasures that deserve our renewed respect and attention. The better AI gets at generating images, the more I gravitate to drawing with a pen or take up photography. The more advanced ChatGPT becomes, the more I write in my journals. As image-making and writing become democratized, there's a risk of art becoming homogenized—so the human in me takes up arms.
The Fear of Getting Replaced is Gone: The concern about AI rendering me obsolete has dissipated. I’ve realized that by adopting AI early, I’m already steps ahead. This slight competitive edge is enough anxiety relief. I'm not worried about the growing number of AI users either. I'd rather help speed up the process of new users mastering the tools. Artists will always be the early tech adopters, we will experiment and develop new workflows. In effect, innovation is a byproduct.
The Joy of Being Uselessly Creative: Now that I can command my digital minions to do my bidding (like whipping up websites or conjuring content), the thought of a 9-5 makes me yawn. AI has liberated me to pursue more creative and fulfilling endeavors. When I have limited creative freedom from my client work - I let AI create the extra hours where I can exercise my ability to play. The act of "Play" might just be the source of creativity - something that AI is not yet able to enjoy, but it might learn how to do so, way before your office boss does.
Quick Health Tips: While AI doesn’t replace professional medical advice, having immediate access to a wealth of health knowledge provides immense reassurance and guidance in uncertain times. My dog just threw up and I should be freaking out right now, but nah. Chat-chill-pill-gpt knows a thing or two about what to do.
Digital School - Analog Skills: The more I engage with AI, the more I find myself drawn to analog practices. AI enables a personalized learning trajectory. It knows my learning style, speed, and comprehension. A teacher with zero ego. Now with knowledge so readily accessible, how would you craft your ideal learning path? I made it craft a 100-question quiz, I answered each and then it produced an analysis of my strengths and weaknesses. Then it prepared my learning calendar with my speed of learning greatly factored in.
Beyond Self-Help Gurus: I’ve moved away from self-improvement books and gurus. Instead, I utilize AI to analyze my stream of consciousness, which offers far more clarity and personalized insights to start my day. I predict that this particular workflow of mine will be a future craze for the self-improvement types.
Skyrocketing Confidence: The digital creative economy no longer holds any barriers for me. With AI, I’m empowered to learn and master any skill, fueling a boundless confidence in my capabilities. Knowing that you know how to know what you don't know you don't know is the best feeling, but my confidence is directly related to my internet service provider's efficiency now.
Important Skills: As AI continues to evolve, developing a nuanced taste for visual and auditory stimuli becomes a critical skill that remains uniquely human. The AI era might just be a time when generalists thrive. Taste is one of those universal skills to have and so is empathy. Empathy-driven designs look like a nice frontier.
A Shift to Offline Connections: Rather than seeking online validation, I find fulfillment in assisting those who are unaware of the technological gap. I approach each interaction with care like stepping into an indigenous culture, only offering help when solicited. I've effectively become a tourist every time I step away from my keyboard. The primitive wildlife in the city is fascinating.
Envisioning a World of Unrestricted Learning: I foresee a society where everyone is free to learn, write, draw, and think—a future where people leave uninspiring jobs to tackle the world's pressing problems. As AI gains consciousness, humanity is also awakening.
Incorporating ChatGPT-4 and AI image generators into my life has not only been a testament to the incredible progress of AI technology but also a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. These tools have redefined the way I view work, creativity, and personal development.
We are seeing more and more billionaire techies, YouTubers, singers, and artists. These forward-facing technological steps like AI, must not be used in the backward mindset of cheap profiteering through needless WARS. Nothing is more tasteless than genocide.