#12 Become the best version of you ??
Monika Susanne N?gele
mona bestAger °Hier und Jetzt ? Inspirierende Begleitung und Veranstaltungen für neue erfüllende Wege ? Hier und Jetzt gestalten wir unsere Zukunft ?
Dear All,
It is sad, that sometimes it starts with GOODBYE when you moving on with the rest of life.
After more than four decades of working on different sites, my Airbus journey ends now on the 10th of May in Manching. Thanks a lot for the great working together and for always being helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Potentially new challenges and further transformations will inevitably come into my live when my new goal will find me… and when I look backwards then the following always helped me to start with a beginner’s mind and recognize any magic moment:
Finally I am really happy that a great Core Team is now the heartbeat of the BfB community in Manching with fresh ideas and inspiring talks.
The next one is already coming up tomorrow via Google meet and please JOIN IN !!
In addition you would benefit from the advanced assessment of your personal values. It takes just 5 minutes ??
?Now I would like to finish with a well-known poem from Hermann Hesse:
>> und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne,
der uns beschützt und der uns hilft zu leben <<
Best wishes to you ALL
HO Engineering MSC G with Airbus Helicopters
2 年Dear Monika, some things are inevitable... although I would have liked very much to have you on board for some more years! All the best to you and many many thanks for the multiple phone and life consultations we had! I have distributed your fare well booklet to all sites meanwhile, a very useful memory ?????? Stay healthy and happy Cheers Max
Head of Commercial & Contracts Series Production & Export
2 年Hi Monika, all the best for you!! Gerhard
A400M MRO Service Manager
2 年Thank you Monika Susanne N?gele for your contribution, for being an example. All the best in your next step ??
Individual Coaching, Team Coaching, Conflict Management, Positive Psychology #Potentiale entfalten #Erfolge gestalten
2 年Dear Monika, thanks for your contribution to LACIS and all your positive energy. It was a gift to have you on board. Take care and ENJOY every single moment waiting outside ??. Hug, Biggi
Thanks for all you have done for BfB. Your passion was obviouse and a very good example what working for a higher purpose than oneself means....