11 Ideas for Surfing the Post-Hibernation Wave
Kirrily Dear
I'm unifying Australian communities to reach Zero DFV // I write and speak about pushing personal limits.
Your steely resolve compels you to be out on the ocean; watching, preparing.
We know that when the government starts taking the brakes off the economy, the money will flow again. A new economic Spring will bloom. The floodgates will slowly crack open. A wave of new activity will surge on the horizon. Pick whatever metaphor pleases you, we know 'it' is coming. What we don't know is it's shape, timing and dynamics.
Right now, business leaders have two choices. The fact you are reading this tells me which one you selected. The unknown hasn't sent you scurrying into a cave, to hide your face in a dark corner. Your steely resolve compels you to be out on the ocean; watching, preparing.
These 11 ideas will help position your sales and marketing for a strong take-off, when that wave appears. The list below includes ideas for;
- Stimulating cashflow
- Strengthening relationships
- Planning future scenarios
- Pitching stronger
Watch the video below for more detail on key points from EWO Director, Kirrily Dear, or read the full list below.
Ideas for Stimulating Cashflow
When businesses start to gear up again, they will still be reticent to spend. It will take time for confidence to return. It will be beneficial to have opportunities for companies to spend, without significant risk attached. Here are some ideas to brainstorm with your team. Afterwards, prioritise the options that are low risk and deliver a high return, for both your company and the client.
1. Add-ons
What are some small-scale products and services that complement your company's core offering? These may be things you already do but haven't developed as a 'stand-alone' offering. Alternatively, it may be products and services that you can resell for a margin. Hunt for small bites that can feed into bigger sales later.
2. Smaller chunks
Can you break down your core offering into smaller parts? Aim to remove budget limitations as a barrier to buying and give the client a greater sense of control.
Ideas for Strengthening Relationships
When your target clients start spending again, you want to make sure you are the supplier of choice. There is no better time than now to invest in strengthening relationships. Show your clients you are committed for the long haul, rather than just a fair-weather friend.
3. Up-skill your clients' teams
If your clients are buying from your company, chances are you have capabilities that they don't. Offer to provide online training to share some of those capabilities to their key employees. The flow-on benefits are many including;
- making it easier for you to do your job in the future
- increasing the client's capacity to maximise the return on the money they spend with you
- buying your priceless goodwill.
4. Multi-level relationships
When everyone is busy, it's hard to get time with all the influencers within your client companies. Videoconferencing is on-trend right now and spare capacity means making appointments is easier. Use this time to get to know more people, and let them get to know you and your team.
5. New business conversations
Now is a fantastic time to kick start new relationships with future clients and referral partners. In many sectors, there is a very low likelihood of sales opportunities soon. This means you have the time to get to know people before starting conversations about work.
Ideas for Planning Future Scenarios
We all want our companies to be back to health as soon as possible. The question is, what does business in the future look like? If anything, the future has become even more unpredictable as a result of the economic hibernation. Now is the time to get our heads around how we can respond to different scenarios.
6. Market intelligence
What will be the dynamics within your key markets for the next 1 to 2 years? What will be the priorities of businesses? How will they respond to changes in circumstance? These are all fantastic questions to be researched during this period. Interview key stakeholders within markets. Speak to your clients. Research expert opinions online.
7. Value proposition
If market dynamics change then your value proposition to those markets will also have to change. Experiment 'on paper' with how you may position the offering of your company differently in the future. What might be the implications for your company's operations?
8. Value-generating culture
Jack Welch famously said culture eats strategy for breakfast. Your company culture is the primary driver of value for your clients. It is one of the few areas of business where smart investment guarantees a return. How can you improve the way you engage the hearts and minds of your team in generating value for clients?
Ideas for Pitching Stronger
Now is also the time to sharpen your sales and marketing. This will ensure your future efforts to generate new business are efficient and effective.
9. Core messaging
Are your sales and marketing messages telling the most compelling story possible? Have you given your clients a no-brainer reason to choose you? How well does your team understand that message? How well are they communicating it?
10. Case studies
Case studies one of the most significant gaps we see in a client's sales arsenal. Clients struggle to get case studies written up when things are busy. So this is the ideal time to catch up. Invest effort in writing case studies that tell a compelling story. The purpose of case studies it to provide evidence of the value you deliver for clients. Imagine a business newspaper is featuring your project on its front page. How would a journalist pitch the story? What would be the headline?
11. Digital advantages
The economic hibernation, and its root causes, have catapulted us into a new digital era. For example, a remote workforce is now a reality for many businesses. What advantages might these new capabilities give to your clients? Update your features and benefits lists to showcase these new capabilities.