11 Signs It’s Time to Move
Thinking of moving soon? Whether you’re sick of your job, sick of your neighbours or just need a change of scenery, there are plenty of reasons why it could be time for a change. Here are 11 common signs that it’s time to move on.
#1 Things are getting tight
Look around. Are things getting a bit tight in your household? If so, it may be time to move. One of the most obvious tell-tale signs that it’s time to move is when you notice you’re outgrowing your current space and have no room for anything more. Maybe you had a baby. Maybe an aging parent is moving in with you. Maybe you have visitors more often and need an extra guest room. Or maybe you just can’t turn around without tripping over all your stuff. Whatever the reason – when space is tight, you know it’s time to find a bigger place.
#2 You’re ready for an upgrade
If you’re ready to live in a nicer neighbourhood or in a nicer home and can afford the extra, it’s probably time for an upgrade. Many features, such as central air conditioning and heat, updated appliances, a modern kitchen, more storage space, a swimming pool, built-ins, and a larger yard may not come with the home you currently own. While sometimes you could renovate the current space and make some improvements, there’s a good chance that: A – those renovations will take longer than originally expected (they always do); B – it’s going to end up costing you more than the original estimate (it always does); and C – you’ll run into hiccups along the way, such as walls that are unable to come down or piping problems (roadblocks are inevitable). Also, there might not be much you can do to change some of your home’s current features (e.g. a small backyard, same location). You’ll have limitations to what you can change and it may not truly feel like the upgrade you desire.
#3 Job opportunity in a new city
Moving for a job is one of the most common (and most exciting) reasons for relocating to a new city. Maybe you’re hoping to accelerate your career. Or maybe you’re moving to the city that fits your specific industry. Whatever the reason, moving for work is an exhilarating and enjoyable time – pack your bags and get ready for your next adventure!.
#4 Suburban life is calling your name
After years of living amongst the hustle and bustle of the often congested city, many are ready to suck it up and make the move to the ‘burbs. Why? A lower cost of living, safe neighbourhoods, and good schools could explain why many couples and families move to the suburbs every year. Young couples looking for more room and a comfortable lifestyle to start a family are among the many looking to make the move from city chic to white picket fence. Not to mention, residents usually get more bang for their buck in terms of square footage and outdoor space, as compared to living in a city.
#5 There’s too much empty space in your home
Dust piling up in your home and can’t even remember where half the light switches are it’s been that long? It might be time to downsize. For the empty nesters, leaving a large home filled with memories can be a hard decision. But remember – less really is more. By downsizing, decluttering and moving to a home that better suits your current needs, you’ll be able to spend more time doing what you love and less time cleaning an empty house. Plus you could be left with some bonus spending money at the end to take a well deserved holiday or put that towards getting your dream location.
#6 Safety concerns and/or bad neighbours
One of the top reasons for moving is a lack of safety in the neighbourhood. If you feel that your street isn’t safe, then relocating to a new area and home may be the best way to remove yourself from a dangerous situation or uncomfortable living environment. Disruptive neighbours, loud dogs and environmental hazards are all good reasons to move to a new home. Your home should be a tranquil place to come back to at the end of the day and somewhere you enjoy spending your downtime.
#7 Your relationship changes
A change in a relationship is one of the most common reasons for relocating to a new home. If things are going well with your significant other, it may be time to move in together. If things are going sour, it may be time to move on (and out!) for good. Whatever the reason for your move, make sure you and your partner have a solid relocation plan.
#8 The commute is just way too much
Live far away from work? Or too far from family? The process of commuting – from fighting traffic to fighting for a seat – can be an extremely stressful experience. Over time, the daily grind of getting to and from work may be too much to handle. Or in turn, finding the spare time to make a long commute for family functions or the casual visit can be a real emotional stressor for those very family orientated. For this reason, many folks gladly pack their bags every year for the chance to live closer to work or family. Not only will moving closer to work grant you more sleep but it could also make you a healthier person. According to CNN, a shorter commute to work could increase your lifespan. The article reports that “there is a noticeable decline in health and well being if you have a longer commute.” How’s that for compelling?
#9 Your financial situation improves or worsens
Financial changes at home can have a big impact on where you live. For the lucky ones – those who inherit money, receive a raise or land a higher-paying job – this could mean possessing the financial resources to move to a new, nicer house. For the unlucky ones – those who lose a job or lose money somehow – this could mean having to downsize your home and lifestyle.
#10 Family commitments
Life doesn’t always go as planned. Whether it’s an aging parent in need or a partner’s job transfer, various family commitments and ties can mean making a move you never thought you’d have to make. Whatever the reason, try to stay as positive as possible about your upcoming relocation, you may actually enjoy the move more than expected.
#11 Your kids need better schools
Choosing a new home in a neighbourhood zoned for great schools is one of the top reasons thousands of families move every year and a great driver to relocate. Making sure your children have the best chance at a bright future is high priority for all parents, do your research and get into the right area early.
Whatever your reason to move, embrace this change and new beginning to the next chapter of your life. Good luck and happy moving!
Source: www.moving.com