11 Strategies to Thrive During the Holidays
Maria Lizak
Dealing Representative – Exempt Market at Pinnacle Wealth Brokers EMD; Insurance Advisor at National Best Financial Network
This year the holidays may not be what we're used to. They may not be how we wanted them to be. But they can still be meaningful. Here are 11 strategies to thrive during the holidays. WATCH THE VIDEO
Strategy #1: Audit your habits.
Life audits are a fundamental part of assessing how far you’ve come, where you want to go, what you should stop doing, and everything you should keep doing to become a better version of yourself. They are exercises in self-reflection. An annual audit should provide insight on where you’ve been and clarity on where you want to head next. READ MORE...
If you own a business, you will want to invest some time reviewing all aspects of your business. My colleague Randy McCord has written the wonderfully practical 8 Step Dream Business Plan book that will get you organized. Each of the 8 steps represents a part of what is needed in a complete business plan. This book takes you from the overall dream for your life and vision for how your business will support those dreams, through the 3-year plan and annual goals that shape your business, to the monthly schedule, weekly focus and daily task list that will empower you to achieve those dreams.
READ: The 8 Step Dream Business Plan
Strategy #2: Boost your immune system.
"How can you improve your immune system? On the whole, your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. But sometimes it fails: A germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Is it possible to intervene in this process and boost your immune system? What if you improve your diet? Take certain vitamins or herbal preparations? Make other lifestyle changes in the hope of producing a near-perfect immune response?"
Check out these tips from Harvard Medical School on how to boost your immune system.
Strategy #3: Lengthen your telomeres.
"Telomeres are a specific sequence of DNA forms a cap at the two ends of each chromosome. This cap – like the plastic cap on the end of a shoelace – keeps the chromosome from fraying each time it’s replicated. When a cell divides, it replicates everything inside of it, including its chromosomes – the bundles of DNA that provide the genetic blueprint for building and running your body. Without telomeres to protect them, chromosomes get increasingly tangled and damaged, resulting in poorly constructed cells and speeding up the process that leads to cell death. This, in turn, means an older, less resilient body."
"Several health and lifestyle factors, including obesity, vitamin deficiency, smoking, and inactivity, can accelerate telomeres’ shortening. This therapy would help grow those telomeres back and potentially help prevent age-related illnesses, such as arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s."
BIOHACKING: Want to Slow Down Aging? Read more here: 5 ways to encourage telomere lengthening and delay shortening AND Scientists Reverse the Human Ageing Process for the First Time
Strategy #4: Regulate the vibes during the holidays with good music.
Joseph Cardillo, Ph.D. suggests 10 Ways to Power Your Positive Energy Over the Holidays including creating a holiday playlist of your favorite holiday music. Tunes that spark positive emotional memories from your past work best. Enjoy the uplifting and peaceful vibes. For an added lift, sing or dance along.
This Christmas LOFI album by Akira the Don is full of gratuitous sax and all the right holiday feels. Or you can listen to Christmas Lofi Radio 24/7.
Strategy #5: Try out some new traditions.
Whether you will be spending time with loved ones in-person or virtually, it may be time to plan some new holiday traditions. This is an opportunity to try out new things. Involving your family in the planning will help all of you feel a sense of ownership over the holiday process — and a feeling of control during a time where there is not much of it — which, will take some of the pressure off of you to plan every part of the holiday. You may even end up starting new family traditions that outlive COVID restrictions.
READ: Parents, 2020 could be a time for new holiday traditions that outlast COVID-19 restrictions
Strategy #6: Learn a new skill.
Often, health and fitness pundits encourage us to have predictable, healthy routines: go to sleep at a set time, don’t eat after 8 p.m., exercise at least three times per week, get a yearly check-up, and so on (see Strategy #2 and #3). Undoubtedly, it is important to hardwire these kinds of habits into our schedules, so that they become ingrained into our lifestyles. But is it possible that “anti-routine” should also be a regular part of our routines? That might sound contradictory, but research into brain health and longevity suggests that regular experience of novelty is essential to a long, happy life. So in addition to inventing new holiday traditions out of necessity (see Strategy #5), take the opportunity these holidays to learn a new skill. READ MORE...
Learn Something New: 101 New Skills to Learn Starting Today
Strategy #7: Take a Break or Catch up on projects.
Professional advice on how to get the most out of your holidays often emphasizes the need to enjoy ourselves and get away from our routines and responsibilities: unplug from work, get plenty of sleep, try out a new skill, do something memorable, or spend time with family, friends, or community. READ: How to Take a Holiday Break That Will Improve Your Brain and Make You Happier.
On the other hand, this could also be a great time to catch up on projects and get organized. Cleaning and organizing your surroundings may also bring health benefits. You will instantly feel less stressed and distracted, which in turn means that you can go into bed calmly, relaxed and get a much better sleep. READ: Why Cleaning Your Room is Important
Music to Listen to While You Clean Up Your Room
Strategy #8: Curl up with a good book.
Book lovers love the holiday season. If you’re still in school, or if you have time off from your job during the holidays, what better way to enjoy your free days than with a good book. Munia Khan said, “Reading books is like wearing winter clothes; it covers and warms up the body of your naked soul.” Here are 10 reasons why winter is the best season to read.
The Best Places to Curl Up With a Good Book—According to Authors
Strategy #9: Tour the world (virtually).
Paradoxically, not being able to travel to our favourite holiday destination gives us more time to travel the entire globe, with the aid of the technology. DJs and professional singers and orchestras have taken to virtual platforms like YouTube, Zoom and Twitch to perform epic concerts. Check out these virtual tour / concert options:
60 Virtual Tours To Travel The World During The Coronavirus Pandemic
Tours of Bethlehem, Old Jerusalem, and so much more!
Strategy #10: Buy local. Shop from real people.
As the saying goes, “When you buy from a small business, an actual person does A LITTLE HAPPY DANCE.” The rise of online shopping during COVID lockdowns as well as forced closures has meant that our money has been directed to online giants such as Amazon and big box stores like Walmart. Large corporations have done well, while local, more specialized businesses have suffered. Many people have started small businesses as a way to earn some extra money or as a new career after being down-sized. This holiday season look for ways to support local businesses and restaurants while trying out something new. Most stores and eateries now offer online purchases with delivery and/or curb-side pick-up.
“When you buy from a small business, an actual person does a LITTLE HAPPY DANCE.”
Strategy #11: Support a worthy cause.
"Turns out, it's good for your health. A growing body of research shows that giving a gift, as well as volunteering or donating to charities, has a positive impact on your physical and mental health and can contribute to a longer life. They also promote healthy social connections and a sense of purpose. For some time, researchers have been measuring the benefits of giving, and their findings reveal that giving and volunteering help reduce stress and depression. They also promote healthy social connections and a sense of purpose." READ MORE...
"Charity Intelligence researches Canadian charities so that donors to be informed and give intelligently. Their website posts free reports on more than 800 Canadian charities, as well as in-depth primers on philanthropic sectors like Canada’s environment, cancer, and homelessness. Today over 360,000 Canadians use their website as a go-to source for information on Canadian charities reading over 1.3 million charity reports. Through rigorous and independent research, Charity Intelligence aims to assist Canada’s dynamic charitable sector in being more transparent, accountable and focused on results." READ MORE...
Plan. Proceed. Prosper.?
Maria Lizak, Ph.D., is co-founder and an Executive Business Director with National Best Financial Network, a network of independent insurance advisors and financial services professionals working collaboratively to empower advisors and their clients to succeed. She is also a registered Dealing Representative with Pinnacle Wealth Brokers, one of Canada’s largest Exempt Market Dealerships.
Maria's personal area of expertise is working with nearly-retired and retired Canadians who are looking for investments that provide them with income and / or profit-sharing opportunities. Through National Best, Maria can offer investments that provide a guaranteed retirement income, death benefit guarantees and estate planning benefits. Through Pinnacle Wealth Brokers, Maria can introduce her clients to well-researched private investment opportunities that target cash flow on a monthly or quarterly basis, independent of what is happening in the public markets.
Maria Lizak and her innovative team of financial professionals at National Best work collaboratively to mPower? clients to take control of their financial futures by providing solutions to manage debt and improve cash flow, protect income and assets, retire with dignity and live their dreams.
NOTE: The information presented here is for discussion purposes only. Neither the information presented in this article, nor any opinion expressed, constitutes a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any specific security or financial service. Any legal, tax or financial matters should be discussed with the appropriate professional. Advice specific to a particular person’s situation can only be given after a proper suitability and needs analysis has been conducted with a licensed professional. Pinnacle Wealth Brokers as an Exempt Market Dealer does not have any oversight over financial planning, advice or insurance services mentioned within this article. Approval # 20201002A
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