The 12 Components of the best 360°assessments
Achieve Performance Consulting Group
Achieving Extraordinary Results through People
360-degree assessments are the backbone of most corporations’ leadership development programs.
But not all surveys are in the same class as far as quality, the effectiveness of the implementation process, and the added services that they offer.
360-degree assessments are a central component in many leadership-development programs. But not allassessments provide the same value to individual leaders or to the organization.
The best assessments offer participants powerful insights into how others perceive their leadership strengths and weaknesses. These become a solid impetus for personal change. Organizations that offer multi-rater feedback at the start of their leadership development programs benefit from participants who are much more receptive and engaged in their learningopportunities.
There are many avenues from which to obtain 360-degree assessments. Talent management systems often provide clients with the ability to create and process their own. Data processing firms provide lists of survey items from which a client may choose.
Given so many choices, how can organizations determine what qualifies as a highly effectiveinstrument?
Zenger Folkman has gathered statistical data from over 1.5 million 360-degree assessments over 122 thousand global leaders!
The following elements are the ones Zenger Folkman believes to be the most important to consider:
Leaders want and need the kind of feedback that can only be received through confidential 360-degree assessments. When administered properly, they will accept it and use it to help become more successful.
We encourage organizations to seriously consider these 12 elements when selecting 360-degree instruments for their development programs.
You make the choice. But...we can help you choose the best leadership assessments, according to your needs, based on research from the top experts worldwide.
Contact Achieve Performance Consulting Group for further information.
T: 210-6835473, 210-6824287
Email: [email protected]
Source: Zenger Folkman -The 12 Components of the Best 360-Degree Assessments- by Jack Jenger and Joe Folkman.