#11: Recovery vs Rest
Dr Cameron Norsworthy
Flow & HUMAN Performance specialist and catalyst. Flow Coach to multiple World Champions, Scientist (PhD), Speaker, Author, Advisor, Athlete.
Welcome back! Thank you for showing up once again. Today, we're going to discuss a crucial aspect of your well-being: the importance of recovery. It's time to separate rest from recovery and understand how both contribute to your overall energy levels and inspiration.
Often, when we feel fatigued, tired, or drained, it's not just about needing more sleep or indulging in leisure activities like gaming or binge-watching Netflix. Recovery goes beyond that; it's about finding balance and renewing your energy and passion for what you love doing.
In my mind, I distinguish rest as the time to recharge our batteries, ensuring we get enough sleep, allow our muscles to recover, and eliminate any accumulated fatigue. On the other hand, recovery is about finding activities that bring back equilibrium. For instance, if you've been exerting yourself physically, spending time on a gentle stroll by the beach or in a nature park can be a form of recovery.
Conversely, if you've been confined to a desk or a room, engaging in a challenging physical activity like climbing a mountain can restore balance. It's crucial to make time for both rest and recovery in your routine.
I recall working with an Australian football player who prioritised rest and sleep but still experienced increasing levels of fatigue. Upon examining their recovery practices, we discovered that they never allowed themselves to take a proper break from the sport. They felt that going on a holiday or taking time off would hinder their progress. However, once we introduced regular short breaks, starting with one to three days and eventually a week-long holiday, their zest and energy returned, and their performance improved significantly.
So, here's your challenge for today: Take out your diary or schedule and plan dedicated recovery breaks. These breaks should not just be about rest but should incorporate activities that bring back your balance, vitality, and enthusiasm.
Find what resonates with you and make it a priority in your routine.
Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. See you next week!
Best regards,