12 months of absolute no alcohol does wonders for mindset, health and business growth.

12 months of absolute no alcohol does wonders for mindset, health and business growth.

Earlier this week I shared with you how walking 12,000 steps per day has played a key role in my business growth. 

Not only am I working hard on my business I am also running some social experiments around high performance to ensure that my health, body and mind are able to serve the 8 figure goal that I have for my business.

I used to like a social drink, once, twice, maybe three times per week. However, as I became more relaxed and enjoying my social life "one quick beer" became two, then three... you know how it goes!

I started to feel the next day effects of a tired mind, slow functioning performance and wasting so much time because of the effects of alcohol. I began to realise that alcohol wasn't serving me, my business or my clients... so I quit.

I have now gone 12 months without drinking a drop of alcohol and the impact has been incredible;

  • clarity of mind
  • Focus of vision
  • Improved decision making
  • Improved mineral health 
  • Increased productiveness at work 
  • Weight loss and improved fitness 

Over the past 12 months water has become my new business friend, I feel refreshed and re-vitalised and I know that quitting alcohol has been key to my continued business success.

Earlier this week I suggested that you walked 10,000 steps per day. If you are passionately in pursuit of achieving great things in your life I am going to encourage you to consider quitting alcohol too!

Later on this week I will share with you some of the high performance life experiments that I am embarking on this year so that I can become a master of my game.

Why don't you post a comment and let me know what high performance tips and tricks you are experimenting with in your life?


