12 books you should consider reading in 2024.

12 books you should consider reading in 2024.

The book of Genesis.

The book of Genesis is an interesting and fascinating one which brings to bear how the world and the human race was created and given life. The creativity, authority and dominance emanates from this book. If you read you should get the sense of how great and mighty you are according to God’s standards.

The book of Joshua.

This book is among the divine leadership ideologies from the Godly book, The Bible. Reading this book gives you a clear essence of mentorship and leadership with strong faith and selfless dedication. It also provides how young people should follow the good and godly steps of mentors, their leadership and instructions to become a successful leader themselves just like Joshua followed Moses.

The book of 1 & 2 Kings.

The book of 1 and 2 Kings actually forms one book in the Hebrew Bible. It talks about effective leadership being of good character than accomplishments of the leader. 1 Kings centers on bad decisions by leaders and consequently affecting the whole nation, community, business or society. It also narrates how leaders should be intimate with God their maker and king maker and the vice versa producing fatal events. 2 kings opens up in sins and perverted always of leaders. It clearly shows how leaders just follow evil ways just because it has “become the norm” which actually is not so. As a results doom loomed in on the various cities or nations.

The book of Ezra.

Ezra a scribe schooled in the law of Moses was a great man but never gained popularity yet still impacted many generations. His wisdom and ways of dealing with problems and helping build the church of God which affected society is a book with reading. Reading it will give you nuggets of how to rebuild your life and the church as a participant and not a cheer member.

The book of Nehemiah.

Nehemiah one of my favorite. I love this book. Probably recommend reading this book first. Nehemiah stands out to me because of its effective leadership approach from behind as a king’s cup bearer in a foreign land. Accepting what God has put in his heart as a believer and asks permission to go back to his homeland to rebuild it from disgrace. My love for this book also spans to how wittily he deal with challenges. Read it and get a sense of historic and patriotic commitment to your home, society, the church and the country as a whole.

The book of Proverbs.

Proverbs, another favorite! Oh my God! This book is encapsulating, never stop reading new insights and wisdom. Famously known and written by the wisest man and other wise men, brings out everyday intelligent insights. Reading it will make you wise! Simplicitas, no doubt about that!

The book of Job.

Another admirable book is here. The book of Job. Full of wisdom through life tests and temptations. This book will give you the assurance of God’s success even if you are struggling in unfathomable circumstances. Rest assured, you will come out victorious and more prosperous.

The book of Esther.

This book follows Nehemiah. It narrates how a beautiful woman Esther who becomes queen after the formal queen was deposed by her king.? Esther being a Jew uses her position to deliver her Jewish people from destruction in a foreign land. Apparently this was a very risky adventure for Esther. The lesson her will be how people should sacrifice and take the risk to help people in their distress even in our absolute comfort.

The book of Daniel.

Another favorite with excellence. Daniel a young man excellently educated and rose to the highest office in the Babylonian and Persian governments. This man and his friends likewise educated had faith in God when the culture around them eschewed righteousness. They face intense persecution but ultimately acquitted by God in each instance. The end part reveals how God reveals to Daniel about future events and gives hope to the Israelis. This book will encourage you to be steadfast in the Lord as a leader or aspire to be a leader.

The book of Matthew.

Matthew a Levi authors the whole life of the Messiah Jesus. Bringing to light the royal lineage of Jesus, early life, miracles, teachings of wisdom and how life should be lived as a believer. The book ends with the death and resurrection of Jesus and why we should make disciples of all nations. Reading this book will let you know the messiah who is to come again and live a life of undisputed power with heavenly grace.

The book of Romans.

Romans authored by Apostle Paul around A.D 57 in the grand scheme of history elaborated the relationship of human beings with God. He presents the gospel in a very positive and interesting fashion that helps every believer to understand the gospel to a greater extent. Read it and you will not be blown away by the unusual doctrines we hear nowadays all over the media. Your foundation as a believer or Christian should be solid with this book.

The book of Revelation.

Written by Apostle John on the island of Patmos around A.D 95. Revelation’s message is the end story- Jesus Christ and the saints(Christians) will be victorious amidst all forms of oppression and persecutions. Some see it to be scary but trust me it’s not. It gives you hope and encourage you to stick with the Lord Jesus Christ no matter what comes your way. Lastly I will say this book brings the a clear understanding to the grand story behind God and humanity. Read and receive hope as you continue the journey with God.

I told you it won’t be the usual books you are expecting. May be you ah e read them but read it? again because of the new perspective on these books. Don’t forget to write down what stands out to you concerning any facet of your life.

Get ready, 2024 will be far better and a blessing!


Benjamin Nathan Otchere, FPWMP的更多文章

