12 Deliciously Unique Workshops
New Workshops!

12 Deliciously Unique Workshops

Unique offerings for jump-starting imagination, engagement, and skills-building.

The “fun” stuff, like imaginative play, is often dismissed as trivial and optional in workplaces. However, it is essential for building healthy organizational cultures, and thus, for organizational success. Our new workshops provide fun, fresh tools to imagine new futures, increase engagement, spark new ideas, and build new skills —all while igniting your team’s creative spirit.

How: Virtual, via Zoom, for 1.5 to 2 hours

Who: 20-40 participations from the same organization.

We are also pleased to offer FREE and ALMOST FREE trial versions of any of our workshops.

Check Out Our Workshops

Event Highlight: It's Easy to Not Shoot Bad Video

Did you know that everything in a video image is important? Everything. The light. The colors. The framing. Even the backgrounds. In fact, the background in a video image is almost as important as the subject. Earlier this month, Ignited Word videographer Jay Black addressed all of these elements (and many more) and how easy it is to elevate them, even with very limited resources. Learning these tips and tricks will prevent the creation of bad video that hurts rather than helps your cause.

Check out a clip from the workshop below.

It's Easy to Not Shoot Bad Video

Autonomy vs. Approval and Other Creativity Metrics

Not sure where to start with boosting your team’s creativity? Try our delightfully simple Creativity Culture quiz—or even just browse the infographic below! Designed for busy leaders that want guidance on what efforts to prioritize, the quiz will help you assess key areas, like autonomy and experimentation—so you can confidently take the next steps in fostering an environment where creativity blooms.

Take the Creativity Culture Quiz!

Cultivating a Culture of Creativity

From Roads to Air: Rebooting the Mind for Creativity

Would you throw random ingredients into the oven to see if they form a cake? Neither should you expect original ideas from following a recipe. Instead, shift your mind to creativity mode with these FROM > TOs.

From Roads to Air

See the rest of the document


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