11 Years Ago, I Died In This Ambulance.

11 Years Ago, I Died In This Ambulance.

11 Years ago, at this time, I died in this ambulance.

I suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and was clinically dead for 1.5 to 2 minutes before I was revived.


They call it sudden cardiac death.

The survival rate for an out of hospital sudden cardiac arrest is less than 1%.

You just don't survive, and if you do, you usually have serious deficits due to the lack of oxygen and blood flow to the brain and vital organs.

Yet, after 2 minutes of flatlining,I had no loss of motor skills.

No mental deficits.

I literally survived Powerball type odds to survive this.

9 put of 10 ten people will not survive such an event…it’s just such a catastrophic and deadly event.

Paramedics will tell you that the majority of patients that they take to the hospital from this sadly do not survive, and if they do, usually there are major issues.

In addition, I had a 100% blockage of my left ascending artery, they call that the “widow maker”they added 2 stents and a temporary heart pump was inserted to take the stress off of my heart.

Laying in that cardiac intensive care unit 11 years ago, fighting for my life, I was traumatized by what had happened and shocked at how weak I was.

I could barely speak and my breathing was also very weak,so weak that inserted a temporary pump to help my heart beat….it was a very bleak situation.

But I knew the Lord had spared my life for a reason and it was not just for business.

Regardless of how dark the night is for you ,regardless of how hopeless your situation may look, regardless of what a doctor may have told you, regardless of what a judge may have told you...it's never too late for a miracle.

If God can breath LIFE into my dead body after 1.5 to 2 minutes, he can do a miracle for you!

It doesn't get more hopeless than being without a heartbeat or pulse for 1.5 to 2 minutes.

Man doesn't have the final say.

God has the final say.

God Says When!

Never give up!


I have been "putting the boots" to the enemy ever since that morning 11 years ago, and I ain't stopping now.

I am airing a special show on my nationally syndicated television show that details this testimony and what happened to me, and what I saw when I died 11 years ago.

It's very hard for me to watch, even now, it really is.

I was so weak and DEVASTATED that morning, and never saw this coming.

But God spared my life that early morning and I have been after it very hard ever since...relentless in your face FAITH.

FEARLESS and UNAPOLOGETIC in my calling and assignment.

If you don't know, a man that has already died FEARS NOTHING, and views his time left on this earth as a GIFT, not to be taken for granted.?

If you ever wondered where my PASSION and PROFOUND sense of urgency comes from, you will know after watch the show.?

I am not just happy to be here, I have WAR PAINT on and want to take as much ground from the enemy as I can...he NEVER should have messed with me that morning 11 years ago.??

You can tune in on DirectTC Channel 363, or directly on the Television network website:??


We are airing it TWICE today, this morning, at 6 AM EST. and again at 11:30 PM Est.?


TC Bradley ? TV Host ? Book Publisher的更多文章

