#11: Scarcity =/= Value
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Book #11:?The Salmon Who Dared to Leap Higher?- Ahn Do-hyun
As I approached the end of March, I was tracking slightly behind my ideal pace of 1 book per week. I had saved this shorter, lighter reading option for just this situation. This book was recommended to me by my wife and is something completely different to what I would normally read - which is great!
The Salmon Who Dared to Leap Higher is a short story written by Korean poet Ahn Do-hyun. The story centres around ‘Silver Salmon’ who is different from the other fish in his school. At first this seems to lead to being outcast but by the end of the story Silver Salmon’s fortunes turn around.
The book is a very poetic analogy to life and touches on many topics briefly, such as what ‘speaking from the heart’ really means, how to focus on what is really important, and even ponders the meaning of life. It’s a charming read and I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to read a light and easy book that still delivers a big message and will make you think about how you live life.
I’ve rated it 4-stars as it surprised me with how thought-provoking a short and simple story can be. It has truly made me reflect on how I prioritise what is most important to me.
Takeaway #11: Scarcity shouldn’t always equal value
"Something doesn't have to be far off to be beautiful. It doesn't have to be on such a grand scale, either. And it doesn't need to vanish in the space of a moment."
This quote was my standout memory after finishing the book. I love how simple it is, yet for many people it is probably easy to dismiss in isolation.
Humans, in the main, consider the things most worth chasing in life to be those which are; hardest to achieve, furthest from our reach, and rare or fleeting in nature. We see this in some of the most central tenets of economics, where scarcity is a driver of value. It is the reason gold, art, money and status hold value and are almost universally desired.
Of course, many smarter people before me have realised there is more to life than scarce, material pursuits. In this story, our protagonist Silver Salmon reminds us of how simply this can be expressed by dreaming of chasing a rainbow - a myth told among the other salmon. The quote above comes from Silver Salmon’s companion in response to his musings about rainbows and how magical they are. It instantly reminded me that some of the most amazing things in my life are within arms reach almost daily.
Whether it is family, pets, or simple comforts like a cosy sofa, the simple things in life can also be beautiful. Try not to forget that!
Lesson #11: The early bird reads the book
I am behind schedule on my reading goal and need to find a way to increase my consistency. I think Morning reading is my best chance at (1) forming a habit and (2) achieving productive reading sessions.
I finished this book in one morning, on a recent lazy Sunday morning. It was short but over 100 pages, and that’s something I’ve never done before. So I will try to capitalise on the momentum and feeling of achievement and continue to get the biggest chunks of reading done in the mornings from now on.
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