11 Ways to be Mindful in the Middle of a Crisis

11 Ways to be Mindful in the Middle of a Crisis

By: Jada Linton, RDN, LD 

Do you feel the increasing need to be very productive during down time? Remember it is okay to take a breath and relax! Be aware of your present state of mind. The current state of the world may make it seem impossible to just be still. I reached out to some of my family and friends and asked them how they are staying mindful despite their current reality. Here are some ways that came up most often: 

1.     Try new recipes —delicious surprises

I’ve seen the sudden increase in people cooking new meals at home. It is inspiring! Cooking can be such a great life skill to have. Most times you learn as you go and have a delicious product at the end! 

2.     Perfect pet cuddles —play with your dog

Who doesn’t love the amazing time that comes with bonding with pets! Take all this time in and appreciate it. Love your pups. Check out these 7 incredible peanut butter dog treats to make!  

3.     Talk to your friends —virtual happy hour

If you live alone and thrive off social interaction, this can be a great alternative! Connect with your friends and make it fun! Catch up and switch up your daily routine. Try this recipe for a delicious peanut buttery cocktail

4.     Limit media —watch only what you need  

This has personally helped me tremendously! Check the news, read the research, and stay informed. Once you reach the point of it being a little too much, remember to un-plug. 

5.     Faith over fear —stay centered 

By focusing on my faith, I stay centered. It’s amazing to see the outpouring of love and generosity during a time of crisis to help others. My faith also helps me to release all anxiety & fear.

6.     Dance it out —listen to your favorite music 

Music can be a great change of pace, dance like no one is watching! Listen to music as you work, play, or eat

7.     Release the negative —journal it out 

When there is chaos, you may feel a lot of negative feelings. You may feel anxiety, that’s completely normal. Feel these emotions. Journal to release the negative and make room for the positive.

8.     Workout —keep it moving 

There are so many new fitness classes that are offering new classes online. Join in on the fun, try something you never would’ve before this time. Moving and working out is a way a lot of people are staying centered.

9.     Play video games —virtual games with friends

There are so many new ways to connect these days. Video games paired with food bring people together from all over the world. You have a good level of competition and the community engagement all rolled into one fun time! 

10.  Find new hobbies —enhance your toolbox 

Is there something that you have always wanted to do? What better time than now! Try something new, you may find a hidden passion. Some examples: baking, crochet, beauty related projects, sewing, baking, learning a new instrument, writing etc. 

11.  Exude Positivity — focus on JOY 

Take the time to focus on what you are grateful for, write it out daily. Sit in this feeling of gratitude. In addition to this, do everything that brings you JOY. Sometimes the best way to feel joy is to help others! Check out our new filter on Instagram to find new ways of #spreadinggood.

These were the top ways my friends and family love to find mindfulness. Remember to take time for yourself, and above all else, continue to choose joy! Here are a few more delicious recipes that you can try during your time at home! 


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