11 things I do to help me write articles and threads faster than 95% of people:
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11 things I do to help me write articles and threads faster than 95% of people:

People often ask me: 'Yo, Alex, my dude, how do you publish more than like 10 new posts each week?'

I write an article pretty much every day - often, it's two.

And yes, I am here to brag.

Many of my threads, newsletters and articles are written in less than fifty minutes.

Speed isn't always the answer, but combining writing speed with consistency has been the best thing for my growth and brand.

Here are 11 things I do to help me write articles and threads faster than 95% of people:

1) I write about things I think about all the time.

Writing becomes an extension of what I already obsess over:

? human behaviour,

? my personal stories,


? branding,

? online business,

? and confidence…

So writing it all down is easy.

2) I have one lesson in mind per piece.

Writing gets complicated when there are 9 things you're trying to convey.

Start by identifying one lesson to teach. You can break it down into several pieces, as I do with threads.

But everything falls under ONE simple lesson.

3) I am intentionally fast.

I write slowly when I'm not intentional about my need for speed. Don't forget to remind yourself to write fast. Be like Verstappen.

This is a mindset that extracts the struggle out of writing because fast forces you to put words down.

That's precisely what you need to do. Make an art of speed.

4) I visualise what I'll write as a snapshot.

Often I'll sit down Neo-style and reflect on the main lesson, dip into all I know about it, and paint the tapestry of my full idea before I write it.

Alternatively, I'll first free-write until I have the ideas on the page I need.

5) I have any relevant research and quotes at hand.

Once I pick a lesson I want to share, I collect any supporting research beforehand, so I can just bring it in as necessary as I write.

Often, however, I write things that I have already done the research for long ago (because it's my thing).

6) I write conversationally like I'm talking after a glass of wine.

When we pressure ourselves to write 'well,' all talent flies out the window.

This is how to write like you just had a lobotomy. Being loose and writing like I'm talking keeps the writing sparkly.

I also know I can edit later, so there's no pressure.

7) I avoid consuming things that make me feel like microwaved turd.

Goes without saying. Writing is another form of athleticism.

Fuel your body right, walk like you're addicted to it, and sleep like a baby.

8) I write as though speaking directly to a younger me or a friend who's chill with my secrets.

It's a lot easier to write fluidly when you feel like the writing matters. That's why it helps immensely to write as though you are writing to people you genuinely care for.

Bring them up in your mind and write to them with love.

9) I have fun, like a cheeky chimp at a birthday party.

Stop being so serious. Even 'serious' content can be written with a devilish glint in your eye.

Writing must be seen as a process of stirring up YOUR lifeless corpse for the reader's benefit.

I'm done with drably written shite. Aren't you?

10) I write in spew mode, not editing mode.

If I edit while writing, I may as well throw the laptop off my balcony. No. You need to warm up into the flow of the piece.

So start by writing trash if that helps. You don't run out of digital paper, dum dum. Spew it out, move fast - then edit later.

11) I have no limits on what I write.

I prioritise quantity over staying within my lane. I've seen countless writers sputter and quit because they box themselves in and bore themselves to tears.

If I have an idea that excites me and it's about banana-flavoured wedding cakes, I'll hit that.

Better to be in motion writing about nonsense than 'on brand' with a stick up your ass.

Writing can be shared in so many different forms and on tons of platforms anyway. Just focus on writing prolifically. It's funner and faster that way.

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Ana H.

Art Director / Designer

1 年

And to do all this, You have to be born in September. Don't forget the important data. ??



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