The 11th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics

We are happy to welcome you to the 11th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics, June 16-19 2020, Tartu, Estonia.

The 11th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics June 16-19 2020, Tartu, Estonia Dedicated to 100th birthday of C.R. Rao

More info:

Conference subject areas include various theoretical and applied topics related to multivariate statistics in general (multivariate inference, multivariate models, multivariate distributions and copulas, statistical learning and methodology for high-dimensional data, robust statistics, etc. – see the full list on the webpage).

Confirmed keynote speakers

Rao lecture Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (McMaster University, Ontario, Canada)

Keynote lecture   Trevor Hastie (Stanford University, USA)

Confirmed invited speakers

Hansj?rg Albrecher (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Taras Bodnar (Stockholm, Sweden)

Liliana Forzani (Santa Fe, Argentina)

Yuriy Kharin (Minsk, Belarus)

Ivan Kojadinovic (Pau, France)

Jianxin Pan (Manchester, UK)

J?rg Polzehl (Berlin, Germany)

Mogens Steffensen (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Jianfeng Yao (Hong Kong, China)

Konstantinos Zografos (Athens, Greece)

The conference is hosted by the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Tartu, Estonia. Tartu University is among the oldest universities in the Nordic-Baltic area, holding the position as the Estonia's leading centre of research and training for nearly 400 years.

The tradition of Tartu multivariate statistics conferences dates back to 1977, becoming truly international since 1994, where C.R.Rao was one of the keynote speakers. The 11th Tartu Conference on Multivariate Statistics aims to bring together statisticians working on various classical and modern fields of multivariate statistics in the broad sense.

The conference venue is the new and modern "Delta" buliding of the University of Tartu (opened in January 2020), where the institutes of computer science, mathematics and statistics, as well as economics are located.


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