11Verse - Embracing AI
AI has become a hot topic this year and people in the art space have been protesting it for the past few days. I guess the fear and anger can soon spread to other domains and industries once AI starts to apply and shock people.
As a developer in IT for a long time, I have had the opportunity to experience how openness has a huge impact on the advancement of the IT industry, and the open source communities have played a critical role in offering everyone the opportunity to learn the skills and make a difference. Projects have been forked and reused over and over again, people learning from each other, making code working better and feeding back again to the original project, which forms a positive loop and the end result is, the whole industry is booming.
The evolutionary development of software for the past decade probably wouldn’t have happened today if people just kept their code close-sourced and I believe to be open and collaborative is the key to the success of the future human beings.
This is a controversial topic so I won’t expand too much here but one thing to be certain for me is that I’m fully embracing AI in my technology and art workflow and will contribute to the community with the skills I picked up along the way to evolve together with people who share the same vision. Expect to see some crazy cool stuff coming out next year.
This is the last update of 2022 and I feel blessed to have worked with all of you and thank you so much for the help and support. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See ya in 2023.??
Until the next update.