11:11 (5 minute read)
Over the past several months, I've been blown away at the amount of times I have seen seen repetitive number sequences that the universe must be presenting to me.
“11:11 is the Universe knocking itself out to give you evidence of your alignment.” - Abraham Hicks
When you look back to the past, you start to remember that you seem to noticed them, but didn't pay attention to them. Yet, recently, after reading, researching and soul searching, I have become more aware about synchronicity and the mastery of the universe. It has captured me so much that I am substantially more aware of them and the signs or lessons they could represent in our lives
When life presents you certain challenges and obstacles, they are purely there to teach you; to present life lessons and learnings and align you with your purpose. I never was a fan of numerology, chakras, universal elements etc, but always believe old souls existed and that they exuded a certain energy, vibration to attract what they put into the universe. I thought it was a coincidence at first....but not anymore.
I have learned that every number sequence has a different meaning, and those may also differ slightly for us in our current state and personal lives. The number sequence 11:11 is the most well-known and noticed sequence, appearing on clocks, license plates, and receipts. You really don't pay attention until you really start to pay attention. And when you do, you start to make wishes without understanding the importance of this number. 11:11 then perpetuates into 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 etc...in so many different sequences that make you say: hmmm.
Now, according to the numerology, the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic and compassionate. Those people who are drawn to the number 11, function on a different level of energy than most. 11:11 is the universe’s way of urging us to pay attention to our heart, mind, body, soul and our inner truth, voice and spiritual intuition. It’s serving as a wake-up call to us so that new opportunities are not missed in this life that has been graciously given to you. Seeing this particular sequence, apart from the others above, means that the universe is trying to have us open our eyes and begin paying more attention to the synchronicities around us.
Think about this: have you ever thought about someone so much and suddenly they call, email, text or appear out of nowhere? Or you start to see their name or variances in different places, or even meet people by the same name? Ever physically run into someone that has been running through your conscious or unconscious mind? These are not coincidences. They are universal elementary synchronicities.
The Universe tries to show us the way through small signs, but the trick is we have to be ready to listen to them.
Seeing 11:11 also is a sign of experiencing accelerated soul and spiritual growth, which could possibly mean that we may be finding ourselves living the life we had previously only thought about. When you start to see this frequently, our inner world is changing and we may find people and events coming unexpectedly into our lives—all at the right time and place. Everything starts to become aligned. Purity, innocence, faith, humility, patience, new founded love - whatever you attribute it to. Many of us sometimes, a lot of us believe that our minds create, rather than having been created. Our ego injects at an alarming rate and we think we know better than the universe, but I know NOW, that the universe doesn't ever bring us anything we aren’t ready for, and the truth of it is, awareness and readiness is just an illusion. No one can really ever be ready for anything. That's the funny thing about life - it's absolute unpredictability. You start to realize it's time to surrender and have faith that everything happens for a reason, and that everything will work out exactly as it is meant to - according to the Universe and spiritual higher power (if you believe in it)
Last and most importantly is this: when we see 11:11 or any number sequence for that matter - pay attention to any signs given - whether it's devastating or everlasting - tapping into any emotion you have - pay attention. That's it. Something, someone, some form is telling you something.
Director of WOW! ~ Tim Lacroix Mortgage Team
6 年I see repetitive numbers ALL THE TIME!!