12 Landscape Photography photos of England that I love

As well as buildings I do like to photograph nice places.

So in this post I am going to write about 12 landscape photography photos of England that I love, taken by me. These are landscape photos taken in a variety of locations around England back in the days when I used to take photos for myself! And all the photos were taken some time ago, some using my Canon 5D and some with my Canon 6D.

And do you know what? I bet you cannot tell which camera was used to take each photo?

OK – lets get straight into the photos

1 – Photo of Bats Head as the winter sun sets in Dorset

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Photo of Bats Head on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset at sunset by Rick McEvoy

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 5D
  • Lens used – Canon 24-105mm
  • Focal length – 88mm
  • Aperture – F9
  • Shutter – 1/800th second
  • ISO - 400

Stuff about the location

Bats Head is a great location which you can easily get to from the wonderful Durdle Door.

Just park where you would for Durdle Door, and get walking along the South Coast path. It is a fantastic walk any time of the day, and indeed any time of year.

I managed to capture some lovely late sunshine in this photo which warms the white cliff face nicely.

One tip – wear good boots and prepare your lungs for some challenging up and down hilly bits.

2 – A spectacular wide angle photo of Durdle Door as the sun sets

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A spectacular sunset with views of Durdle Door and the spectacular Jurassic Coast in Dorset on the south coast of England

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 6D
  • Lens used – Canon 8-15mm
  • Focal length – 15mm
  • Aperture – F8
  • Shutter – 1/1600th second
  • ISO - 400

Stuff about the location

The world famous Durdle Door, located on the UNESCO designated World Heritage Site called The Jurassic Coast.

Not to be taken for granted, even if photographed some many times. Which is why I wanted to get a different view of this wonderful Dorset landmark, which I think I have done here.

I used a fisheye zoom lens at the 15mm (long) end of the focal range to get this striking ultra wide photo taking in lots of this wonderful landscape.

Unfortunately that lens has gone now, as I had very little use for it, making this photo a bit special to me.

3 – Waves crashing at stunning Kimmeridge Bay just after sunrise

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Photo of Kimmeridge Bay at sunrise as the waves crash on the beach. Kimmeridge Bay is located on the spectacular Jurassic Coast on the south coast of England in the county of Dorset

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 5D
  • Lens used – Canon 17-40mm
  • Focal length – 17mm
  • Aperture – F8
  • Shutter – 1/320th second
  • ISO - 400

Stuff about the location

Another location on the wonderful Jurassic Coast, this photo was taken from right under the main car park just above the cliffs. You have to walk some way over to the side to find the opening down, and then walk back across the beach to get to this location.

I took this photo at a low angle with the waves crashing in, which add nicely to the scene.

And another thing about this photo is the tower on the hill. This is the Clavell Tower, which at the time of taking this photo (in 2008 would you believe) was being relocated back from the cliff edge.

And it is still here today which is good news!

4 – A high level view of a frosty Kirkstone Pass in the Lake District

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Photo taken from way above the spectacular Kirkstone Pass as the winter sun sets giving deep orange colours.

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 5D
  • Lens used – Canon 24-105mm
  • Focal length – 35mm
  • Aperture – F8
  • Shutter – 1/350th second
  • ISO - 800

Stuff about the location

I parked up one cold December day down at the bottom where the road is, and walked and walked up and up until I got to this viewpoint.

This photo was taken at about 3:30pm, well it was actually taken at 15:27:15 to be precise! Why did I say about?

And it was cold let me tell you – very, very cold. You can see the frost on the ground even from this height! And that is why I used an ISO of 800 – I was shaking with the cold when I stopped walking.

And this was back in the days when I carried all my gear with me in a large bag – and I mean all my gear in a large backpack.

5 Wonderful light in Morgaston Woods near The Vyne

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A picture of sunlight shining through the trees in the woods at The Vyne, the National Trust site in Hampshire

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 6D
  • Lens used – Canon 17-40mm
  • Focal length – 17mm
  • Aperture – F8
  • Shutter – 1/50th second
  • ISO - 400

Stuff about the location

Lovely light in these magical woods which are next to a fantastic National Trust site called The Vyne. This is in a lovely part of Hampshire to the north of Basingstoke.

And there is nothing I like more than walking through a forest when the sun is out, picking the fantastic natural diffused sun rays,

I tweeted this photo and it got picked up and re-tweeted by the National Trust which was most excellent!

So this photo gave me a brief moment of fame which was nice.

6 More stunning light as the entrance to the grounds of Morgaston Woods, The Vyne

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Lovely diffused light at the entrance to Morgaston woods near The Vyne. The Vyne is a National Trust property

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 6D
  • Lens used – Canon 24-105mm
  • Focal length – 45mm
  • Aperture – F11
  • Shutter – 1/13th second
  • ISO - 400

Stuff about the location

This is an entrance to the woods off Morgaston Road. Just drive down this road, stop where you see the very small car park and there you are right at the entrance to these wonderful woods.

I love the light in this photo, taken one January morning. I processed this image to emphasise this lovely bright, light mystical light. This is an unusual look for me but works perfectly in this photo which I really like.

No idea why the National Trust did not pick up on this photo?

7 A lovely misty scene somewhere in West Berkishre

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A photo of a lovely road with lovely diffused light and light green foliage

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 6D
  • Lens used – Canon 70-200mm
  • Focal length – 70mm
  • Aperture – F8
  • Shutter – 1/320th second
  • ISO - 1000

Stuff about the location

I was driving from somewhere to somewhere else when I spotted this driveway. I parked up and took a few photos. The location is somewhere in West Berkshire, I think.

I forgot to turn on the GPS on my camera, and as it was taken 3 years ago I am happy to remember that much detail about the location!

I know – I forgot to turn the GPS on – schoolboy error.

I love the muted colours and the composition – this is why I love photography so much, being able to record and share things like this that I am lucky enough to encounter.

8 A leafy misty road somewhere in England

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Picture of a Misty track in West Berkshire

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 6D
  • Lens used – Canon 70-200mm
  • Focal length – 155mm
  • Aperture – F8
  • Shutter – 1/1250th second
  • ISO - 400

Stuff about the location

Taken on the same day as the previous photo, albeit about 30 miles away.

I can vaguely remember where this is, again my GPS was not turned on so a big lesson learned there..

I quite like the fact that I do no know where this photo was taken – this could have been taken quite literally anywhere and I like that. Well I would say that wouldn’t I?

It is a private driveway in-between houses in a very nice residential area. It is the mist that gives the image the mood and the feel.

And the composition takes you right into the mist where the last visible tree can be seen.

9 The Cliffs above West Bay

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A picture from the top of the cliffs overlooking the entrance to Bridport Harbour and West bay with the golden sun setting in the background

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 5D
  • Lens used – Canon 24-105mm
  • Focal length – 24mm
  • Aperture – F16
  • Shutter – 1/350th second
  • ISO - 400

Stuff about the location

This is not Gold Cap – I thought it was. No this is the cliffs just to the east of West Bay near Bridport – the sticky out bit is the entrance to the harbour at West Bay, which has been much improved since I took this photo.

I was shooting straight into the sun but could not fit in the sun itself which was probably a good thing as I took this some time ago, long before I had mastered the art of photographing straight into the sun. I would have captured a burnt out mess for sure!

What I love about this photo is the two people who appeared giving the landscape scale and a human element, which finishes off this photo perfectly. I already liked the view that I was capturing, but these two people just appeared out of nowhere as I was taking photos!

10 A lovely tranquil sunset scene on Lake Windermere

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Photo of Lake Windermere at sunset by Rick McEvoy Photography

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 5D
  • Lens used – Canon 17-40mm
  • Focal length – 21mm
  • Aperture – F22
  • Shutter – 20 seconds
  • ISO - 200

Stuff about the location

Lake Windermere photographed at sunset one very, very cold January day.

Everyone else was indoors, all the boats were parked up (is parked up a boating term?) for the evening and it was just me and my camera.

This image I have reprocessed as the original one I had gone a bit far with.

I much prefer the new edit, which looks very natural and has had not that much processing done to it.

In Lightroom all I do really is make the best of the lights and darks, and the luminance and saturation of the key colours in an image. I am working with what is there, not trying to recreate something new.

And I use Photoshop to remove stuff that should not be there, like dust spots, rocks and twigs and distracting minor stuff.

A great location and a different photo of one of the most popular lakes in the Lake District.

11 A spectacular sunset at Bracklesham Bay in West Sussex

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Lovely sunset colours on the beach at Bracklesham Bay in West Sussex by Rick McEvoy

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 5D
  • Lens used – Canon 17-40mm
  • Focal length – 17mm
  • Aperture – F13
  • Shutter – 30 seconds
  • ISO - 50

Stuff about the location

Bracklesham Bay is in West Sussex. Not Hampshire as I once wrote about only to be corrected by a local!

And I have only ever been there once. And this is what I got!

A series of stunning sunset photos with these grounds providing fantastic subject matter for the foreground.

Yes, I really should go back to this wonderful place. How lucky was I to be there for such a wonderful natural marvel, a stunning sunset and a wonderfully calm early evening sea.

12 My favourite Tree at Picket Post in Hampshire

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Lovely sunset scene taken at Picket Post in the New Forest with a lone tree, lovely sunset colours and clouds

Photography stuff

  • Camera - Canon 6D
  • Lens used – Canon 70-200mm
  • Focal length – 70mm
  • Aperture – F8
  • Shutter – 1/640th second
  • ISO - 640

Stuff about the location

As you drive along the A31, just before Ringwood if you are driving westbound, and just after if you are driving the other way, there is a place called Picket Post. Head off the A31 at the sign that says services (2 petrol stations and a MacDonalds) and then drive south away from the A31.

You will see a car park on the right, and this is where you will find this tree.

I have photographed this tree many many times, in all seasons and all kinds of skies.

It is just a tree that I love coming back to photograph.

And the video

There will be a video that accompanies this post, probably a Lightroom slideshow. I not know as I have not done this yet!


These 12 photos used to make my landscape photography portfolio. That page

Next week on my photography blog? I don't know. Something good though!

Rick McEvoy Photography

#landscapephotography #photosofengland #landscapephotosofengland #landscapephotos


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