11 Top Insights Every Leader Must Know in 2024 (curated from group coaching sessions)

11 Top Insights Every Leader Must Know in 2024 (curated from group coaching sessions)

Based on the popular Group Coaching Sessions from last year, here are the top issues that leaders have been dealing with for the last few months, and how you can solve them by joining the Growth Leaders Collective (more on that below):

  • The art and science of balancing employee expectations?with your company’s desire for results. I’ll show you how to satisfy your team, your bosses, AND your own needs without creating conflict…

  • Political boss hell??If handling senior leaders feels like entering a snake-pit – I’ll show you how to breeze through every encounter (while getting more of what you want at work)...

  • Toxic emotions - and how to control them. Get the breathing room you need to stay calm, level-headed… and make great decisions – even when bombshell after bombshell is exploding around you…

  • How to seamlessly engineer positive outcomes from tense situations?– even when negotiating with spiky, ego-driven team members…

  • Avoiding dangerous misunderstandings with your team?– through clear, compassionate communication…

  • How to pre-empt and answer your boss’s toughest questions.??And how to further your own career without breaking your team’s trust…

  • Recently promoted? What your team members really think about you leading them?– and how to effortlessly win them over without being a pushover…

  • What’s the secret to rapidly growing a team and company?– and retaining top talent? I’ll share my methods for motivating employees, creating unshakeable loyalty, and radically boosting team productivity (while enjoying great relationships with your team)...

  • Team unity, delighted customers, individual job satisfaction, and personal fulfilment.??Can you and your team members really have it all? Of course! And I’ll show you how…?

  • How to create total employee buy-in and commitment… even after heated negotiations – and when decisions don’t go their way…

  • Workarounds for remote teams:?why geographically distant teams can still form rock-solid bonds, work productively, and feel a deep sense of belonging – and how you can engineer it…?

These issues (and more) are what you can get a handle on in my new community / membership, which is made up of top leaders from around the world.?

As you can see, you'll have access to anything you need to succeed as a leader.


Plus, I’ll personally guide you through your unique challenges, during our weekly live coaching calls… and inside the private Growth Leaders’ community (where you can ask me anything, any time)

Because, as you well know…


You can’t always predict the next roadblock you’ll encounter.

But wouldn’t it be reassuring to know that support is there whenever you need it? Support from someone who’s been where you are now…


And who’s come out the other side swinging.


I would have killed for this level of support on my way up. Which is why I’m offering it to you for just $1.?


No other leadership expert I know is giving away this level of intimate access at such a “no-brainer” price.?


Plus, almost all the leadership training out there is high-level and theoretical. And the trouble with that is…


Without understanding the specifics of how those theories apply to YOU,?your?team, and?your?company…


You could struggle to make the impact you desire.?




Because nuanced application is everything. And I want to help you with that inside the Growth Leaders Collective .


Click here to see all the courses, coaching, and recordings that you get with the programme.


