11 Yoga Pranayama for Thyroid: Step-By-Step Instructions
Yoga is a holistic practice, meant to rejuvenate your mind and body. Many people have incorporated yoga in their daily routine, realizing the myriad health benefits it offers. Today, people are using pranayama for thyroid as a tool to alleviate an array of health-related issues.
Yoga for Thyroid Cure
Today, many people are suffering from thyroid issues attributed to poor lifestyle choices.? People are dependent on medicines life- long to keep their thyroid levels under check. There are techniques for thyroid control as well, but not many people are aware that pranayama for thyroid can cure by altering its adverse effects. In fact, regular practice of pranayama and yogic postures can help thyroid gland function properly.
Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism
Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland found at the base of the neck in all humans. Its main function is to regulate metabolism and blood sugar levels in your body. When it fails to function well, it can cause either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland becomes underactive and stops secreting enough thyroid hormones. Your body’s metabolism slows down, and you will witness a range of symptoms, such as fatigue, dullness, poor memory, weight gain, dry skin and constipation. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, occurs when your thyroid gland produces excessive thyroid hormones. The symptoms include weight loss, accelerated heart rate, irritability, anxiety, and so on.
Are you experiencing the above symptoms? Worry not, as we have come up with a list of yogic techniques for thyroid control that include pranayama techniques and yogic postures.
Thyroid Control with Pranayama
Pranayama is all about learning to control your Prana – the vital life-force that influences all your activities and fuels the functions of your body. Poor lifestyle and unhealthy dietary habits, as well as stress, obstruct the flow of Prana in your body. This depletes all your energies, leading to poor metabolic function and malaise in your body.
But there are exercises in pranayama for thyroid control that reverse the symptoms of the thyroid and rejuvenate all the cells and the organs in your body. These exercises are effective in slowing down your breathing, increasing your body’s metabolism and balancing your blood sugar levels. Certain Pranayama yoga for thyroid need constriction and stretching of the larynx in your throat. This stimulates the thyroid gland, making it function better.
Instructions for Thyroid Pranayama Practice
Thyroid control by pranayama is effective if you follow the instructions given below.
6 Best exercises in Pranayama for Thyroid Cure
(1) Bhastrika
This Pranayama is so named, as it resembles the action of a Bhastra or ‘the bellows’. It involves forced inhalation and exhalation, which generates heat in your body and helps stimulate blood circulation and flush out toxins. It is also one of the best exercises in Pranayama for thyroid problem, as it alleviates the inflammation in your throat and activates the thyroid gland.
(2) Kapalabathi
Kapalbhati is the best Pranayama for thyroid. It is indeed one of the Shatkarmas or Shatkriyas, the preliminary techniques used for the purification of the body. It is also known as ‘the skull-shining’ Pranayama. This Pranayama is slightly different from Bhastrika, in that the inhalation is passive and the exhalation is done forcefully. This Pranayama has a range of benefits, including the stimulation of the underactive thyroid gland. It oxygenates the cells in the body, regulates ?the digestive system and improves the functions of kidneys and liver.
(Pic Credit – Healthshots)
(3) Ujjayi Pranayama
Ujjayi is the process in which the lungs get expanded and the chest is puffed out fully, like that of a proud warrior. This is yet another technique for effective thyroid control with Pranayama, as it treats any imbalance in the thyroid levels. It is also known as ‘the ocean breathing technique’, as when you inhale and exhale, constricting your glottis, you will hear a well-modulated hissing sound, like that of the sound in the ocean waves. Apart from being the best Pranayama for thyroid cure, Ujjayi also helps in supplying enough oxygen to the lungs, removing phlegm and calming your nerves and mind.
(4) Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
‘Nadis’ are the subtle energy channels in our body, and ‘Shodhana’ denotes ‘purifying’ or ‘cleansing’ in Sanskrit. A slight obstruction in the energy channels can cause discomfort, leading to various ailments in our body. This is yet another effective Pranayama for thyroid problems, as it helps in the purification of the energy channels and blood cells. This pranayama also quietens the mind, calms the nerves, restores balance and improves cardiovascular function.
(5) Anulom Vilom
This is similar to Nadi Shadhana Pranayama, except that in this Pranayama, you don’t have to retain your breath. Also, exhalation will be longer than the inhalation and should be done in the ratios of 4:6, 6:8, and so on. Regular practice of this Pranayama will help balance the doshas in your body, fortify your lungs, calm your nervous system and keep stress and depression at bay. It is also another powerful exercise in Pranayama for thyroid cure.
(6) Brahmari Pranayama
This Pranayama is also known as ‘the humming bee Pranayama’, as you create a mild humming sound, like that of a bee, while inhaling and exhaling the breath. The word ‘Brahmari’ means ‘black bee’ in Sanskrit, hence the name of the Pranayama. This Pranayama releases tension in your head and calms down your mind. It activates the thyroid gland, as a mild pressure is felt when you produce the humming sound.
5 Best Asanas in Yoga for Thyroid Control
Other than the exercises in Pranayama for thyroid control, certain asanas in Yoga can cure the thyroid as well. These Yogic asanas increase your body’s metabolism and stimulates your neck, which results in a good thyroid function. Practise them regularly and witness the changes for yourself.
(7) Ustrasana
‘Ustra’ denotes ‘camel’ in Sanskrit. In this yogic posture, your body will resemble that of a ?camel. This is one of the best asanas in yoga for thyroid control. When you bend your back and extend your neck, you will experience pressure in the thoracic region, which helps in stimulating the thyroid gland. This posture also improves the flexibility of your spine and expands your chest and abdomen.
(8) Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
This is yet another effective posture in yoga for thyroid cure. It is known as ‘the bow pose’, as in the final posture, your body resembles a bow. This asana massages the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland, and is beneficial in curing thyroid-related issues. It also regulates the digestive and reproductive organs and helps in the treatment of diabetes.
(9) Matsayana
Also known as the fish pose, this is an effective posture in yoga for thyroid cure. It stretches your back and neck, relieving tension in your throat, improving blood flow and stimulating the thyroid gland.
Steps to do:
(10) Saravangasana (Shoulder Stand)
This is one of the inverted postures and is called ‘the shoulder stand’. It creates pressure ?in the neck region when you rest your entire body on your shoulders therein activating the thyroid gland. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) enhances supply of oxygen and blood to the head, keeping your mind stress free and rejuvenated.
Steps to do:
(11) Halasana (Plow Pose)
This is another effective yoga for thyroid control. Also known as the plough pose, this posture alleviates the symptoms of thyroid by stimulating the thyroid gland, giving mild pressure ???????to your throat. It also strengthens the abdominal muscles and the back and calms the nervous system.
To know more, Read the full blog: https://www.flexifyme.com/blogs/pranayama-for-thyroid/
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