12 Behaviours of a Safety Leader which reduce workplace incidents

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"Leadership is not a Title, Its Behavior. Live It"

The behaviour of a safety leader imposes a great impact on reducing workplace incidents. following are twelve behaviours of a safety leader that will definitely contribute to reducing incidents at a workplace

1. Spend time with your team members and help them identify the problems before they arise.

"Great Leaders don't tell you what to Do, They show you how it's Done"

2. Welcome and listen when your employees report safety problems and incidents.

"Leaders who don't listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say"

3. Often visit your workplace and observe your employee's safe behaviours.

"To Lead People, Walk behind Them"

4. Engage your employees in solving Safety problems.

5. Continually encourage employees to work safely.

"Be an encourager. The World has plenty of critics already"

6. Talk about your beliefs on the importance of safety.

7. Be fair and don't allow double standards.

"Nothing can kill a great employee faster than watching you tolerate a Bad ONE"

8. Provide constructive feedback for unsafe behaviours.

9. Educate your employees on the importance of safety.

10. Don't turn a blind eye to safety, even when you are running behind your schedule and under pressure.

"When you Gamble with Safety You bet your Life"

11. Regularly discuss ways to improve safety.

"Great mind Discuss Ideas"

12. Make sure to praise and reward safety behaviours. 

"A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected"

Leaders: if you want your team to accomplish great things, you must show them that you truly care.



