11 WILD beliefs that will elevate your bizz & career to the next level

11 WILD beliefs that will elevate your bizz & career to the next level

Over the last 16 years, I was allowed to change a looot of my beliefs and concepts around what having a successful career and then running a business, being an entrepreneur truly means.

Today, I wanted to share eleven of these ideas with you to hopefully inspire you to experience more ease, flow, creativity, joy and success in your everyday work life.

I decided to first mention the old, limiting belief and then elaborate on the new one. As you’ll see, a shift in our thinking can lead to a totally new, “healthier” and more empowering perception of reality. So, enjoy!

Beliefs around work & careers

?? Old belief: Work is a boring, meaningless duty.

? New belief: My work is based on my purpose and life’s mission. And a way to creatively share and express myself.


? Old belief: I “have to” be SERIOUS to have a successful career.

? New belief: I’m allowed to be SINCERE to have a successful career. Seriousness is based on the mind. Sincerity on the heart and compassion.


? Old belief: Hustle and grind is the only way to get the career and results I want.

? New belief: There are wiser ways to achieve that. I dare to follow my soul’s whispers. And only take advice from people who work AND LIVE the way I have in mind for myself.

Beliefs around money & success

? Old belief: Making "good money" is hard. Only some people seem to be capable of getting it with ease.

? New belief: I invest in myself and skills every day to be the mentor I wish I had years ago. I get paid for loving what I do and what I’m REALLY good at. I dare to say no projects that don’t excite me.


? Old belief: Being successful in the monetary realm is more than enough. I “should” be grateful.

? New belief: Real career-related success is more than just earning a specific amount of money every month and a fancy title/status. It also includes emotional and spiritual contentment.


? Old belief: I “have to” invest a lot of money and energy to generate leads.

? New belief: My aligned energy attracts what belongs to me. I trust my inner guidance and take aligned action based on it.

Beliefs around entrepreneurship

?? Old belief: If I only knew THE way of running a business, all my problems would disappear.

? New belief: THE approach doesn’t exist. I’m allowed to be more playful, test things and figure out what works for us.


? Old belief: Our clients are stupid!

? New belief: My clients are a reflection of myself. How am I acting stupid? In the sense of ignorant, scared or closed?


? Old belief: ”Business standard” is business standard. Accept it.

? New belief: Nonsense. If it feels terribly wrong to you, don’t do it. Challenge the standards and work in alignment with your values.

Beliefs around social media

? Old belief: I “have to” dumb myself down to be visible on social media to make the most out of it.

? New belief: I choose to show my depth and that I’m a spiritual and intellectual person. The “right” people will appreciate that.


? Old belief: I “have to” be “everywhere”, on every channel to succeed.

? New belief: That might be fun and work for some people. I choose less but better. Focus is my best friend.

"Homeplay" for you

For those of you who are new to “my world”: The word homework is often associated with a (slightly) bitter aftertaste for many of my clients . That’s why I choose to call these kind of tasks homeplay. Also, who doesn’t want to play...? ;-)

Anyway, my invitation for you today is to contemplate on the following questions:

  1. Which of your main belief around work and your career limits you? Write it down and replace it a more empowering one.
  2. Do the same with: Your most dominant, "false idea" about money…
  3. …success…
  4. …entrepreneurship and
  5. …social media. All, of course, in the context of doing business/your career.

Conclusion and last thoughts

Yes, it wasn’t always comfortable to change my perception, ideas and beliefs. My ego often hated it; and it was so worth it in the long-term.

I hope that this article ignited a new thought on how to optimize your current business mindset, workflow, workday and routines.

As always, if you’d appreciate my guidance, reach out. I’d love to help you on your journey of bringing your true self back into your business. Let’s reduce the soul-crushing “shoulds” and “have-tos”. And design a (online) bizz/marketing strategy and reality that allows you to experience more ease, joy, work satisfaction, clarity, creativity, abundance and “magic”.

Sounds good? Again, a short, informal direct message with the words “Count me in!” is enough. :-) Talk soon!

Hannes Lischka

Share & Grow Unternehmensberatung - Enterprise Architektur Management, New Work und Achtsamkeit für L?sungen im digitalen Wandel

5 个月

Has to have lots of congruency to corporate culture. No one is an island ???

Selina N?f

TET?-Alchemistin | Verwandle das Blei deiner Erfahrungen in das Gold deiner Seele | Altes Wissen trifft auf moderne Heilmethoden

5 个月

Danke fürs Teilen und den Einblick ??

Stephanie Rother

Gesch?ftsführerin Galerie Rother und smart-collectors Kunstberatung, Kunstveranstaltungen, Keynotes

5 个月

Thank you for this inspiring post! It's amazing to witness the evolution of beliefs over time and how it opens up new possibilities.

Carolina D'Souza

?? Bringing strategy to authentic storytelling for leaders and brands | Personal brand strategist ? blending journalism, PR, and reputation disciplines

5 个月

Dr. Natalia, I enjoyed reading through your treasure trove of old and new beliefs. The two that resonated the most were working in alignment with your values and choosing to show your depth, which the 'right' people will appreciate. When working with clients’ personal brand strategies, I have to make the case for finding one's authentic voice across personal and professional realms.

Sandra Duarte

Business Consultant ? Co-Founder & CEO ? Youth & Leadership Mentor ? Executive Coach ? I equip business leaders and individuals with strategic insights for profitable outcomes & transformative management solutions

5 个月

Incredible insights! Dr. Natalia Wiechowski A shift in mindset can truly transform your career and business. Thanks for sharing these valuable ideas!


