12 Daily Habits of Successful People: Resilience, Mindfulness, & Leadership

12 Daily Habits of Successful People: Resilience, Mindfulness, & Leadership

Ever drive through a wealthy neighborhood and wonder how those living in those mansions got there? Is it just luck, or is there a secret that the wealthy and successful know that we do not? How do you achieve success?

On my way to work, I drive through Beverly Hills; the wealth, houses, fancy cars, and energy always inspire me to want to be more. It fuels my passion to chase my dreams and not settle for the status quo. So, what’s the real secret sauce to success?

Newsflash: Success doesn’t just happen overnight. Most successful people aren't born into it; they work diligently towards achieving their life goals. While hard work is crucial, it's not the only puzzle piece.

The Daily Habits of Successful People: More Than Just Hard Work

We all know people that grind and grind and grind and get nowhere. Then there are those that grind a little, and they make it. I have learned that success is built on Mindfulness, Resilience, and Leadership.

You will be unstoppable when you combine great leadership principles with these daily habits of successful people.

The Mindfulness Connection

Mindfulness isn't a buzzword. It's about being fully engaged and appreciating the present moment. It helps you focus and stay grounded when life gets chaotic.

Mindfulness means slowing down and savoring your morning coffee instead of chugging it down or appreciating the music you love on your playlist rather than letting it become background noise. It’s not just a routine; it's a way of life.

Why Resilience Matters

For me, the word grit captures the essence of resilience. You can't control the obstacles that come your way, but you can control your response.

In the face of new obstacles, your grit and determination empower you to overcome hurdles and keep moving. You bounce back, adjust your strategy, and continue to strive for your dreams.

So, are you ready to learn about the daily habits that can guide you toward a life rich in mindfulness, resilience, and leadership?

Habit 1: Early Rising for a Purposeful Start

The "5 AM Club" and Why It Works

Trust me, I get it. Hitting snooze feels good. But I've found something magical about rising early, particularly at 5 a.m. The world is still and quiet. It's just me, my thoughts, and the first light of dawn. This is the time when I get to focus solely on me. There’s a therapeutic quality to the morning light that I find invigorating.

Waking up early gives me the gift of time before life’s distractions kick in.

Success Tip: Setting the Tone for the Day

  • So, how can you join the "5 AM Club"? Start by setting a goal for what you'd like to achieve in that sacred early hour. Maybe it's a new skill you want to learn or those life goals you’ve been putting off. Whatever it is, make it count. Plan it out the night before so you don’t waste precious moments in the morning.
  • Gradually set your alarm earlier by 15-minute increments until you hit that 5 AM sweet spot. Before you know it, you'll find success in those quiet morning hours, setting a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Habit 2: Mindfulness Meditation

The Science of Mindfulness

Ever wonder why some of the most successful people in the world seem so calm and composed, even in chaos? The secret might be mindfulness and daily meditation.

Studies prove that meditation can greatly impact and improve your outlook on life and mental strength. It can help you step out of your comfort zone and discover the bad habit that is preventing you from moving forward.

It's not all woo-woo; it's a practice anyone can and should build into their daily routine. Of all the things you can do, make an effort to create a sense of progress in mindfulness. Don't look for the 'blue pearl' for most; it is unattainable. Simply follow your breath to relax.

Success Tip: Practical Tips for Starting a Meditation Routine

  • It's easy to get started. Find a few quiet moments. Sit comfortably and focus on your breath. When your mind starts to wander, gently guide it back to your breathing. This isn't about emptying your mind but about controlling where your mind goes.
  • Use calming music if it helps. Just 10 minutes a day can change your life. This small time commitment will generate more focus and well-being. It can also help when you have not had enough rest. As part of the daily habits of successful people, use apps such as Calm or Expand (My personal favorite).

Habit 3: Prioritization and Time Management

The Eisenhower Box

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your job? Here's where the Eisenhower Box comes in handy. This matrix helps you sort tasks into four categories: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither.

This way, you'll know what needs immediate attention and what can wait.

The Benefit of Time Blocking

Now, let's talk about Time Blocking. It's about setting aside specific blocks of time to accomplish particular tasks.

But wait, let's level it up. I often combine Time Blocking with the Pomodoro Technique. 25 minutes of productivity followed by a 5-minute break.

By prioritizing and managing your time, you'll find success in your career and balance with your personal life.

Habit 4: Constant Learning

The 5-Hour Rule of Successful People

Have you ever wondered how the most successful people in the world keep innovating? They commit to lifelong learning. Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and even Steve Jobs adhere to the "5-Hour Rule."

It's simple: Dedicate five hours a week to deliberate learning. That's one hour a day. Imagine what new skills you could acquire with that commitment.

Success Tip: Strategies for Lifelong Learning

  • I set aside time every week to learn something new, grow, and challenge myself. Making progress involves being open to new opportunities, which keeps me moving toward achieving success in life. This blog is an example. It's just as much about professional growth as personal growth. It's about constantly growing as a human being.
  • Remember, success doesn't just happen; it's a long game that rewards those willing to focus, learn from making mistakes, and avoid distractions.

Habit 5: Physical Exercise

The Mind-Body Connection

Physical exercise is vital for looking and feeling good.

Exercising regularly boosts your self-esteem and lays the groundwork for success in everything you do.

The endorphins and 'happy' chemicals compound everything else you do.

Building a regular exercise routine develops staying power, consistency, a positive mindset, and a feeling of success.

How Exercise Fuels Success

I include at least 30 minutes of exercise in my daily routine, whether it is walking the dog or going to the gym.

It's a habit and a commitment to my well-being and future. It improves my focus, self-esteem, and even my ability to generate new ideas and take on new challenges.

By investing in your physical health, you are investing in your future success. You ensure you have the energy and mental strength needed for success.

A good night's sleep combined with regular exercise will make you unstoppable. Just don't forget to have enough sleep.

Habit 6: Networking and Relationship Building

The Power of a Strong Network

Networking is about something other than collecting business cards or adding LinkedIn connections. Building strong relationships opens doors, professionally and personally, and will drive your success. Have you ever heard the saying, "It's not what you know, but who you know?" There's so much truth in that.

My best friend, Kelly Hoey , wrote a fantastic book called "How to Build Your Dream Network. " In it, she emphasizes the importance of authentic connections.

I challenge you to look at the five people you mostly hang out with. Are they people you aspire to emulate and grow into? You are a sum of the people you associate with.

Curate Your Network

Find your tribe and the people you can learn from. It may sound contrite, but if you want to be an amazing author, start a friendship with an incredible author. If you want to be a billionaire, hang out with billionaires. Find the motivation and circumstances to propel your growth.

It may be uncomfortable at first, but start making those connections. A powerful network will impact your journey and accelerate your achievement of a successful life. It will also be full of success tips.

But remember, sometimes you need to be that person for someone else.

Habit 7: Affirmations

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

So, you're doing everything but still hitting emotional and mental roadblocks? This is where affirmations come in. These positive statements can help you overcome barriers and challenge negative thoughts.

I like to think of them as little mental pep talks. By practicing affirmations, you can boost your self-confidence and emotional health.

Success Tip: Crafting Your Own Affirmations

  • Creating your own affirmations isn't some arcane ritual. You need to understand what matters to you and what challenges you face and craft statements that align with your goals and values. For example, my affirmations are statements like "I am successful in everything that I do," "I understand my power and how to achieve my goals," and "I speak with authenticity and speak my success into reality."
  • Think of a goal you have for yourself. Keep the affirmation present and positive. Use first-person pronouns such as “I,” “me,” and “my.”
  • Start the affirmation with “I am,” “I can,” or “I will.” Keep the affirmation simple so you can easily remember it. Repeat it daily, believe it, and watch how it contributes to your success. You must believe it is true.

Habit 8: Eating Well

The Gut-Brain Axis

You are what you eat! So many people overlook the connection between good nutrition and achieving success. They care more about the fuel they put in their car than their bodies.

Your gut greatly influences your mental health. This communication highway between your digestive system and brain is often called the "Gut-brain axis," and it's integral to your overall well-being.

I am a testament to this. After recently testing and learning what I should and should not eat, I lost 20 pounds in mere weeks. This showed me I was not overweight; I was inflamed.

Success Tip: Nutritious Eating

  • Your daily routine should include eating well-balanced meals packed with nutrients. Food energizes you and prepares your mind.
  • Notice how you feel after you eat. If you are bloated and tired, you are eating the wrong foods. Eating well is a cornerstone of a successful life. It's not just about avoiding a mid-day slump; it's about long-term benefits contributing to your personal life and success tips toolkit.

Habit 9: Journaling

The Benefits of Expressive Writing

The act of journaling, or expressive writing, can impact your emotional well-being and, by extension, your journey to success. Putting thoughts to paper can clarify your ideas, serve as a form of support, and help you overcome life's difficulties. It can even offer you ideas for personal or business growth. It is an act of self-care we should all do. Journaling helps me so much, particularly when I feel down or despondent.

Success Tip: Journal Prompts to Get You Started

  • If you're new to journaling, the blank page can seem intimidating. You might wonder what to write or even feel embarrassed. Consider morning pages, a technique where you write three full pages of whatever comes to mind first thing in the morning. You can also jot down your life's goals or reflect on your daily experiences.
  • Prompt ideas: 1. What is your definition of success? 2. What would you do if you knew you would not fail? 3. How can you improve my communication skills? 4. What would your future self tell you about living your current life? 5. What would you do differently if you were successful? 6. How can your habits help you reach your goals? 7. What would you say to yourself if you were your friend? 8. What three things would you not stop doing, even if you were successful?
  • Journaling can help you stay focused on your dreams and make sense of the world around you. Just the act of writing down your emotions takes the power out of them.

Habit 10: Taking Action

The Importance of Execution

Taking action is indispensable when pursuing excellence. You can read all the success tips in the world, but they mean nothing without execution.

Action could mean progressing toward your career goals or even smaller tasks leading to big changes. Schedule key elements that are important to your success. Make them achievable and not too big, so you stop or feel defeated.

Success Tip: Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination

  • Procrastination sucks and gets in the way of achieving what you want. It keeps you from reaching new heights or doing what you need. There are many ways to help with procrastination.
  • One effective method to combat procrastination is the Eisenhower Box that we discussed earlier. The combination of the Pomodoro Technique and Time Blocking works best for me.
  • Don't rule out medical reasons like ADHD, ADD, and Dyslexia as other causes. I found out I have adult ADHD in my mid-forties. This changed my life.

Habit 11: The Importance of Mentors and Coaches

Why Mentors and Coaches Matter

Mentors and coaches can greatly impact your journey toward achieving true success. They offer valuable support and insights that you might not have considered. They guide you through challenges and help you avoid common mistakes.

For instance, when I needed that final push to start this blog, a mentor provided the motivation I needed.

This habit emphasizes the role of mentors and coaches in boosting one's esteem and overall well-being and setting one on one's own path toward success.

Success Tip: How to Find the Right Mentor or Coach

  • The right mentor or coach can accelerate your growth. Finding the right one for you can be hard. They are not all the same, and you must trust them. You may need to pay for the best one.
  • For your professional life, see if your work has a program. Find an executive sponsor. I also seek mentors and coaches outside of work so we can focus on what I need personally and professionally.
  • Engage with people in your industry, attend events, and don’t be afraid to reach out. Recommendations from friends or reading books from thought leaders can also be helpful.

Habit 12: Reflection and Gratitude

The Importance of Self-Reflection

A successful person takes time for self-reflection. It helps them understand their strengths and weaknesses and how their thoughts affect their lives.

Reflection helps you make better decisions. It's an ongoing process that should form part of your daily ritual.

I like to end my day by writing down what I've achieved for the day, how I feel, and what emotions and unproductive behaviors I experienced that day. Try to find what triggers you and try to figure out why.

How Gratitude Affects Success

This one is important. Be grateful for what you have rather than upset by what you don't have. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference between reality and your imagination.

The more you focus on what you don't have, the more your mind will believe it (and attract it).

Try listing three things you're grateful for every morning before you start work. Repeat this in the evening. This small act has had a transformative effect on my perspective and emotional state. It helps me stay centered and calm.

Success Tip: Simple Ways to Incorporate Reflection and Gratitude Into Your Life

  • Start with something simple, like keeping a gratitude journal or setting aside 15 minutes daily for reflection. Writing down morning pages as a form of reflective journaling is an effective way to internalize your thoughts.

The Daily Habits of Successful People: Putting It All Together

Hopefully, these success tips have given you a starting point for building a roadmap of daily habits that will guide you in mastering your life and career.

But remember, incorporating these habits is a journey, not a sprint. From prioritizing your tasks to nourishing your body and mind, each habit plays a vital role in your overall well-being and helping you meet your goals.

Whether it's the 5 AM wake-up call or regular meditation, every habit makes you more successful.


While looking for shortcuts is tempting, true success comes from accumulating good habits, doing new things, and a supportive network of positive relationships.

This guide provides a blueprint for your personal life and achieving your dreams. But don't just read it—start living it.

Commit today to begin implementing these practices into your daily routine. The path to success and well-being is long and sometimes hard, but every step you take brings you closer to your own definition of what success means to you.

So, what are you waiting for? Your journey to a successful life starts with a single step.

Most importantly - Be Authentically you!

Embrace the journey, every step teaches us something new! Aristotle once said, excellence is not an act but a habit. Let’s surround ourselves with those who inspire us to achieve greatness! ?? #growthmindset #leadership

Katie Kaspari

Life & Business Strategist. MBA, MA Psychology, ICF. CEO, Kaspari Life Academy. Host of the Unshakeable People Podcast. Habits & Behaviour Design, Neuroscience. I shape MINDS and build LEADERS.

7 个月

Absolutely agree! Surrounding yourself with the right people can make all the difference. ?? #success #leadership #growthmindset Simon Court

Kamini W.

Human Potential Coach | Helping high achievers break from imposter syndrome, shame, anxiety & fear with confidence, acceptance, compassion & leadership to succeed professionally and personally | Be your AuthenticMe(tm)

7 个月

Love this! Building a mindfulness practice is so beneficial.


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