110 to 2023 There's nothing wrong with you
"There is nothing wrong with you, there is nothing wrong with you.
There never has been anything wrong with you and there never will be anything wrong with you."
-notandrewmurnane (2022)
I recall Andrew Murnane sharing in another short video about sandcastle building being analogous to the comparison act in life. Growing up, I have always enjoyed sandcastle building, I did not mind the dirt and small specks of sand. I enjoyed this form of sensory play and I enjoyed my own company building out of my own creativity.
Exactly so, Murnane found similarities to the way we first start out building sand castles (our life views) out of our own imagination and world views. We build out our life according to our own devices amidst the influence of socialisation and conditioning - we are still largely our own people.
However, as we 'grow up', we start looking at others sand castles, we start to compare our 'success' and our lives to others.
Oh so-and-so clinched a million dollar deal, I have to build my sandcastle as tall or as huge as citizen XYZ.
Murnane, hopes to drive the message to remind us to bring back our inner child.
Focusing on what matters to us and there is nothing wrong with you.
There is no today, tomorrow and yesterday, there is only the NOW.
What is one childhood pastime, you want to relive now?