#11 Planting seeds
Kristiana Stoyanova
Network Weaver ?? | Consultant & Trainer | Participatory Process Design & Facilitation ??
As I am writing this newsletter I am overlooking one of the biggest lakes of Sweden and embarking on a personal development journey of a new kind.
Spring is my favourite season, not only because my birthday is in April, but also because I love the symbolism of planting seeds for new things to be born.
Here is a little bit of an overview of the seeds I planted in the last month of March.
We kicked off the month with a workshop on women in leadership organised on the invitation of the Irish Council for International Students (ICOS) . 30+ women from 4 continents shared stories, and experiences, identified their strengths and got inspired to take action in their lives. But you know what's funny? The students inspired 'the teacher' because I, too, decided to take bold action and move 1 step closer to my dream - to strengthen the feminine principle in the world.
I called into being for my next women's gathering that will take place in end of June in Altradimora, thanks to our great host there Monica Lanfranco . The intention behind is to empower women and to discover what type of women's leadership can bring forth a sustainable and prosperous future for all. For now we have 7 spots available. AND - big news - a couple of amazing collaborations will take place there, but more information on that later in April.
At the end of the month, I hosted the first event in Varna of Accelerator, the newest project in the civic space in Bulgaria. Aiming to bridge the business, political and civil sectors we hosted 200 people from different sectors. We presented the programme of the project and our goals for the upcoming months. Having in mind the current political instability in Bulgaria and the upcoming elections which will be both national and European it's of high importance to keep the dialogue between different stakeholders in the Bulgarian society so that trust can be regained.
The next seed that I planted in March is a training on Peace and conflict resoltuion which will take place in the Council of Europe youth center in Budapest. It is organised by Erasmus Student Network and together with a team of 4 more trainers we will host 35 young people from all over Europe and beyond. The topic is especially relevant given the current international affairs and conflicts, but also we will look at it on the level of interpersonal conflicts in teamwork, for example, and inner conflicts we might have within ourselves.
There are a few more details that happened in March but I'll keep them for the next newsletter. Meanwhile I would like to invite you all to play Flow games, I'm offering two free Flow games for this community on 22nd and 23rd of April. Flow game is a game of questions and it can bring peace and resolution on many levels ranging from inner conflicts, teams or organisations. Here is the link if you would like to sign up . I hope to see you there!
With love,