[12 July] Weekly Essential Overview - Top Community Insights

[12 July] Weekly Essential Overview - Top Community Insights

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“Far more money has been lost by investors trying to anticipate corrections, than lost in the corrections themselves.”

– Peter Lynch


Which Singapore Bank Should You Buy (If You Have Limited Funds)? -By @ljunyuan

DBS Group Holdings Limited (SGX: D05), United Overseas Bank Limited (SGX: U11), as well as Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited (SGX: O39) – as a Singaporean, these 3 banks needs no further introduction, where you can find their ATMs and bank branches scattered across the country.

The high interest rate environment (and its expected to remain as such in the near-term) continues to remain a tailwind for the banks, from a further growth in their net interest income (potentially).

Looking at the share prices of the 3 banks, they are currently hoovering at a 52-week high level – meaning to say that it’ll cost between S$3,200 and S$3,800 to invest in DBS or UOB, and around S$1,500 to invest in OCBC, based on their current prices at the time of writing of this post (as the minimum number of shares you need to buy if you want to invest in a Singapore-listed company is a hundred).

Hence, for those with limited funds, which one should they invest in? Naturally, you will want to go for one that has recorded the best growth in terms of performance over the years... Continue Reading


There’s Always Some Good Investments For You To Buy. The Question is Would You Do It. -By @kyith

There are two sets of investing questions that are the most commonly asked around at times like this:

1. What do you think about the market? Should we stay invested? Should we add more? Should we sell?

2. What do you think of _______? Should I switch over/invest in it?

If you work in providing some sort of advise, you should try and have a handle over how to answer these two questions because I think these are evergreen questions you will get.

Especially when times are not too bad... Continue Reading


Are you ready to join the quest for the next breakthrough in the Singapore stock market? -By @InvestingNote

Everyone's investment goals are unique, and selecting the right strategy requires careful consideration.??

SG GEMS 2024 is here to provide valuable educational insights into Singapore-listed small and mid-cap companies. This event features a star-studded lineup of esteemed speakers from renowned brokerage firms, including PhillipCapital, UOB Kay Hian, DBS Vickers Securities, and Maybank Securities.?

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your investment knowledge and make informed decisions.?

Here are some of the event highlights which you can expect:??

  • Expert-Led Insights
  • Market Trends and Forecasts
  • Listed-Companies CEO Spotlight
  • Access to Exclusive Research Reports

Mark your calendars! ??

  • Date: 27 July, Saturday?
  • Time: 10AM - 2PM?
  • Venue: Online (Virtual Event)?
  • Admission: FREE ACCESS

Sign Up Now


Once again, excerpts of these posts were extracted from our SG weekly newsletter, sent to all our users on a weekly basis. To receive our full newsletter via email, please visit www.investingnote.com or download our app.

InvestingNote is the first and largest community of active investors in Singapore and Malaysia. Find out more about us here. We’re here to keep you in touch with the latest investing & stock-related news, happenings, and updates!


