11. Troubleshooting your Organization
Chanakya Joshi
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CLO with CXOs (knocking CEO’s cabin) : May we come in?
CEO : Of course! Thanks Leaders for building comprehensive Corporate Playbooks for all our identified Core Capabilities! That will surely help us take one step to make our company GREAT! Mr. CLO, What's Next?
CLO : Yes,
Let's find out where our existing things are broken and how we can work on them using Learning.
CXOs : Can you elaborate more?
CLO : Till now, we have been working on future trends, external impacts, our strategy to counter them, but while doing all of this our company is still running. Knowingly and unknowingly, we are already committing some mistakes and few of them, might harm us in future.
CEO : Still not clear. Elaborate more please
Let's do Troubleshooting of our Organization!
Imagine, you are driving your car and suddenly some noise comes from the left. You feel you are a bit wobbling while driving the car and you sense that something is not normal. You stop, come out and look at the left side. You notice that the left front tyre is wobbling. You pat yourself on your back that you caught the issue early and quickly call the nearby garage to take corrective action.
You caught the issue early, when it was not harmful. You were saved by your presence of mind!
Now imagine the same for your organization. You are running it and everything seems okay with routine hiccups. But your real job is to find out problems with those early signals which might multiply and affect the running of your organization? What symptoms should you look for to avoid any major problem that might pop up in future? What is it that warrants you to go to an 'L&D' garage and come out 'good'?
CEO : Brilliant point, I would love to have something like this, especially related to Learning and Development
CLO : Great! Let me give you few examples of symptoms which we normally see and, many times ignore, without taking any action to wipe them out.
Click here to know more about this in detail.
CXOs : True, quite an eye opener!
As a leader of your organization, you need to identify early symptoms of potential harmful problems. Early signs will help you take actions proactively so that your organization runs smoothly.
CEO : True, Let us identify our own symptoms, analyze them, and take actions to remove major problems which might happen due to them. Let us see how learning can solve the same so that we can take it up with our Corporate OutLearning Practice for further action.
Let's Troubleshoot our Organization!
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