11 Energy Drains That Are Keeping You Stuck & Clouding Your Vision
Reality is a game of energy.
There are some who use this knowledge to control others.
There are some who use this knowledge to free themselves and open the door for others to free themselves.
The state of your energy is the nexus point that your reality orbits around.
When you drain and pollute your energy, here’s what happens:
In this article, I’m going to highlight 11 of the most common energy drains.
Chances are, at least some of these are keeping you stuck and clouding your vision.
Note: For each of the energy drains, there are three sections:
1) Current Events
What is it?
New mindset: Focus on your life here and now. This is your place of power. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Practice: Do an information detox where you at least stop consuming news.
2) Gossip
What is it?
New mindset: Gossip is toxic. Speak and connect with others in more loving, creative, intentional ways.
Practice: Have deep conversations instead of just talking about what other people are doing.
3) Attachment/Control
What is it?
New mindset: Let go and surrender to a higher power.
Practice: Whenever you experience a negative thought or emotion, just observe it and let it pass. Every time you do this, you strengthen your letting go muscle.
4) Reactivity & Judgment
What is it?
New mindset: You don’t need to judge everything as good or bad. Not everything requires a reaction. You can live and let live.
Practice: Practice being in the space between a situation and your reaction. In that space is your key to freedom.
5) People Pleasing
What is it?
New mindset: It’s okay to say no and have boundaries.
Practice: Fill your cup first (but don’t forget to help others from your overflow).
6) Being In Your Head
What is it?
New mindset: Feel into your body, intuit reality through your heart space.
Practice: Practice breathing into your heart and receiving higher wisdom instead of getting caught up in overthinking.
7) Busyness/Rushing
What is it?
New mindset: Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Practice: Prioritize and be more methodical to be more productive overall (with less stress).
8) Distractions
What is it? Anything that distracts you from your spiritual growth and higher purpose.
New mindset: Presence.
Practice: Be fully present with whatever you’re doing. Be intentional with every choice you make.
9) Unresolved Emotions
What is it?
New mindset: Face and let go of unresolved emotions.
Practice: Notice your reactions and feel into the underlying emotions.
10) Procrastination
What is it?
New mindset: Commit to daily habits and focus on the process, instead of overwhelming yourself.
Practice: Commit to a simple daily habit to make progress toward a goal.
Example: Let’s say you want to write a book. When you think about everything it takes to write a whole book, it’s easy to overwhelm yourself. So what happens? You procrastinate. Instead, just focus on writing every day for 30 minutes.
11) Not Enoughness
What is it?
New mindset: Feeling inherently worthy, regardless of performance or circumstance.
Practice: Bring awareness to your self talk and be lighthearted about it.
Practices That Clear & Upgrade Your Energy
Okay those were 11 of the biggest energy drains for most people.
Now let’s talk about some of the best practices to clear and upgrade your energy.
Here they are:
The more of these practices you do on a daily basis, the more you purify and uplift your energy.
On top of that, you also become more resilient to the energy drains highlighted above.
The Ultimate Keys
I need to mention two more things before we wrap up here…
The simplest and most potent qualities to help you avoid energy drains and free yourself to live your best life.
Presence is the alpha and omega of personal development.
It’s so simple, but everything good in life emerges from presence.
The more present you can be, the better everything gets.
When you’re present, you naturally shore up energy drains and find yourself serendipitously guided along your highest path.
There’s no need to take everything so seriously. Seriousness is based in fear.
Make it a practice to bring lightheartedness into every situation.
This could be joy, play, humor, bliss, compassion, love, etc.
Yes, life will always have challenges, but you don’t need to create more suffering for yourself.
When you practice lightheartedness, you’ll be surprised by how it can be applied to any situation and how it effortlessly allows you to walk your highest path.
Lightheartedness is the way of the master. Remember that.
Is This One of Your Goals?
The 11 energy drains I described can block you from achieving ANYTHING.
One of the big goals I see most people sabotage this way is writing a book.
So if you want to write a book…
Free Live Workshop: The 4 Keys to Prolific Writing
On Saturday October 19, I’m hosting a free online workshop.
If you want to be more consistent with your writing and/or write a book, this workshop is for you.
In this workshop, you will:
Register here: https://prolificwritingworkshop.carrd.co/
See you there.
Much love,
Stephen Parato
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