11 Ways to Be a More Fun Person to Be Around
Jordan Mendiola
Account Executive – Branding & Apparel | Digital Marketing Specialist | Army Veteran |
I don’t think anyone needs to change who they are, but if they are seeking self-improvement, then good on them.
Here are 11 ways to be a more fun person to be around.
1. You Help Make Plans
Making plans can be an exhausting process, especially the bigger the group is. When people invite you out, it takes work, planning, and selectiveness to make sure everyone has a good time.
If your friends are the ones always coming up with ideas, and you don’t contribute, then they might get annoyed or feel like you aren’t bringing anything new to the table. Making plans will show that you are a fun person and can help organize future plans.
2. You’re Always Punctual
One pet peeve of mine is being on time. That could be due to my military background, but I don’t like when people play with my time.
If you say you’re going to meet at 7, you should aim to arrive 15 minutes early, or right on time. We are busy people. We have responsibilities. We can’t be waiting around. When everyone’s on time, there's less lag time.
3. You Follow Through With What You Say
There’s always that one friend who makes a lot of promises or emphasizes something that doesn’t end up happening at all.
If you say you’re going to bring XYZ to an outing and you don’t, then you’ll fall through on your part. Avoid making unfulfilled promises so that you don't create high expectations that don’t come to fruition.
4. You Share Personal Things and Aren’t Afraid to Be Vulnerable
People love hearing stories. Storytelling is one of the most captivating ways to win people over and build a trusting bond. In any career, or on any team I'm on, once I'm comfortable, I open up.
Without vulnerability, people won’t ever know the “real” side of you. The things that take an extra moment to share are worthwhile to many. The more somene opens up, the more genuine a connection will feel.
5. You Are an Interesting Person
When friends ask you, “how was your week?” and you respond, “nothing much, just the same old same old”, it’s a dry conversation.
I’m not saying you need to climb Mount Everest to be an interesting person, but it’s attractive when you have your own hobbies and interests.
Having at least one interesting thing to share shows that you’re working towards something or keeping yourself occupied.
6. You Are a Good Listener
No one likes it when another person overpowers everyone else in the conversation. Make sure everyone in your group is heard and that you give your full attention to whoever is speaking.
A good listener stays quiet, asks questions, builds on the conversation, and keeps it going.
7. You Have a Good Sense of Humor
Who doesn’t love being around someone who boosts morale? People who can make others laugh without being offensive or rude are awesome. You should never try to be funny at someone else’s expense.
Laughter is the best medicine. The more of it there is, the happier everyone is and the closer you become.
8. You Don’t Take Things too Personal All The Time
People you are closest with will eventually poke fun at you. It’s because they’re comfortable with you. There are times when you need to speak up when they cross your boundaries, but if everything they say offends you, it can be a bit of a damper.
We all want to be ourselves and express ourselves as naturally as possible. If someone tries to roast you, make it a game. Roast them back. Don’t be passive-aggressive or attack them, just dish it right back in a fun, lighthearted manner.
9. You Truly Care
If you only care about yourself, people are going to sniff it out. When you ask questions, follow up on something they shared with you, and show that you care, the bond tightens.
People want to feel special or important too. If they feel cared for, loved, and cherished, they will be more inclined to spend time with you.
10. You Bring Good Vibes and Hardly Ever Start Drama
Life gets stressful. We all need to unwind. Who do you reach out to when you want to have fun or need a friend? They probably bring good vibes and are comfortable being in the moment.
People don’t have time or patience to deal with B.S. 24/7. That’s what leads to many friendships or relationships coming to an end. Arguing is necessary at times, but unnecessary drama can stay in high school.
11. You Aren’t Afraid to Try New Things
Have you never gone camping but are down to go anyway? Cool.
Are you afraid of heights, but decide to go hiking and climbing anyways? Awesome.
There are so many things that people love saying “no” to. When you find a group of people who are willing to try new things, you have something special. The ability to seek discomfort is very attractive and admirable.
Final Thought
You can be a fun person to be around with the right mindset and a positive attitude. Everyone craves connection and happiness.
Go out there and be willing to meet new people. You never know what awaits you on the other side. The doors that may open, the connections you didn't know existed, and the memories you'll make will all be worthwhile.