199+ NEW LinkedIn Feature(s) Captured in the Wild in 2024 PART II
2024 #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Captured in the Wild Part II Kevin D. Turner, TNT Brand Strategist, LinkedIn Optimization, Eliminating Personal Blanding?

199+ NEW LinkedIn Feature(s) Captured in the Wild in 2024 PART II

(PART III launched 10.11.2024)

Welcome to the 5th Annual #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Captured in the Wild 2024: PART II

199+ Captures in the Wild as of 09.26.2024:

??83 ? NEW LinkedIn Feature(s)

??103 Updates

??10 ?? RIPs

??3 ? Deprecations?????

Thank you to all the Eagle Eyed & Sharing Hearts, who assist in curating #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Captured in the Wild, as the pinnacle resource for those who want to keep up with the advances of LinkedIn!

Prior Editions of #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Captured in the Wild:

?? 109+ NEW LinkedIn Features & Updates for 2024 (Jan - May) PART I

?? 200+ NEW LinkedIn Features & Updates for 2023 (PART III & Links to I & II)

?? 100+ NEW LinkedIn Features 2022

?? 40+ NEW LinkedIn Features 2021

?? 50+ NEW LinkedIn Features 2020

200+ NEW LinkedIn Features & Updates PART III Launched 10.11.2024

LinkedIn Rollouts (5 ?? ? ? ↑) : follow a standardized 5 ?? Waves that are ? Randomized, ?Timed, & Increasing in Size, so that LinkedIn can evaluate, adjust, sometimes eliminate, and ultimately to reduce any negative impact, unpredicted loads or code collisions that might blow up the platform.

Usually a clean rollout is 30 to 90 Days to complete. On occasion some rollouts have taken over 6 months to a year to complete.

Product Feedback: If you would like to be part of making LinkedIn a better platform, miss an old feature, would like to suggest new feature or see improvements to an existing one, then fill out the 3?? Feedback methods that make things happen on LinkedIn:

1?? Microsoft's hidden online LinkedIn Product Group Feedback: https://lnkd.in/gNzpwuR9

2?? Job Seeker Feedback: email [email protected]

3?? LinkedIn's little known 'Suggest an improvement" directly to the Product Team: https: //lnkd.in/ggXi_bcA (this form is currently inactive and being replaced by the Mobile In App [Shake for Feedback].


KEY: ? = NEW, ▲ = Update, ?? RIP = Removed, ??= Deprecated (available but not recommended or supported)

Let's Dive [In]:


?? RIP [Community Top Voice badge] AKA the "Golden Badge" will discontinue the ability to earn them automatically through contributions to Collaborative articles (Ca).

If you currently have or earn a gold Community Top Voice badge before or on October 8, please note that it will expire within 60 days from when it was awarded.

There are no changes to our Top Voice (blue badge) program, which is invitation-only and led by LinkedIn’s editorial team.

WHY: I heard [in] was getting some blowback from the [Blue] Badges. They felt the [Gold] looked more prestigious, Quality on Contribs were dismal, and many [Gold] Badge earners were gaming/cheating the system. It had to go.Some thought Ca was being used to train AI but it wasn't.

As an OpenAI BETA tester since 2021, I am aware that basically anything posted on the internet openly is used as training content for AI. [in] couldn't legally use Ca for that purpose because it conflicted with the UA & Privacy Policy with its Members (thats why they are revamping the UA & Privacy Policy plus adding in the Use for training AI Forced Opt[in] that is to go active in November, notice the future active dating).

Co-Captured in the Wild with David Petherick & Gus Bhandal



?? RIP [LinkedIn Live ] showing in the Host's Profile [Background photo] AKA Profile Banner

Co-Captured with Gillian Whitney , Debbie Wemyss & Jeff Young



? [Share quote] allow you to highlight Normal text from an Article or Newsletter to create a pop-up box with a (Copy) or (Share quote) option (excluding Heading or Subheading text).

Clicking (Share quote) will then create a post based on the highlighted info and add a visual image link to the original Article or Newsletter. At that time you can edit the post before clicking (Post).

Captured in the Wild by Mark Williams



? [LinkedIn Data Processing Objection Form] allows members to object to the use of their personal data for training non-content generating GAI models

Captured in the Wild by BRUCE Bixler



? [Data for Generative AI Improvement] was added to Settings & Privacy to give you control over whether LinkedIn uses your data to train generative AI models that are used for content creation on LinkedIn, and this toogle is already defaulted to On (? )

May be US based and would love to know if you are seeing this in other countries. We will update the feature with these findings.

[in] didn't roll out to the European Union because of their Data Privacy Law GDPR) and by 09.19.2024 [in] has already pulled back the Feature setting from the UK

How to Opt out:

? Click the (Me ▼) icon

? Select (Settings & Privacy)

? Select (Data privacy)

? Click (Data for Generative AI Improvement)

? Toggle to Off (● )

Learn more here on this feature: https://www.dhirubhai.net/help/linkedin/answer/a6278444

Check out the LinkedIn and generative AI (GAI) FAQs: https://www.dhirubhai.net/help/linkedin/answer/a5538339

Make your informed choice here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/mypreferences/d/settings/data-for-ai-improvement

Co-Captured in the Wild w/ Dr. Kruti Lehenbauer & Andreas Welsch

POSTED 09.18.2024


▲ [Connection level] on Comments that was removed on 8.18.2024 as part of the ▲ [Reply to comment] Redesigned has now been re-instated.

[Reply to comment] Redesigned 8.18.2024


? [Has verifications] filter added to (Jobs ▼) search. If you toggle this filter on when searching for jobs, you will only see job posts with information about the company that has been confirmed by LinkedIn, or information about the job poster that has been confirmed by the job poster through LinkedIn or one?of our trusted third-party partners.

Verified Company status seems to be limited to US based larger companies who have had this Company page Verification rolled out to them.

POSTED 09.11.2024


? [Draft filter] added to messaging in Mobile to allow us to look up and act upon all unexecuted drafts.

Messaging Drafts have been around for years in mobile but there never was a way to filter to find them, they would just appeared in the (Write a message) box at the bottom of an open Messaging string.

Captured in the wild by LIAM DARMODY

POSTED 09.02.2024


?? RIP [My Company] tab

?? RIP [Employee Advocacy] tab with its Admin generated (Recommend content)

These Company page Employee advocacy features will be removed October 2024.

Notification are being sent out in waves to Company admins that say: "To help our members and customers better engage with the audiences they care about and continue to build their brands, we are removing the My Company tab on Pages and Employee Advocacy tab on the Admin Dashboard starting in October 2024."

Captured in the Wild by Britta Behrens ??

1st noticed in Xavier degrauX post on 09.02.2024, who let me know he saw it in Richard van der Blom newsletter, you got the info from Britta.

POSTED 09.02.2024


? [? Introduce yourself] is an Premium AI-powered messaging and invite feature that appears on a profile that you are visiting in the Highlights section right under the Profile Top card. The feature compares profiles, networks and activity to find commonality to include in the introduction invite along with some templated language.

You can click ( ? ? Refresh ) to get a new version or Rewrite with AI to get the options of (Shorten it), (Lengthen it), (Make it casual) or (Make it formal). You can then give feedback to [in] in the forms of ?? or ??.

POSTED 08.31.2024


▲ [Draft reminder] now occupies the (Create a post) heading with Draft: & then first 55+ characters and spaces of your draft, when we have created a Draft post as a reminder. If you don't have a Draft, you will just see (Create a Post).

Captured in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 08.31.2024


? [Native video] Beta is rolling out to all uploaded videos starting 8.30.2024. Temporarily is causing some viability issues with videos in our Feeds.

If the Beta passes, ultimately all Video functions within the platform may be native to the platform, meaning soon there may be no more need to use 3rd party apps to stream LIVEs, shoot video directly into the feed, even have *Video Events or perhaps Video comments.

*Video events (live Audio events with live video, see beta mockup below).

POSTED 08.30.2024


(Add media) option in [Create a post] output has been redesigned with a smooth rounded edges.

POSTED 08.29.2024


[Company page verification] that launched 07.09.2024 has been updated with the ability for Company page Admins to Ask about verifying your page by hitting (Submit request).

? Got to Page Settings (at the bottom of the Company page left side edit menu)

? Scroll down and then Click (Verification controls)

? Click (Submit request)

Co-Captured in the Wild w/ Corinne Keijzer

POSTED 08.28.2024


[Premium perks] adds a new offer of 1 year of Perplexity Pro (up to a $200 USD Value).

Enjoy powerful search capabilities, including:

  • Daily Pro Searches for expert insights on any topic
  • Top AI models (GPT-4o, Claude 3.5) all in one place
  • Instant analysis of any type of file

POSTED 08.24.2024


? [Highlighted comment], appears for a few seconds, when we click on a Notification of a Comment and are delivered to the content. If (Standard mode) is on the highlight is Blue and if (Dark mode) is on its dark Grey. This makes it easier to find the comment when the content is opened.

POSTED 08.24.2024


? [All followers] on your Company page now includes (Pages) that follow your Company page.

Captured in the Wild by Xavier degrauX

POSTED 08.22.2024


[Reply to comment] Redesigned. Here's what has changed:

? Connection level removed

? Time stamp (exact H:M:S XM but no Date) returns old system

? Mention (AKA tag) automated

? (Emojis) & (Add image) swap places and go from Right to Left Justify

? Reply button added

Co-Captured in the Wild with Gillian Whitney

POSTED 08.18.2024


(Start a post) with Premium has been relabeled (Start a post or draft with AI ?) to remind Members that this option is available to them.



? [Video for you] added to our Feeds, as a tap or swipe left access, to introduce a greater audience to the Immersive video feature. It is available to those with or without the [Video tab] on Mobile.

At the same time [in] is now expanding video contributions beyond the beta test group. Some who have been lucky enough to be selected (whether by Algorithm or hand-picked like the original videos) are reporting video views in the 100's of thousand, but still no significant increase in Profile views, Comments or Reactions.

POSTED 08.13.2024


?? [Time stamp] on content that appeared on 08.02.2024 has been removed on 08.13.2024. This system was confusing because it dit not have a date attached to the time, so same times on different dates were confusing. RIP

POSTED 08.13.2024


▲ Edit Scheduled Posts.

Options include:

? Post Now

?? Modify Schedule (even up to 10 minutes to post)

? Edit post (adjust both Content & Media, but not Polls at this time)

??? Delete

Here's how:

1. open [Start a post],

2. click the ??,

3. click (View all scheduled posts ?)

4. click the More icon (...) on the scheduled post you'd like to edit,

5. click one of the options above,

6. begin editing

Captured in the Wild by Jayant Ghosh

POSTED 08.13.2024


[Mentions], AKA Tags on other platforms, updated:

If you click the (Reply) on multiple Comments of the same thread,

[in] will add all the Mentions (Tags) into one [Reply].

POSTED 08.08.2024


▲ [Polls] can now be Scheduled.

Captured in the Wild by Will Slappey

POSTED 08.05.2024


? [Time Stamp] added to Comments; displayed in a static Hour/Minute/Second/XM

? Use to be X hr(s), Day(s), Month(s), or Year(s) ago

? Appears to be in the Viewers, not the Commenters, Time Zone

? Has No Date info: No Day/Month/Year (D/M/Y)

This new display gets a bit confusing as [in] may construct an non linear order of Comments with their own relevancy algorithm. So a comment this morning may have a Time stamp of 6:30:00 AM and one from the Day before also at 6:30:00 AM. Then, if [in] finds the newest Comment more relevant, places it above the older comment, how do we to know which came first?

There needs to be a D/M/Y component to this Time Stamp.

Captured in the Wild by Becca Chambers ?

POSTED 08.02.2024

▲ Time Stamps removed ~08.13.2024


[?? Recommend this post] by Group Admin updated:

? OLD: Recommend 1 post a *week and the notification email goes out immediately

? NEW: Recommend up to 3 posts a *week and the notification email will be sent the following week

A *week is determined as Monday to Sunday.

To reduce SPAM, Group Members will only receive the Recommended posts email if they have set that option in their group membership communication preferences.

While waiting for the email to go out the following week, the newly recommended post(s) will be featured within the (Recommended) tab for group posts.

Captured in the Wild by The Real Dan Roth

Special thank you to Jeff Young for helping us test, define and verify assumptions

POSTED 07.29.2024


▲ Comments updated with [See XX replies] replacing the olde [Load more replies], adding the XX number of replies within it, and opening a threaded display of all sub-comments replies to the original Comment.

Unlike the old (Load more replies), (See XX replies) has a (Collapse replies) option.

Captured in the Wild by Louise Brogan

POSTED 07.29.2024


▲ [Newsletters] and [Articles] updated to allow GIFs back in both the Header image and within the content.

This issue loading GIFs may have begun when Newsletters and Articles received their left side comment redesign around 06.10.2024.

POSTED 07.29.2024


? [Allow updates and notifications] in now behind the More icon (...) in the [Catch up] on the [Network] tab providing the toggle on/off options for updates on (?? Member) & (?? Job changes).

Toggle right for Green (On) which is the current Default and left White (Off).

Captured in the Wild by Xavier degrauX

POSTED 07.29.2024


Premium (Rewrite with AI) now selects the best Hashtags (#) for your post in Pascal Case

Pascal Case requires the first letter of each word in the # to be capitalized. This is the most inclusive way to display #s and helps Site Readers for the visually impaired to read back the # in words and not by repeating back all the letters in a series. See how this looks form the Site Reader view.

Pascal is often confused by the term Camel Case which starts a # by making the first word lowercase, then capitalizing the first letter of each word that follows. #PascalCase vs #camelCase.

(Rewrite with AI) may choose up to 10 #s but averages 3 to 4 per post.

POSTED 07.25.2024


▲ [Reactions] display updated on to show a sampling of the Reactions with Profile photos and their chosen Reactions (8 on Desktop and 6 on Mobile before showing the (+X) icon that opens the Reactions pop-up with full display.

This change in display seemed to last for a few days and may have reverted back to the old display. Perhaps an A/B test.

Capture in the Wild by LIAM DARMODY

POSTED 07.25.2024


? [Add test scores] has been added as an option in (Add to profile) under (Additional) and is searchable and displayed within LinkedIn Recruiter.

Will display at the bottom of the Profile between Volunteering and Languages.

POSTED 07.18.2024


[Profile builder] UX updated with Guidance backed by Stats.

Captured in the Wild by Shay Thieberg

POSTED 07.18.2024


? [Add video title] in Company page Video post with up to 150 Spaces for description. Title displayed on Post at the bottom of the video in its own separate box.

POSTED 07.16.2024


(People with similar interest are following <First name> <Last name>) added as a Notifications with a (Follow to see posts).

Sadly it doesn't take into consideration if you are already following the featured person.

POSTED 07.16.2024


[Career explorer] toolset that matches Jobs with Skills expands to include French & German translation of the toolset and uses LinkedIn's Economic graph data for their respective countries.

POSTED 07.15.2024


▲ Notifications on mobile now includes a Slide left menu with the options of (?? Not Useful) & ( ??? Delete)

Captured in the Wild by Eli Igra Serfaty

POSTED 07.15.2024


▲ [Comment] display redesigned to show a threaded connection.

Captured in the Wild by LIAM DARMODY

POSTED 07.12.2024


▲ Newsletter [Cover image] no longer accepting GIFs and the ability to add a GIF insert into the body of the content is inconsistent. If you can get a GIF to load in a Newsletter edit it will complete one cycle, but when published it should remain in Loop mode.

Co-Captured in the Wild with Gillian Whitney & Jeff Young

POSTED 07.10.2024

?? 07.30.2024: Looks like GIFs are back in Play in the Header and Content body of Articles & Newsletters. ??


▲ [+ Experience] prompt added to the Mobile (Me) page behind our picture in the top left corner to make it easier for us to update our profile on Mobile.

Captured in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 07.10.2024


▲ [Top demographics] in post Analytics has been redesigned

Captured in the Wild by Ariel Serber

POSTED 07.10.2024


▲ [All star] status is back on display in our (Suggested for you) when you are viewing your profile.

Captured in the Wild by Unknown (lost in Messaging) then a few days later by Sarah Burgess (My apologies, if you are "Unknown" let me know, I'll verify Messaging & update credit)

POSTED 07.10.2024


?[Company page verification] is rolling out to help signal that the Page is an official Page to build credibility with potential customers, and helps members find the actual organizations they intended to engage with.

Multiple factors are taken into consideration when determining if a Page is verified. Factors may include, but are not limited to:

  • Accuracy of certain data points on the Page (example: location, website URL)
  • Active Page admin presence
  • Page is claimed (not a Listing Page)
  • Compliance with LinkedIn policies

There is nothing for the Company page to do, except wait. More info here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/help/linkedin/answer/a6275638

Captured in the Wild by Tony Restell



? (Upload resume) has returned.

When [in] warned us that "Resume Builder with Keyword Insights will be discontinued and our stored Resumes would be deleted on June 12th, 2024 (& a Premium AI-version was coming), we also lost the (Resume Upload) so we shared our workarounds of Upload your Resume via Settings for future job applications or during the job application process.

Interesting enough we can store more than 4 Resumes. Prior to the deletion of this feature, I had 22 (all deleted in the transition) and just today I uploaded & stored 7.

To find (Upload resume) follow these instructions:

? ?Open (Jobs) page

? ?Click (Preferences) in left side menu

? ?Scroll down to [My qualifications] and click the (Resumes and application data ?)

? ?In the (Share resume data with recruiters) section, click (Upload resume)

?? ?Label these Resumes well, because there is no preview (only Download), so when applying, we can select our best version.

Then get your Keyword review (while they last for Basic Accounts (Free) or Premium): https://www.dhirubhai.net/jobs/?showResumeBuilderModal=true

Captured in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 07.03.2024


? [Select feed view] on Mobile app added with the options of ? Most relevant first (default) & ◎ Most recent first.

Captured in the Wild by Eli Igra Serfaty

POSTED 07.03.2024


▲[Edit intro] updated design, bringing the the options of (Open profile) and (Premium badge) to the top.

Captured in the Wild by Mic Adam

POSTED 07.02.2024


[Invite to follow] for Company pages is on the move again, now finding it way to the bottom of the Left Nav Menu in Company page edit mode.

Captured in the Wild by Louise Brogan

POSTED 07.01.2024


[Custom button] expanded for Premium accounts to allow both Custom (Link) & (Premium custom button) to be used at the same time for Service providers (defaulted to ? Request services) and both are now in BLUE hyperlink form.

??Previously the Premium custom button Hyperlink was grey and many may not have realized it was clickable ??

(Link) allows custom naming and appears as a BLUE hyperlink in the Profile Top card.

(Premium custom button) requires us to select a preset naming option and displays as a Button in the Top card and as a BLUE hyperlink under our names on Post, Messages & Search results.

Premium custom button preset naming options are: ◎ Visit my store, ◎ Visit my website, ◎ View my portfolio, ◎ View my blog, ◎ Book an appointment, ◎ Subscribe to newsletter & ? Request services (the default for all Service Providers to encourage members to submit a request for your services on LinkedIn)

??To use both you, first set up your (Premium custom button), then go back and add you (Link) ??

Captured in the Wild by Fabio Banzato

POSTED 06.28.2024


▲ [Repost] may be running an A/B test that takes the original Author's original post header that included their Profile photo (or Company logo?) and reduces it to a single text line (Resposted from <First name> <Last name>) that appears under the reposters truncated headline at the top of the new post.

Because the original post header has been removed in this A/B Test the image has increased on the Repost.

Captured in the Wild by Xavier degrauX

POSTED 06.27.2024


▲ [Create a post] icon on Mobile redesigned from the tradition [?] to a [+].

May be an A/B to see if the [+] encourages more Members to click on it and perhaps try a post.

Captured in the Wild by Shirley Charlie Kleinman

POSTED 06.26.2024


? [Staging link] is rolling out for Newsletters & Articles, giving us the ability to view an article's URL before it has been published for better cross-platform sharing.

Click (Manage ▼)

Click (Settings)

Click (Create URL)

Click (Copy)

POSTED 06.25.2024


▲ [Embed] for Newsletters / Articles now includes Profiles and Company pages. Wonder why Services pages are not included?

POSTED 06.22.2024


▲ [Manage hashtags] has moved from the home page left side menu to behind the Hashtag page top card's More icon (...)

Do a Hashtag search or click on a published Hashtag to get the Hashtag page.

POSTED 06.22.2024


? [Weekly sharing tracker] added to our Analytics Dashboard to help us increase our visibility by Posting, Commenting, or Contributing to Collaborative articles (Ca).

This tracker is to encourage us to take at least 3 actions every week, one in each of the categories.

Capture in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 06.18.2024


[Side card] in the Home page left side menu updated with truncated Headline (up to 60 spaces), Profile photo is now left aligned, Current company displayed, & Location added. This will be what will be shown

Followed Hashtags removed from left menu.

Co-Captured by ??Eric Cook, MBA & Mic Adam

POSTED 06.18.2024


? [AI Course reviews] now available in LinkedIn Learning to help us understand the value the coursework may provide us in consideration of our activity and profile information and customizable by prompt.

Captured in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 06.18.2024


? [Speaker reminder message] allows Event Hosts an easy way to send reminders with links to selected Speakers to accept their Speakership.

Captured in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 06.17.2024


? [?AI-powered resume feedback] a Premium feature will access your resume compared to a job posting of interest, determine your fit (including alignment with company culture, emphasizing quantifiable achievements & highlighting skills such as specified in the job description).

Use the sparkle buttons (? rewrite) next to each section to rewrite with Al. Other options include (? Shorten it), (? Make it formal), (? Make it casual) & (? Undo).

[AI-powered resume feedback] won't update your profile, and your customized resume remains visible only to you.

POSTED 06.14.2024


? [?AI-powered conversational job search] a Premium feature allows you to skip traditional and confining search filters like job title or location. Type in what you want, in your real voice, and let the tool do the heavy lifting to make your search making the process faster, easier and more intuitive.

POSTED 06.14.2024


? [?AI-powered job assessment] will help you understand your fit for the role.

You will be able find the essential details and instantly see whether a job matches your preferences, understanding how your skills and qualifications match up, and seeing people you can reach out to in your network for your job search, empowering you to quickly assess and decide whether you’d like to apply.

POSTED 06.14.2024


? [?AI-powered cover letter] a Premium feature helps draft a personalized cover letter from scratch with the help of AI, which you can then review and edit as necessary for your application by clicking (Help me create a cover letter).

POSTED 06.14.2024


? [?AI-powered instructor coaching] allows learners to interact with a select instructors and instantly receive ?AI-powered personalized, actionable advice, based on the instructors teachings. Each response will be personalized to the requesting learner based on their title, career goals, and the skills they follow on LinkedIn Learning.

POSTED 06.14.2024


? [AI-powered coaching royalties] will be issued to qualifying Learning Instructors when learners access the instructors' expertise using AI-powered coaching within a course. For example, if a learner uses this feature to ask a question within the course, the instructor will be paid for it.

POSTED 06.14.2024


? [Market Value Title Filters] added to (People) search (Actively hiring) pop up box filter [Title search box) and checkable ? with open and set titles.

Captured in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 06.13.2024


▲ [Left slide over menu] on mobile app updated to include your background banner, truncated headline and current company. Pushes the (Save post) below the visual line, requiring a scroll up to locate.

Captured in the Wild by Eli Igra Serfaty

POSTED 03.13.2024


▲ (Date posted ▼) filter in (Post) search updated by adding 3 additional options of ◎ past-2y, ◎ past-3y, & ◎ Past-year

Captured in the Wild by Jayant Ghosh

POSTED 06.13.2024


▲ [Newsletter email notice] shows truncated newsletter sample with a push back to platform of ( Keep reading on LinkedIn ). So the Title and first 600 Character (with spaces) better get the reader excited enough to click back [in].

May be in A/B testing stage as old full read Newsletter emails are also being sent with the (Join the conversation) click back.

Captured in the Wild by Gillian Whitney

POSTED 06.11.2024


▲ [Comments] will now show up on the right side of your Article, making it easier for your audience to engage and spark conversations, even when you scroll down the article.

Captured in the Wild by Martijn Holtes

POSTED 06.10.2024


(?? Show less like this ) added as an option behind the More icon (...) in Notifications, to reduce unwanted Notifications.

Captured in the Wild by Xavier degrauX

POSTED 06.06.2024


? [Wire program] enables B2B marketers to promote in-stream video ads ahead of trusted publisher content on LinkedIn, which means Members will have to watch ads before seeing the stream content they are interested in.

Testing with a limited number of publishers including Barron's, Bloomberg, Business Insider, Forbes, Linkedin News, MarketWatch, NBCUniversal, Reuters, The Wall Street Journal and Yahoo Finance

Press Release

POSTED 06.04.2024


?? RIP:?Resume Builder with Keyword Insights will be discontinued on June 12th, 2024.

Within the next few months, there will be a ?Premium ?AI-assisted Resume Builder tool (perhaps built on the same premise as the [?AI-assisted Build a profile] that launched 04.24.2024).

Many noticed, about two months ago, access to [Build a resume] was removed from the More icon (…) options from our profiles.

We found a work-around access to [Build a resume] through this direct link:

Now here’s where it got a bit wonky, as we use to be able to upload a resume when we accessed this feature (now it just [Keyword check]s our Profile or previously saved Resumes).

Don’t despair, because we've not left you hanging; here’s 2 workaround HACKs to Upload your resume (that work now and might after June 12th):

1.????Upload your Resume via Settings for future job applications

·?????Click the (Me▼) icon, found on right side of the Top menu

·?????Select (Privacy & Settings) from the Dropdown menu

·?????Click on (Data Privacy)

·?????Scroll down to (Job seeking preferences) and click on (Job application settings)

·?????Toggle (Save resumes and application data) to On

·?????Select (Upload resume)

2.????Upload your resume during the job application process

·?????Search for a Job.

·?????Click on a Job title to view details

·?????Click (Easy Apply)

·?????Complete the required fields

·?????Under?Resume (optional), select?(Upload resume)?to upload your resume

·?????Click (Submit application)?when finished.

Note:?Recommended Resume file size is less than 2MB and the file format must be either Microsoft Word or PDF

We hope this direct link and upload hacks work going forward or at least until the new Resume Builder is intro-ed in the next few months.

Discontinued Co-Capture in the Wild with Sandra Clark

POSTED 06.05.2024


▲ (? Insights) button has been added to the Post engagement menu, leading to the Premium [AI-powered takeaways and advice] or, if you don't have Premium, to the upgrade your account page.

[AI-powered takeaways and advice] is offered at the Business, Recruiter & Sales Navigator Premium levels.

POSTED 06.04.2024


▲ (?? Share) on Mobile Posts was redesigned as a slide-up option. You can now share directly from LinkedIn with other apps, including messaging apps.

Captured in the Wild by Louise Brogan

POSTED 06.04.2024


[Home page] left side menu redesigned showing the Profile side card separated from overview section. In the Profile side card, the Headline preview is truncated, showing to up to 55 spaces and Current company is displayed.

? [Add to you feed] appears in the right side menu with suggestion to one click (+ Follow) to enhance your feed with what [in] feels is relevant based on your activity and network.

Captured in the Wild by Xavier degrauX

POSTED 06.04.2024


?? RIP (Content type) Post filters for Job Posts & Newsletter, added on 01.08.2024, have been removed.

▲ (Collaborative articles) filter added to (Content type) Post filters

Captured in the Wild by Luiz Carlos de Oliveira Junior

POSTED 05.28.2024


? [Suggested posts] from your Network, that are relevant to a Group you belong to, will be offered to you when you visit those groups, to stimulate your activity and engagement within.

Captured in the Wild by Melanie Goodman

POSTED 05.27.2024


▲ [Feed preference] edits made on Mobile or Desktop experience will apply to both.

Previously, the Mobile and desktop Feeds were created independently. The Mobile Feed tended to focus on simplified content like polls, short forms, pictures, and videos that lent well to the screen size, while the Desktop Feed emphasized long forms, multi-images, and document posts.

POSTED 04.24.2024


? [RSS Content sharing] from our LinkedIn page, AKA Company page allows Company page Admins to import posts from their organization’s RSS feeds, such as organization’s websites, to share in a post directly on your Page. Content sharing can help efficiently post content from external web sources to our LinkedIn Page and grow and engage your followers.

After you set up content sharing, you’ll be notified each time a new post from your RSS feed becomes available to post on LinkedIn. The drafted post will include a link to the original source and may include a preview image. You can review the drafted Page post and edit it as needed before publishing it on LinkedIn. Once published, the content will be shared with members on LinkedIn, like other Page posts.

As new content is added to your external source, it'll become available to post on your Page regularly. Note that there’s a daily limit, so if you have any new content posted on your RSS feed on a given day, you may not see all your content available to post on LinkedIn.

If there’s content you’d like to share that isn’t available to post with this feature, you can still create a new post for that content.

External source types that are currently supported include your organization’s websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and other RSS supported sources.

Important to know: Sources you submit to LinkedIn through this feature must only contain content that you and your organization have the right to post on LinkedIn and must not violate anyone’s rights, including intellectual property rights, or the Professional

Community Policies: Your use of this feature is subject to the LinkedIn Pages Terms. Review LinkedIn’s Copyright Policy to ensure the content you share is compliant.

Troubleshooting your RSS feed addition: https://www.dhirubhai.net/help/linkedin/answer/a6275901

Captured in the Wild by Louise Brogan



?[Immersive video player] available on Mobile App iOS & Android. provides an easy way for you to view and engage with more videos on LinkedIn. Tap on any video on your feed to enter a full screen immersive video player, where you can:

  • React, comment, or share
  • Swipe up to see more videos
  • Tap on the back arrow to exit the full screen video experience

The immersive video feed consists of content based on quality and relevance from existing videos on LinkedIn. At this time Members can't upload or nominate videos into the immersive video feed.

Rumored ?? RIP: this feature may replace [Daily] AKA Video tab, that's in beta since April 2024.

POSTED 05.20.2024


? [Content credential] is based on the new C2PA standards to detect AI-generated Image, Video or Audio content and labeled it with the (cr) icon to keep LinkedIn safe, trusted, and professional.

With the advances in AI, there is great potential to create Deep Fake content from images to audio to video that are so real and believible. The info behind the (cr) icon could give us the technical fingerprint insights to decide whether to believe what we see & hear or not.

This icon will be added to all detected AI-generated videos or images, as we upload during the content creation flow and will be visible to all viewers of your content.

C2PA icon

Clicking on the (cr) icon will display content credentials, such as: AI detection, Issued by, Issued to, and Issued on, so the viewer can decide it they trust it. These new changes are rolling out in the coming weeks and will help [in] keep digital information reliable and create a more transparent, secure environment for creators and members.

For more information:

GIF created based on Lia Haberman 's still image in Xavier degrauX post.

Captured in the Wild by Ariel Serber

POSTED 05.20.2024


? [View employees in recommended jobs] will show you Employees who have similar titles to your recommended jobs, when you access the Company page Jobs tab.

This info could be used to understand the position better or even potentially to connect with these individuals and develop a relationship that may allow them to become your internal champion.

Captured in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

POSTED 05.20.2024


?[Dashboard] added to Super admin's view of Company pages and appears to be better organized and the individual section are now housed in one place for ease of access.

Sections include:

(Todays Actions) Pages that complete these actions regularly grow 4x fasterManage

(Recent Posts) Manage your page’s content and amplify your reach with boosting.

(Track Performance) Grow your page 3x faster by leveraging insights and 5

Captured in the Wild by Louise Brogan

POSTED 05.16.2024


? [Conversations for you] added to notifications to show us other similar post that may interest us. To activate Conversations for you go to Notifications and click on a Notification.

Captured in the Wild by Leanne Di Fazio

POSTED 05.16.2024


? [Featured with Premium] now has an elongated display to create a larger presence on our profiles.

POSTED 05.14.2024


[Try Premium's newest features] may now appear at the top of our Feeds to encourage Members to get Premium or to remind Premium Members of the latest features to make sure they are getting the most out of their subscription.

POSTED 05.14.2024


[Saved items] replaces [My items] Home page, main left menu, which leads to the (My items) page and the last category that use to be (My saves) became (Saved posts and articles).

Captured in the Wild by Michelle J Raymond

POSTED 05.14.2024


? [Unique views], added to our Post analytics, estimates the number of accounts that have seen your posts on LinkedIn. This number is an estimate and may not be precise.

[Impressions] the estimated number of times your posts were seen on LinkedIn remains part of the Post analytics and this new addition supplements it.

My yearly ratio of Unique views to Impressions is 3 to 1 and my last 30 days is closer to a 2 to 1 ratio. This means each of my post viewers saw my content 2 to 3 times in their Feed.

Captured in the Wild by Becca Chambers ?

POSTED 05.10.2024


200+ NEW LinkedIn Features & Updates PART III Launched 10.11.2024

If you want to stay ahead of the LinkedIn Curve:

? Follow Me & Ring my ??

? Get the ROCK[In] Newsletter

? Subscribe on YouTube

? Check Out the Merch

? Follow #NEWLInkedInFeature #KeepRockingLinkedIn & #TNTBrandStrategist

Check out these ever-evolving resources:

???80+ Videos on [in]

???The LinkedIn Timeline


Prior Editions of #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Captured in the Wild:

?? 109+ NEW LinkedIn Features & Updates for 2024 PART I

?? 200+ NEW LinkedIn Features & Updates for 2023 (PART III & Links to I & II)

?? 100+ NEW LinkedIn Features 2022

?? 40+ NEW LinkedIn Features 2021

?? 50+ NEW LinkedIn Features 2020

Since 2005, TNT Brand Strategist, LLC has optimized 5K+ Profiles and Company pages with access to internal tools to increase rankings, drive Recruiter contact, generate 24/7 exposure, and accelerate transitions to dream careers. Most clients get recruited for their dream opportunities shortly after and directly related to their LinkedIn Profile Optimization.?=

???200+ Reviews

???5-Star Ratings

???Services Menu

Please let us know if we can help you eliminate your Organizational or Personal Blanding?


Kevin D. Turner Managing Partner, TNT Brand Strategist LLC

On a Mission to Eliminate Organizational & Personal Blanding?

Kevin D. Turner

Brand to Land: Eliminating Personal Blanding? with the Sharpest Tools & Strategies for Your Professional Success. Branding ? LinkedIn Profile Optimization ? Trainer ? Career Coach ? Speaker? Verified Profile ?

6 个月

?? RIP [Community Top Voice badge] AKA the "Golden Badge" will discontinue the ability to earn them automatically through contributions to Collaborative articles (Ca). If you currently have or earn a gold Community Top Voice badge before or on October 8, please note that it will expire within 60 days from when it was awarded. There are no changes to our Top Voice (blue badge) program, which is invitation-only and led by LinkedIn’s editorial team. Captured in the Wild by David Petherick 09.25.2024

Kevin D. Turner

Brand to Land: Eliminating Personal Blanding? with the Sharpest Tools & Strategies for Your Professional Success. Branding ? LinkedIn Profile Optimization ? Trainer ? Career Coach ? Speaker? Verified Profile ?

6 个月

? [LinkedIn Data Processing Objection Form] allows members to object to the use of their personal data for training non-content generating GAI models. Captured in the Wild by BRUCE Bixler 09.20.2024

Kevin D. Turner

Brand to Land: Eliminating Personal Blanding? with the Sharpest Tools & Strategies for Your Professional Success. Branding ? LinkedIn Profile Optimization ? Trainer ? Career Coach ? Speaker? Verified Profile ?

6 个月

Added ? [Share quote] allow you to highlight Normal text from an Article or Newsletter to create a pop-up box with a (Copy) or (Share quote) option (excluding Heading or Subheading text). Clicking (Share quote) will then create a post based on the highlighted info and add a visual image link to the original Article or Newsletter. At that time you can edit the post before clicking (Post). Captured in the Wild by Mark Williams 09.23.2024

  • 该图片无替代文字
Sergey Mokeev

Senior Digital Marketing Expert in FinTech, IT & eCommerce | I help businesses achieve 5x ROI with Performance Marketing & Customer Acquisition | Lead Generation | Search & Social Ads | Data-Driven Marketing Strategy ??

6 个月

You did a fantastic job for us! I am extremely grateful to you! ???? This is quite a remarkable find.This is just some kind of find. ????

Marianne Avery

LinkedIn?? Confidence Coach ?? Unlocking Your Potential ?? Helping You Stand Out ?? Business Implementation Consultant ?? Transforming Your Customer Experience ?? Retired Rugby Player ??

7 个月

I love the Pascal Case one Kevin D. Turner not everyone knows you should be using this for accessibility. I have always called it Camel Case.


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