11 Steps to take your Goal from an Idea to Results

11 Steps to take your Goal from an Idea to Results

Throughout my career, managing multi-million dollar projects and teams distributed over multiple cities and even continents, I have never used the phrase ‘taking massive action’.

Somehow this phrase has infiltrated the entrepreneurial world as the way to get things done.

… and yes, if you don’t have a strategy, then ‘powering through’ becomes your only option!

What does it look like when you take a goal and apply a methodology that helps you achieve the results you are aiming for?

Here are the steps to take a goal from an idea to a successful result:

  1. Determine whether your goal is one worth pursuing by checking it against your current business vision and strategy.
  2. Redefine your goal by adding measures so you know when it has been accomplished.
  3. Check your goal against filters such as resources, budget, time and skills to confirm it’s viability.
  4. Identify strategies on how you will achieve your goal.
  5. Brainstorm all the work involved as well as any pre-requisites.
  6. Create logical work packages to minimize time, effort and costs.
  7. Prioritize the work packages to ensure you focus on the most important tasks first.
  8. Produce a Roadmap to help you track progress and keep the vision alive.
  9. Apply a system that helps you consistently deliver small wins and keeps you motivated.
  10. Add checkpoints to confirm whether your chosen strategies are working and course-correct if necessary.
  11. Celebrate your results!

This process may look somewhat overwhelming but when you follow it step-by-step it will help you achieve consistent results over and over again.

The doors to Your Most Productive Season are open for enrollment.

We start 1 June on a 3 month journey where you learn and apply a system that helps you consistently achieve your goals and change the way you work from here on forward.

Your Most Productive Season shows you how to take focused, deliberate and prioritized action; an altogether different option on how to accomplish results!


