11+ medical words that are used incorrectly
Efrain Miranda, Ph.D.
CEO, Clinical Anatomy Associates, Inc and Medical Devices Consultant
Lecturing on Medical Terminology, Clinical Anatomy, Medical History, Sales, and basics of Surgery for so many years, I have developed an appreciation for proper language in medical communication. I can understand that sometimes medical professionals use vernacular language to convey information to patients, but I have seen and heard too many mistakes. The following lists some medical terms that are used incorrectly. I call them my "pet peeves" in medical communication.
1. In the heart, heart valves, and valve ring valvuloplasty arena, everybody talks about the “anulus” of the different valves, but most everybody misspells this term. The word anulus originates from the Latin term “anulus” meaning “ring”. The proper way of writing it is ANULUS not ANNULUS, with a double "n"
2. The word “process” is English. therefore its plural form should be pronounced as “processes” not with a Latinized inflection as “processiiis”.
3. The inflammation of a tendon is “tendonitis”, not “tendinitis”. The root term for tendon is "tendon" (no changes). The term originates separately from the Latin "tendere", to stretch, and originally from the Greek [τ?νω} meaning " to stretch" or "sinew". The term was wrongly changed in medieval times to "tendin-" and this mistake has stuck through time.
4. When there is an excess amount of fluid in the pericardium, that is known as a pericardial effusion. Left untreated, the pericardial effusion can lead to a drastic reduction in cardiac function. This is called a cardiac "tamponade”, not a “tamponaade” (with a French accent) and please don’t call it a “tapenade” (I have heard it), a delicious dish consisting of puréed or finely chopped olives, capers, anchovies and olive oil!
5. The singular form for “criteria” is “criterium”. The following is wrong: “only one criteria was used to make the decision”. The proper sentence should be "only one criterium was used to make the decision".
6. When using a scope to examine the fundus of the uterus, the procedure is a funduscopic procedure, not fundoscopic! It is more euphonic I agree, but not correct!
7. In spinal anatomy, the term “a facet joint” is most commonly used, but the term should be pronounced with the accent on the first syllable as in “fácet”! And just to be a bit more correct, the proper term for a so-called “facet joint” is “zygapophyseal joint”. The term "facet" is also used to denote each small surface in a diamond.
8. In colon pathology a “diverticulum” is an outpouching of the colon wall. The plural form for “diverticulum” is diverticula. The terms diverticul? or diverticuli are not correct
9. The terms centigrade and centimeter are derivate from the Latin word “centus”, meaning “one hundred”, as in "centurion", a Roman Army commander of one hundred soldiers. Therefore, the French-like pronunciation of centimeter and centigrade with a nasal initial "a", although cool, is not correct!
10. Lately, there is a trend within cardiothoracic surgeons to use the terms "thoratomy", "thoracentesis", "thorascope", and "thorascopy". This is incorrect. The root term for thorax (or chest) is [thorac-], which arises from the Greek [θ?ρακα] (thóraka) meaning "chest". By definition, root terms are not to be shortened. So, the proper terms to be used are "thoracotomy", "thoracocentesis", "thoracoscope", and "thoracoscopy"
11. Finally, my top pet peeve: The words “anatomy” and “dissection” are actually synonymous. Anatomy has a Greek origin. [Ana] means “apart” and [otomy] is the “process of cutting”: “to cut apart” Dissection has a Latin origin and means exactly the same! In fact, for many years the term “to anatomize” was used instead of “to dissect”!
Where is the problem? In the pronunciation! “dissection” should rhyme with “dissent”, "fissure", and "dissolve". If you do not believe me, just follow this link and try to pronounce any of the words listed differently. The fact that a terms is used wrongly by many, does not make it correct. For a complete article on this one word, click here.
1. “"The Doctor’s Dyslexicon: 101 pitfalls in medical language" John H. Dirckx The American Journal of Dermatopathology. 27(1):86-88, FEBRUARY 2005 DOI: 10.1097/01.dad.0000148282.96494.0f PMID: 15677983
2. " Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions" John H. Dirckx, Editor
3. "The Origin of Medical Terms" Skinner, HA 1970 Hafner Publishing Co.
4. "Lexicon of Orthop?dic Terminology" M. Diab. 1999. Amsterdam Hardwood Academic Publishers.
Thanks to Serious Eats for their delicious tapenade recipe, as well as their permission to use their tapenade image.
a. This article is one of many written in "Medical Terminology Daily".
b. Google Translate includes a speaker icon. Clicking on it will allow you to hear the pronunciation of the word.
Urgent Care and Corrective Chiropractic and Rehabilitative Services
5 天前facet is from the French facette, meaning small face. Taber's and Stedmans have the older pronunciation, and my Mosby's has the more modern pronunciation. I prefer the older, but neither is incorrect.
Japanese interpreter and Cat behaviorist
1 年You think those are bad, you should see vet medicine. I can’t tell you how many people ask for “the bordello” shot
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1 年Thank you for sharing your "pet peeves" relating to medical and anatomical terminology, both here and during your lectures to the Engineering group at AtriCure!
Emergency Physician | Top Communication Voice | AI & Leadership Expert | Transforming Teams Through Tech & Strategic Innovation | Speaker & Educator | Let's work together to elevate your organization ??
1 年I couldn't agree more, proper language in medical communication is crucial. ??