The 12 Essential Systems Every Nonprofit Needs for Mega Fundraising Success
Gail Perry MBA CFRE
Fundraising Expert. Philanthropy Consultant. Nonprofit Evangelist. Keynote Speaker. LinkedIn Top Voice in Philanthropy. Best-Selling Author.
Your nonprofit needs revenue to run and expand its programs.
And, fundraising brings in the revenue – generating money so you can do more good in the world. Perfecting fundraising is a no-brainer.
So, let’s focus on the critical core systems that every nonprofit needs to get fundraising right.
This is what the best nonprofits in the world are doing. And I wanted to be sure you had these tools, too.
I created our new Insiders PLUS to help you install these systems in your nonprofit. Join us if you want our help!
Here are the critical core systems that you need to nail:
1. Organizational Culture that Supports Philanthropy.
When everyone at your organization supports fundraising and pitches in where they can, then we see fundraising revenue skyrocket.
What happens if your people are not so sure about fundraising? If they silo the fundraising staff away from everyone else? If the board is terrified?
Your mission will suffer because your revenue will be down. Building up a culture that supports fundraising and philanthropy is essential!
2. Build Up Your Donor Loyalty.
Sustainable fundraising is what everyone is after – a revenue base you can count on year after year.
The secret of growing revenue is to increase donor retention and build up your donor loyalty. It’s getting AND KEEPING your donors close to you.
It’s engaging donors in your work. It’s #donorlove. This is the fun stuff of FUNdraising.
Insiders PLUS will give you a master implementation checklist to install a donor loyalty program in your nonprofit.
3. Find New Major Gift Prospects.
We all know that transformational funding comes from major gifts. But, everyone says they don’t have major gift prospects! They don’t know wealthy people. Their communities are not wealthy.
Please. If you have a base of donors, surely some of those lovely people have capacity. It’s just a matter of identifying who they are and getting them more involved. Promise!
Our new Insiders PLUS will help you implement a system to routinely identify and “vet” potential major gift donors.
4. Asking For and Closing Major Gifts
The asking process sometimes strikes fear in people’s hearts.
We teach a donor-centered approach to asking that puts the donor in charge.
And, it gets to the point where the donor is asking YOU what you need – and how they can help. No kidding.
Now that’s kinder, gentler, much more fun and MORE successful fundraising!
Our new Insiders PLUS will teach you our system for asking and never getting turned down.
5. Highly Profitable Fundraising Events
Everyone is doing major events. But, are you really making the money from them? Are they really worth it?
The big money in events often comes from two areas – big time sponsorship and a powerful “fund a need” bidding process.
(I’ve seen too many professional auctioneers RUIN the Fund a Need. Makes me sick.)
Our new Insiders PLUS will give you the checklists and guides to make SURE you raise as much money as possible from your event.
6. Get Your Board Engaged and Fired-Up!
When boards are disengaged, they’ve lost the energy and enthusiasm to help you raise money.
The first step in getting your board to help is to fire them up. Then, educate them about how fundraising works today.
I’ve worked with thousands of board members around the world, and know how to inspire them to help.
I’ll be sharing my toolkit with Insiders PLUS members for keeping boards fired-up and engaged in fundraising.
For the rest of the the critical core systems that every nonprofit needs to get fundraising right, click here:
Chief Cheerleader and People Motivator. Successful non-profit leader and problem solver. I enjoy connecting with people & helping them to leverage their time, talent and philanthropy in meaningful ways.
6 年Another solid article and on-point observations from Gail Perry MBA CFRE.