11 - The Importance of Your Ego

11 - The Importance of Your Ego

As a free thinker who shares his findings in more than 20 years of research and clinical achievements based on OntoPsiquis?, the theory I developed with my colleague, Dr. Claudia Behn-Eschenburg, supports both the name "Changing the Observer" and the fact of not telling you the same thing everyone says or accepts.

Reading "Importance" and "Ego" may alarm you because we have been educated with disqualifications directed at the Ego.

Psychology focuses on what you do and how you behave. It works on your conscious mind to contain and control your subconscious and looks for acceptable ways for you to manage yourself.

Psychoanalysis, on the other hand, studies the unconscious and its role in creating your meanings.

It is necessary to combine both approaches, since they converge in some way in the fact that the ego "develops at an early age" from the life impulse (Id) and "is built throughout life" and must be limited.

The ego seeks a vital, functional balance, in harmony with the unconscious, in a realm of supposed conscious control.

We care about the conflict that arises when the unconscious is subordinated to what "should" be, and we are critical of #education, which fixes behavior by standardizing people.

In OntoPsiquis? we affirm that we are born with an essential personality type or ontotype, (see #2 y #6 of this newsletter) strongly determined by our genetics, which is the basis of our response to the outside world, our experiences and the meanings we create.

We describe 56 different ways of being and thinking about what matters.

Genetics predispose you to empathy and relationships, or fear and control, or competition and investment in the outside world. It determines how you perceive yourself, how you measure your resources and reactions, how you value the outside world in terms of what it demands of you and its judgments when you follow your unconscious motivation to want, do, and achieve.

A few years ago I discovered two new parts of the psyche that I called Exo and Nomos.

Exo: Your unconscious representation of your external reality.

Nomos: Unconscious protection that ensures the satisfaction of the Id against the duty dictated by the superego.

Balance is difficult in this equation:

Id + Nomos + Exo + Superego = Ego = Self

In our book we have diagrams that explain the structure of each of the groups mentioned in #2 and why there is no single acceptable form of the Ego.

The greater the assault on the Ego from the culture, the more it will be inflamed in order not to go away. Egoitis must be avoided.

Denying your Ego is denying yourself.

When you do this, you disappear; you make it easier for your environment to control you.

Your Ego and everything built around it is equivalent to your Self.

Defend it!

If you prefer, you can also subscribe to the original version of this newsletter to read the articles in Spanish, by clicking on https://www.dhirubhai.net/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7279162648607244288

  • Find out about my career and work at


  • Social media / Books (three awarded in 2024)


Next Monday, “Denying others causes conflict"

#dranibalsantoro #ontopsiquis #thinscen #HR #consultancy #consulting #inner #strengthening #coaching, #psychoanalytic #psychotherapy


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